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UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

7 bytes added, 08:41, 4 March 2017
/* Drivers */
The driver's capabilities are:
* Detection of the uIDE card, unloads if not found.
* Provides 6 5 CP/M drives C: D: E: F: G: H:. This is appears to be a limitation of the Amstrad CP/M Plus memory map and there may be a workaround (no promises though).
* Is compatible with the CP/M Plus M: drive.
* Provides additional drives under Locoscript - H: I: J: K: L:.* Each drive is 8MB in size, and supports 512 directory entries shared between the 16 user areas.
* A formatter and some IDE test utilities are provided as part of the driver suite (see above). Use the formatter to prepare a CF card or DOM prior to use. Use the test utility to verify that your uIDE is connected properly and the DOM or CFD card is compatible.