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Converted GX4000 Software

158 bytes added, 20:46, 10 April 2016
! Description / Comment
! File
||[[1943 - The Battle of Midway]]|| 1986 || Elite Systems ||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>J1B2/J2B2=P1/P2 Roll, Pause=Smart Bomb for both players.<br/>
Menu scren : J1B2/J2B2=Choose P1/P2 || [[Media:1943 - The Battle of Midway.rar | 1943 - The Battle of Midway.rar]]
||[[1942]]|| 1986 || Elite Systems ||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>J2B1/B2=1/2 Player game. Pause=Pause, J1B1=Unpause, J1B2=Roll || [[Media:1942.rar | 1942.rar]]
||[[1943 - The Battle of Midway]]|| 1988 || Go! ||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>J1B2/J2B2=P1/P2 Roll, Pause=Smart Bomb for both players.<br/> Menu scren : J1B2/J2B2=Choose P1/P2 || [[Media:1943 - The Battle of Midway.rar | 1943 - The Battle of Midway.rar]]
||[[2048]]|| 2014 || Futur Anterieur || No || Converted by Phantomz and CraigsBar<br/>Multi Cart, with Version Mode 0 and Mode 1<br/>Turn Music On or Off with Console Pause Button || [[Media:2048.rar | 2048.rar]]
||[[Super Seymour Saves The Planet!!]]|| 1992 || Codemasters Software ||No|| Converted by Phantomz || [[Media:Super Seymour Saves The Planet!!.rar |Super Seymour Saves The Planet!!.rar]]
||[[Super Skweek]]|| 1990 || Loriciels ||No|| Converted by dragon<br/>Pause=Pause, J1B1/B2=Fire1/Fire2, J2B1=Suicide || [[Media:Super Skweek.rar |Super Skweek.rar]]
||[[Super Sprint]]|| 1987 || Activision ||No|| Converted by yurif74 || [[Media:Super Sprint.rar |Super Sprint.rar]]