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Format:SNA snapshot file format

482 bytes added, 14:15, 23 August 2014
/* Memory */
E5 03 11 = 11 11 11
E5 00 = E5
=== Breakpoint chunk (Winape emulator specific) ===
Breakpoint chunk has the name "BRKS".
The chunk contains 1 or more breakpoints.
Each breakpoint has the form:
2 byte address
1 byte code (0=base 64K RAM, 1 = extended RAM)
2 bytes condition
=== Inserted disc images (Winape emulator specific) ===
There are two chunks. 'DSCA' and 'DSCB'.
DSCA is for drive A and DSCB is for drive B.
The chunk contains a string which is the path to the disk image inserted into that drive.
== Memory ==