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465 bytes added, 16:17, 16 December 2012
/* Technical */
On the underside, 10 pins are all connected together and are "signal ground", 7 pins are not connected.
"no paper" is an active high signal, so it is high or 1 when there is no paper."busy" is an active high signal, and will be set for busy, offline or an error. The software uses databits D1 and D2. The following code is used: LD C,&0 RES 2,A CALL READ_STATUS SET 2,A CALL READ_STATUS CALL READ_STATUS LD A,C AND A,&3C . . .   READ_STATUS: LD B,&EF RES 1,A OUT (C),A SET 1,A OUT (C),A LD B,&F5 PUSH AF IN A,(C) AND A,&40 OR A,C LD C,A POP AF RRC C RET  3 busy states are recorded. 3 values are checked. &00 -> on line, has paper&08 -> on line, no paper&28 -> off line other...? The interface is supported by Brunword Eliteand Brunword ROM version.
The software uses databits D1 and D2, exact operation not yet determined, to collect the acknowledge, busy and paper out status using the busy input on the CPC's parallel port.