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2,987 bytes added, 19:31, 24 October 2011
The application runs under CP/M with at least one floppy disk drive and a memory of 128 kByte, better with at least 62 Kbytes TPA (free space available under a patched CP/M2.2 or - of course - plus / 3), and a monitor 80 characters per line (which is included by the purchased standard monitors GT &amp; GTM - they managed this resolution by default). Multiplan runs on all CPCs of the old (and new) generation, provided the computers 464 and 664 had a memory expansion (eg. [[Vortex Expansions RAM card|VORTEX]], or other, similar additional hardware). A printer could be accessed via the Centronics interface. The operation of a second floppy drive was recommended in terms of a more comfortable work. Also it is highly recommended that a CP/M patch for fast textout is applied in terms for "ergonomically" working.&nbsp;All files of the original Multiplan version being used on the usual 170 kByte 135 kByte floppy (without operating system).
== '''a MULTIPLAN description in short<br>''' ==
[[Image:Alpha command.png|left|Alpha command.pngpicture 2 - "Text input"]]The command "<u>'''ALPHAA'''</u>'''LPHA'''" it is possible to insert text only. Just press '''[TAB ] '''oder the Initial '''inital '''or '''key-stroke '''"A" (or in other languages its analog character). If '''[RETURN ] '''is pressed the next cell is highlighted. If a '''[CURSOR&nbsp;KEY ] '''is pressed the next cell is highlighted AND it is possible to enter either a&nbsp;number, a&nbsp;text&nbsp;or a&nbsp;formula to the corresponding text (= quick method for data input).
VALUES Values could be a number between 0-9, ",", "=", "+", "-", "(", ")" oder double quotes itself.
To insert a number, figure or a formula press TAB until you reach "<u>'''VALUEV'''</u>'''ALUE'''" or press its initial. Normally you put in a number between 0-9. Nothing else, but a formula.<br>With '''formulas '''you can let the computer calculate stuff for you. And - the same way as it is in Excel or other modern spreadsheet applications - you to tell it what to do.[[Image:Formula_Command.png|right|picture 2 - "Formula and Equations"]] In the picture on the right you'll see a relative cell relation from the result cell where you have been starting. For inserting a formula just press V or "=" Key.<br>Together with formulas comes the command <u>'''N'''</u>'''AME'''. Multiplan is able to define a certain name for a certain cells or range of cells. Why? Manpower tends to cope with its enviroment in an easier way if it is built up visual. That means: it is easier for mankind to remind a name than a quantity of figures (mainly if it has more than 5 to 7 digits). The brain abstracts a name and put it togeter with experiences which can be called up very fast and ...easy. That's all. For the same reason a mnemonic (=&nbsp;crib) code was established for the assembler language insteand of working with binary digits. Came back:&nbsp;it is possible to assamble a formula with the help of cell names instead their absolut positions in the coordinates system. A name is independent from its content. It is possible to delete the content the name still is available. To delete a name you have to delete in NAME the " refer to:..." relationship.<br>Despite the fact that every name "wastes" a byte or more in the spread sheet and therefore rare memory will decrease, the fact that multiplan can apply ONE name over a certain range and a formula which uses a name out of that range and still knows&nbsp;the relation&nbsp;is a quite unique technique. Even MS Excel can't do this in that easy way.
For changing a cell / row /&nbsp;coloumn format you will enter the "<u>'''FORMATF'''</u>'''ORMAT'''" command. Their options are "Cells, Default, Options, Width". With "Cells" you're able to define a single cells appearance (alignment or format-code). Alignment could be: Default, Center, Block, Left or Right. Format-code could be: Default, Continous, Exponential, Fix Comma Number, Block, Integer, Currency, Chart, Percent, no changes. (Default means for text &gt; left alignement, and for figures &gt; right alignement, no decimals and currency).
By the way: To define or operate over a '''range&nbsp;'''of cells&nbsp;it is necessary to use a '''COLON colon '''between two cell-item-specification (e.g. &nbsp;R1C1:R1C6 = is a range of six cells among each other. If you want to change a format e.g. for only a certain line you specificate the range like that R1C1:63 (last cell in that line) . So the next 62 cells right from R1C1 have the same specification like R1C1. If you specificate the range like this R1C1:C63 than all cells in a range R1C1 to last Row in sheet and C63 will be adapted (and could take a very long time!). With the command <u>'''I'''</u>'''NSERT''' or <u>'''D'''</u>'''ELETE''' you are able to insert or delete a certain number of rows or coloumns before or after the highlighted cell. The command <u>'''B'''</u>'''LANK '''is as easy as it is&nbsp;said. Delete a cells content or put a blank in it. Just a matter of the point of view. <u>'''C'''</u>'''OPY '''let the applications copy the highlighted cells (content or formula) in a self-explaining way (possibilities can be right, down and "from... to...&nbsp;" is possible, but that's enough). For loading and saving your sheets you can use the <u>'''T'''</u>'''RANSFER '''command. Enhance the file name with the driver letter for changing the data storing enviroment.
With the command "'''INSERT'''" or "'''DELETE'''" you are able to insert or delete a certain number of rows or coloumns before or after the highlighted cell.
== Sources ==