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Mainboard Versions

248 bytes added, 13:17, 19 September 2010
/* GX4000 */ Added 300 dpi scans of the 2700-017P-4_MC0123C_K4 board without the modulator
|[[File:GX 4000 MC0123C K4 bilgisayarlarim 736001086319 MA.jpg|100px]] || || '''Board: 2700-017P-4, MC0123C, Copyright 1990, K4'''<br>Looks same as above (only the "K4" text near the LED changed).
|[[File:GX4000_PCB_Top_(2700-017P-4_MC0123C_K4).jpg|100px]] || [[File:GX4000_PCB_Bottom_(2700-017P-4_MC0123C_K4).jpg|100px]] || '''Board: 2700-017P-4, MC0123C, Copyright 1990, K4'''<br>The same board as the above one, but without the modulator.
|[[File:Cpcmania GX4000 without modulator.jpg|100px]] || || '''Board: 27...?, MC...?, Copyright 1990, K3''' (without TV modulator)<br>Version without TV Modulator installed, and with IC101 replaced by 4 transistors (used in French models; where the PAL modulator would be useless).