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SYMBiFACE II:Rewriteable roms

655 bytes added, 00:21, 26 August 2006
This article decribes, how to map the '''rewriteable ROMs''' of the [[SYMBiFACE II]] card into the ram area, so that you can change its content.

== Mechanisms ==

Please note, that the following commands ignore all values. So it doesn't matter, what you "out". When you "inp" you won't get any senseless numbers.

* INP &FD17 -> show the current ROM (selected by #df00) between #4000 and #7fff. No it can be read and rewritten.
* OUT &FD17 -> disable the previouse mentioned ROM write mode.
* OUT &FD11 -> disable all SYMBiFACE II Roms. You won't find any additional ROMS anymore, only the CPCs' inbuilt ones.
* INP &FD11 -> enable the SYMBiFACE II roms.