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,/* CPC Plus:R129 aka R29 (10kOhm) - Disc Vers Enable */
'''Purpose Unknown !!!'''
* The ASIC (where R129 connects to) should hava have nothing to do with the FDC. However, it does control the AMSDOS ROM bank selection: translating ROM bank 7 (or 0) to cartridge bank 3. However, bank 7 is used by the Burnin' Rubber boot-menu, so bank 7 must exist regardless of R129.* Possibly, The ASIC does output some FDC related signals /MOTOR and /FDC. Maybe removing R129 might disable disables these, though that feature (so cartridge bank 3 could would be only accessed as ROM bank 83h, but of not as ROM bank 7too much use (unless one wants to disable an internal FDC, nor 0in order to use an external FDC instead of it).
This is not verified, can somebody test what happens when installing/removing R129 ?