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644 bytes added, 21:37, 20 August 2006
/* amstradbladet */
[[Image:Amstradbladet.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Amstradbladet Frontpage]]

A Danish magazine running from 1984 to 1988.

Amstrad CPC was a late entry in the danish computing scene. Commodore
was already established(since 1982), when the Amstrad CPC arrived in October 1984 in Denmark.

Amstrad was the most succesfull compared to any other homecomputer(except Commodore)
in Danmark of the 80s. After the closure of Amstradbladet the dominance of Commodore was apparent i Denmark.

A dedicated group of people left of when Amstradbladet closed, and started
[[Amstrad Bruger Bladet]]. Amstrad Bruger Bladet published its last issue in November 1989.