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Rick Dangerous 128+

215 bytes added, 18:39, 9 December 2009
Rick Dangerous 128+ is an extended version of Rick Dangerous for the Amstrad 6128+ with the aim to include extra PLUS features thanks too the extended memory.
It will be released in 2009 and is actually (11/11/2009) in final testing period.
- [[MacDeath]] : Ingame graphics
==Special Thanks==
- [|] : 16bits levels and ressources
- [[Targhan]] from [[Arkos]] : FDC tools code
- MetalBrain : Exomizer cruncher code
- [[Madram]] from [[Overlanders]] : AYC player code
- Fkey : YM cruncher
(soon)Release date : December 24th 2009
[[Category:CPC_Plus]] [[Category:Games]] [[Category:Games_2009]]