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344 bytes added, 23:50, 8 December 2008
Silicon Storm... What is it? Never heard about before... 
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:@TFM, lease provide some sources about this mystical "silicon storm" during the next 7 days, otherwise we have to revert the entry again. [[User:Prodatron|Prodatron]]
&nbsp;Silicon.SToRM&nbsp;is the project name of the SymbiFace III&nbsp;prototype boards. The informations regarding that name in this article are substantially wrong, as the<br>&nbsp;SF3 / Silicon.SToRM provides neither a RAM-Extension, a ROM-Extension nor something else, that is allready provided by the SF2.<br>&nbsp;Informations about that prototype should be considered absolutly confidential until i release them myself to the public. to just avoid such missinformations&nbsp;! <br>&nbsp;Unfortunatly i talked to TFM&nbsp;about my current work. Not a good idea as it shows. Thank you much TFM!&nbsp; -&nbsp; I reverted the article to the previous state.&nbsp; [[Dr.Zed|Dr.Zed]]
@Dr. Zed: Sorry dass ich das Wort verwendet habe, hatte eben gerade Zeit und wollte die Seite auf dem aktuellen Stand halten. Ich habe ja sonnst nichts kommentiert. No informations have been provided here at all, nothing bad has happened.
@Prodatron: "We have to revert" - ja Euer Majestät! Your luck that it is far under my level to treat the SymbOS article like you try to treat the FutureOS article. It was an error to support you with my Floppy Disc routines for SymbOS,&nbsp;just to see you&nbsp;-&nbsp;my friend - falling me in my back again and again.&nbsp;[[TFM|TFM]]
::Guys, guys,'''PLEASE CALM DOWN EVERYBODY!'''&nbsp;I don't think that TMF TFM commited such a crime. He hinted at some project noone knew about, as far as community goes I find this funny and exciting. True, the project's owner may object to it, but the truth is that no details were given. No need to jump on each other's throat, I think, and really no need for reversion threats... things have been bumpy in the past, let's try and be more courteous.:: @TFM: (btw, please write in english. I get most of it in german, but not all of it and not all the time) Although I don't think this was a serious, ehm, offense, please do try and keep in mind other members' sensitivities. If someone lets you into a project that is under development, there's no point in announcing it before consulting with them... don'y you think?? [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 19:50, 8 December 2008 (UTC) <br> Ok, no problem, in future all in english. I was not thinking that a little change in this site will force that strong reactions. So I'm happy that some guys have still strong interest at FutureOS&nbsp;;-) However there is enough time. I can wait and if the time is right I will add some updates here. Bye, [[TFM|TFM]].