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393 bytes added, 18:51, 5 August 2006
BSC was a coder and a musician of the german CPC scene.

== Releases ==

* BSC Demo 1
* BSC Demo 2
* BSC Demo 3
* BSC Demo 4
* BSC Demo 5
* BSC Demo 6
* BSC Demo 7
* BSC Demo 8
* [[BSC Megademo]] (1991)
* [[Soundtrakker]] 1.0 (1992)
* Soundtrakker 128 (1993)

== Groups ==

BSC was member of the following groups:

* [[Commotion]] (1987-1988)
* [[GCS]] (1988-1993)
* [[SymbiosiS]] (since 1993)