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35 bytes added, 23 October
/* Demoscene */
*[ Les Sucres en morceaux (FR)] all the news relating to the productions of "Les Sucres en Morceaux" and many articles relating to the Amstrad CPC.
*[ Amstrad Museum (FR)] Website of the CPC graphic artist Eric (Titan) Cubizolle
*[ Barjack (FR)] Website of the CPC graphic artist [[Barjack / Praline]]
*[ Batman Group (ES)] Twitter of the Amstrad and Amiga Demogroup [[Batman Group]]
*[ Tom&Jerry GPA (FR)] The page of [[GPA]] Demogroup
*[ Vanity] The page of [[Vanity]] Demogroup
*[ Shinra] The page of [[Shinra]] Demogroup
*[ Praline] The page of [[Praline]] Demogroup
*[ TAF] The page of [[TAF]] Demogroup