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185 bytes added, 9 September
/* Code breakpoints */
Each code breakpoint:
1 byte type origin (see note 1)
4 bytes 32-bit winape memory address (see note 2)
* 1. unknown what this is currently forthe origin of the breakpoint:1 - 'user'. Added by the user clicking in the left margin of the disassembly view in the debugger.4 - 'assembler'. Added by the user clicking in the left margin in the assembler window. 
* 2. Winape's addressing scheme is 4 bytes. The upper 16-bits effectively define the internal 64KB pages it uses. Bit 31 will be set if the 'count' is used and present in the file. Bit 30 will be set if the 'condition' is used and present in the file.