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765 FDC

No change in size, 10 July
Usually single sided 40-track 3" disk drives are used in CPCs. For practical purposes, 42 tracks could be used — the limit is specific to the drive and some support more tracks but 42 is a good maximum. The FDC controller can be used to control 80-tracks and/or double sided drives, though AMSDOS doesn't support such formats. AMSDOS supports a maximum of two disk drives only.
== FDC Track Format ==
[[File:FDC765 Track Format.png]]
The CRC is initialised to FFFF. It is updated byte by byte and uses the CCITT-CRC16 algorithm. It is written after the ID and data fields in big-endian format (high byte first and then low byte).
* Track 1: sectors &41, &46, &42, &47, &43, &48, &44, &49, &45
Type |CPM and you will find yourself under CP/M 2.2.
== FDC Track Format ==
[[File:FDC765 Track Format.png]]
The CRC is initialised to FFFF. It is updated byte by byte and uses the CCITT-CRC16 algorithm. It is written after the ID and data fields in big-endian format (high byte first and then low byte).