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378 bytes added, 15:44, 17 April 2024
|(C9=R9 and C0=R0) or (C9=0 and C0=0 to R0-1)
== CRTC Type Detection ==
10 MODE 1:' Reinitialize screen
20 OUT &BC00,12:IF INP(&BF00)=0 THEN GOTO 80
30 ' If we are here, it is a CRTC0 or 3/4
40 OUT &BC00,20:IF INP(&BF00)=0 THEN GOTO 60
50 PRINT"crtc 3/4":END
60 PRINT"crtc 0":END
70 ' If we are here, it is a CRTC1 or 2
80 OUT &BC00,31:IF INP(&BF00)=0 THEN GOTO 100
90 PRINT"crtc 1":END
100 PRINT"crtc 2":END