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166 bytes added, 22:11, 8 September 2023
/* Emulator Detection */
= Emulator Detection =
To If you want to promote usage of real CPC computers, you can detect Amstrad CPC emulatorsby:*Check Checking if the memory is initialized with zeroes, as real machines have random memory values at boot*Focus Focusing on the minute details in emulated Z80, CRTC, and PPI chips. They are most often wrong in emulators*Examine Examining the FDC chip. It is only replicated more or less superficially in all emulators because the internals of the chip are still unknown
Combining these methods will definitely get you a 100% success rate in detecting emulators, even the toughest ones.
Emulator undetected.png|Emulator undetected
Emulator detected.png|Emulator detected
There is also this initiative for emulators who willingly want to be detected: [[Emulator_IDs|Emulator IDs]]