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Vortex Disc Drives

1 byte removed, 15:38, 10 June 2022
* [[Media:VDOS20X.ROM|VDOS 2.0-X ROM]] {{DE}} (German VDOS 2.0-X ROM for CPC 664/6128)
* [[Media:Vortex RS232-C Manual.pdf|Benutzerhandbuch für die Vortex RS232-C Schnittstelle]] {{DE}} (RS232-C user manual)
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The RS232-C interface of the "XRS-Modul" was advertised to be compatible with Amstrad/Pace interfaces, but offers only one channel (so no channel B).
* [[Media:Vortex RS232-C Manual.pdf|Benutzerhandbuch für die Vortex RS232-C Schnittstelle]] {{DE}} (RS232-C user manual)
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