{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}
|Title:|| '''Introducing Amstrad CP/M Assembly Language'''
|Authors:|| Ian Sinclair
|PubliserPublisher:|| [[Collins]]
|Year:|| 1986
1. ROM, RAM, Bytes and Bits.2. Digging inside the CPC6128 & PCW8256.3. The miracle microprocessor.4. Register actions.5. Taking a bigger Byte.6. CP/M Interactions.7. More routines.8. SID, ED and family.9. Disc use and utility programs. Appendix A: Languages under CP/M.Appendix B: Adrressing methods of the 8080.Appendix C: 8080 instructions.Appendix D: The ED commands.Appendix E: The ASCII codes in Hex.Appendix F: Effect on Flags.Appendix G: Calls to 0005H. Index.
[[Category:Books]] [[Category:Book cover]][[Category:CP/M and CP/M software books]]