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618 bytes added, 11:06, 30 December 2018
+ [[Category:External link templates]]
== Syntax ==
Parameters Mandatory parameters are the following:
;''url'': URL of the website
;''year'', ''month'', ''day'': Snapshot date from of the website. Each value must be padded with zeroes to have 4-digit year, and 2-digits month and day.
;''hour'', ''minute'', ''second'': Snapshot time from of the website. Each value must be padded with zeroes to have 2-digits hour, minute and second.
Optional parameter is:
;''text'':Text for the link. By default, same as URL.
== Example ==
{|| <nowiki>{{BrokenLink|| 2017|01|22|21|32|33| text=Short information about the internal "MEMPTR" 16bit register of the Z80 and its influence on the F-Register}}</nowiki>|-|{{BrokenLink||2017|01|22|21|32|33|text=Short information about the internal "MEMPTR" 16bit register of the Z80 and its influence on the F-Register}}|} [[Category:External link templates]]</noinclude><includeonly>[{{{1}}} {{{text|{{{1}}}}}}]- Resource no more available, archived here: <small> ([{{{2}}}{{{3}}}{{{4}}}{{{5}}}{{{6}}}{{{7}}}/{{{1}}} Web archive {{{2}}}-{{{3}}}-{{{4}}} {{{5}}}:{{{6}}}:{{{7}}}])</small></includeonly>