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Revision as of 07:21, 5 March 2010 by Nocash (Talk | contribs) (Created page with 'German company that produced the Wiedmann BTX Modul for CPC or Joyce. The company does still exist in 2010, and they do even still have Schneider and Amstrad logos on their …')

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German company that produced the Wiedmann BTX Modul for CPC or Joyce.

The company does still exist in 2010, and they do even still have Schneider and Amstrad logos on their webpage, http://www.wiedmann.com - however, they seem to be focusing on older (pre-computer) hardware now, see screenshots below.

Screenshots from www.wiedmann.com

<gallery=caption"www.wiedmann.com as of March 2010"> File:WiedmannHome.jpg|Homepage, 3/2010 File:WiedmannKutsche.jpg|Sonderposten, 3/2010 File:WiedmannBoellern.jpg|Eventmanagment, 3/2010 </gallery>