Main Page
From CPCWiki - THE Amstrad CPC encyclopedia!

- 02/01/15: COSMOS v.22 (final version) has been released
- 14/12/14: X-MASS, Add a 128MB mass-storage to your CPC.
- 30/08/14: ROManager 1.8 released. Download
- 30/08/14: SymbOS 2.1 Final released
- 14/08/14: PlayCity, Add 6ch stereo audio, Z80 CTC... to your CPC.
- 26/06/14: Amstrad CPC464 & CPC664 logos by Forcy
- 22/04/14: X-MEM, Add up to 512K RAM/ROM on your 464/664/6128.
- 20/04/14: Breaking Baud, THE tape demo. 2nd place at Revision!
- 30/03/14: Superpix, a new Picross-style game was released.
- 24/03/14: SAMdisk 3.8.2 released.
- 23/03/14: PSX controller mod for Amstrad CPC by Forcy
- 11/03/14: CPCDiskXP 2.5.1 released - a nice update!
- 03/02/14: La Guerra de Gamber released by ESP Soft!
- 30/01/14: A CPC homebrew dedicated website is born: Homebrew.AT
SymbOS 2.1
...Older News...
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