BrunWord is a word-processor, spelling checker and Datafile from Brunning Software.
- BrunWord 6128 requires 128K RAM (works on CPC 6128, or on CPC 464 with Standard Memory Expansions). Available as Disc-version and ROM-version.
- BrunWord 464 works on any CPC 464, 664, or 6128. According to the manual, this comes on disc, too, ie. not on cassette (?)
- Newer/older versions - early versions (1985) didn't have the spell check
- BrunWord 6128
- BrunWord 6128
ROM Cartridge and 8bit Status Port
ROM version has a size of 256K. It is split into 16K pages. 2 Pages are standard CPC roms, one of which is a "extension rom".
Part of the Brunword word processor is copied into RAM. This is done by it's "extension rom".
The ROM Select port (&DF00) is decoded and has 2 roles.
First is to select which ROM page appears in the range &C000-&FFFF of the Z80's address space. (It seems bit 7,6,5,4 must be 0). Bits 3..0 are decoded as the page number. Page 1 and 2 only seem to be visible at this time.
The second role (when bit 5,4 are used), makes a page visible in the range &4000-&FFFF of the Z80's address space. Bit 5 seems to be rom enable/disable, bit 4 is set for the second role (0 for other), and bits 3..0 are the page number.
The exact decoding of the ROM select port is unknown. The exact function of all the data bits is not known.
- Brunword 6128 (disc) (Brunning Software).zip (DSK for Emulators)
- Brunword 6128 as ROM version - none such? (should exist, according to Hwlist from retroisle
- Brunword 464 as DSK versions - none such? (should exist, according to manual)
- Brunword 464 as ROM versions - none such? (might also exist?)