Mega Blasters
Mega Blasters has been created by Odiesoft of HJT. The game was released on the Odiesoft Megablasters Release Party 1992 in Konstanz (Germany). On the release party is was possible to buy the game for a cheap price. The game was edited by Radical Software and came in Public Domain several years later. In France, the game was distributed by the AFC, then directed by Candy.
The game has some similarities to other "Blaster" games, but is a lot enhanced. There is a bit story around the single player mode. And there is a multiplayer mode too, 4 players together. This is one of the rare fullscreen games.
Once this game has been voted as the number one.
- Code : Odiesoft
- Music : Kangaroo and Crittersoap
- Graphics : Rex
A bit of Mega Blasters gameplay at 9:45 towards the end of the video: