Category talk:Active CPC Game Developpers

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Revision as of 20:38, 14 October 2009 by MacDeath (Talk | contribs)

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Category name contains a typing mistake. The correct spelling is "Active CPC Game Developers".

Something else: How can somebody say "after the end of the CPC era". I don't think that this era has an end as long as one CPC (or Emu?) is running anywhere in the cosmos. Think you want to keep the focus on people who don't do if for money!?! --TFM 19:54, 14 October 2009 (UTC)

Yes.. I think TFM is correct, It's hard to say when the CPC era is over... --CPCLER 20:10, 14 October 2009 (UTC)----
  • Well, you are right of course.

First I'd like to say sorry for the mis-typing... I'm not english... Is it possible to Edit the Page name ? yet also to find links to this page in wiki to change them Also ? or must we completlly restart another page and erase this one ? and find all missing links then ?

I have to admit I edit this wiki "à la warrior" But many terms or even Page's name are proper English. Not that I'm not good in english, but, it may depends the number of beers I

I don't know that much thing in wikis...And I wish I knew if I could Edit Page's names. Can we or is it more complicated ?

Concerning the CPC Era, I was talking about commercial exploitation indeed. So After 1995...well...Nothing ?

But of course we are proof that CPC is still alive and well... Yet the goal was to make a difference within mundane CPC members and Games Makers. Demo are cool, but games are better...Let's put sub-categories in CPC scene members...if possible... no ?

But I admit it was a rogue try from my part, any modo can undo this if he wishes so.

(a better wiki tutorial would ease...really...)

On the other Hand, I edited "Mojo twins" into "Mojon twins" on some pages...But the pages seems to need an exact spelling and Typo...

M =/= m in the search engine or links...also what about plurials ?

But if I do it by posting in the forum, it is more time consuming.

Sincerely. MacDeath 15 oct 2009.