Converted GX4000 Software
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Games on this page are games converted to CPR format in order to be played on a GX4000 (with e.g. a C4CPC, or by burning an EPROM).
For GX4000 compatibility, they must comply to these rules :
- Auto-Launchable on a GX4000
- Being fully playable from the very beginning to the end (including Hi-Scores) with a Joystick
- Being 64K games.
If you spot a non detected problem , please report here :
Full set
NB : No "Need a fix" included
GX4000 Conversion - Starting guide
GX4000 Conversion by CPC Fanzine (Skunkfish)
Useful softwares
Converted Games
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
1942 | 1986 | Elite Systems | No | Converted by Phantomz J2B1/J1B2 = 1/2 Player game, Pause button = Pause, J1B1 = Unpause, J1B2 = Roll |
1942.rar |
1943 - The Battle of Midway | 1988 | Go! | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1/J1B2 = Start 1 or 2 player game J1B2/J2B2 = Player1/Player2 Roll, Pause button = Smart Bomb for both players. |
1943 - The Battle of Midway.rar |
2048 | 2014 | Futur Anterieur | No | Converted by Phantomz and CraigsBar Multi Cart, with Version Mode 0 and Mode 1 Pause button = Music on/off |
2048.rar |
2088 | 1988 | Zeppelin Games | No | Converted by Phantomz | 2088.rar |
3D Fight | 1985 | Loriciels | No | Converted by iXien | 3D Fight.rar |
3D Grand Prix | 1985 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz | 3D Grand Prix.rar |
3D Starfighter | 1987 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1/J1B2 = Start 1 or 2 Player Game Pause Button = Redefine Controls Pause Button = Shield, J1B2 = Pause/Unpause |
3D Starfighter.rar |
3D Starstrike | 1985 | Realtime Games Software | No | Converted by Phantomz & Urusergi J1B2=Pause on/off, GX4000 Pause=Exit |
3D Starstrike.rar |
4X4 Off-Road Racing | 1988 | Epyx | No | Converted by dragon | 4X4 Off-Road Racing.rar |
720 Degrees | 1988 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz | 720 Degrees.rar |
77 Attempts | 2018 | Unknown Design | Yes | Converted by Ayor61 Plus colour palette J1B2 = Pause menu From CPCRetroDev 2018 |
77 Attempts.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
A Team (The) | 1988 | Zafiro Software | No | Converted by dragon | A Team (The).rar |
Abadia Del Crimen (La) | 1987 | Opera Soft | No | Converted by dragon | Abadia Del Crimen (La).rar |
Abu Simbel Profanation | 1986 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1/J1B2 = Long Jump/Short Jump, Pause button = Pause (any button to unpause) J2B1 = Quit |
Abu Simbel Profanation.rar |
Acolyte | 2017 | Clockwize Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2/J1B1 = Pause/Unpause, Pause button = Quit, J2B1 = Level Skip. |
Acolyte.rar |
Action Fighter | 1989 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Bike<->Car, Pause button = Pause, J1B1/J2B1 = Unpause/Quit. |
Action Fighter.rar |
Adidas Championship Tie Break | 1990 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz & Shaun M. Neary J1UP = Skip overscan title screen, J1B1/J1B2 for Trainer options. GX4000 Pause/J1B1/GX4000 Pause (x2)=Pause/Unpause/Quit |
Adidas Championship Tie Break.rar |
Advanced Pinball Simulator | 1988 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Advanced Pinball Simulator.rar |
Adventure Of Amy (The) - Concave | 2015 | EgoTrip | No | Converted by 00WReX From CPCRetroDev 2015 |
Adventure Of Amy (The) - Concave.rar |
Adventures Of Timothy Gunn (The) | 2018 | CNGSoft | No | Converted by iXien | Adventures Of Timothy Gunn (The).rar |
After Burner | 1988 | Activision | No | Converted by dragon If Fire don't start the game after you died, select Keyboard, press Fire a few times, Select Joystick again, and start game with fire. |
After Burner.rar |
After The War | 1989 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by Urusergi Cheat menu: J1UP/DN = Yes/no, Level : J1 DOWN = 1, UP = 2, RIGHT = Intro Ingame : J1B1 = Shoot/Hit, J1B2= Crouch/Kick, J2B1 = Reset, Pause button = Pause |
After The War.rar |
Airwolf | 1985 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz | Airwolf.rar |
Alcon 2020 | 2020 | Abalore Games | No | Created for cartridge only by Abalore Games v1 release, v2 is only available on physical cartridge distributed by Abalore Games |
Alcon 2020.rar |
Alien | 1985 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz | Alien.rar |
Alien Attack | 1989 | Schneider Computer Partner | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Pause (any button to unpause). |
Alien Attack.rar |
Alien Intervention | 1993 | Sean McManus | No | Converted by 00WReX | Alien Intervention.rar |
Alien Storm | 1991 | U.S.Gold | No | Converted by dragon | Alien Storm.rar |
Aliens | 1986 | Electric Dreams | No | Converted by Urusergi J1 d-pad=up/down/left/right J1B1 = fire, J1B2 = Enter door. Joypad 2 to swap characters : left=Ripley/right=Burke/up=Vasquez/down=Bishop/fire1=Gorman/fire2=Hicks Pause button = pause game (J1B1 = unpause / J1B2 = abort) |
Aliens.rar |
Alinka | 1991 | Amstrad Cent Pour Cent | No | Converted by Phantomz J2B1/J2B2 = Start 1 or 2 Player game, J2 UP for Option 3, J2 DOWN for Option 4 |
Alinka.rar |
Anarchy | 1988 | Hewson | No | Converted by CraigsBar | Anarchy.rar |
Android One | 1985 | Vortex Software | No | Converted by Urusergi MENU : J1B1= Start, J1B2 = Demo, Pause button = Instructions J1 d-pad=up/down/left/right, J1B1 = Fire, Pause Button = Pause (J1B2 = quit current game) |
Android One.rar |
Andy Capp | 1987 | Mirrorsoft | No | Converted by Urusergi | Andy Capp.rar |
Anima | 2020 | cperezgrin CPCRetroDev 2020 |
No | by Ayor61 (Cyrille Gouret) Menu:J1B1/B2:English/Spanish, Menu Demo/Instructions : J1B1/B2:Yes/No Game Menu : J1B1/B2: Game start/Dual stick game mode, J1LT/RT:Palette Colors change |
Anima.rar |
APB - All Points Bulletin | 1989 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer = Button 1 for YES, Button 2 for NO |
APB - All Points Bulletin.rar |
Archon - The Light And The Dark | 1985 | Electronic Arts | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause Button = Quit current game |
Archon - The Light And The Dark.rar |
Archon II - Adept | 1989 | Electronic Arts | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause Button = Quit current game, Hold on J1B1 to speed up symbols being displayed at the bottom before the fight starts |
Archon II - Adept.rar |
Area 51 | 2005 | J.Cauldwell/N.Campbell | No | Converted by Phantomz & VincentGR | Area 51.rar |
Arkanoid | 1987 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Urusergi J1UP/J1DN = Start 1 or 2 player game. J1B2 = Pause, Pause button = Quit current game. |
Arkanoid.rar |
Arkanoid Revenge Of Doh | 1988 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Cheat menu : J1B1/J1B2 = Yes/no (Infinite Lives only, ESC for Level Skip not patched Infinite Lives cheat doesn't work on Boss Fights, Stage 17 and Stage 33 |
Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh.rar |
Army Moves | 1986 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause button = Pause, Pause button twice = Music on/off, Any Button to unpause J2B1 = Quit |
Army Moves.rar |
Asphalt | 1987 | UBI Soft | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Change Weapon |
Asphalt.rar |
Asterix And The Magic Cauldron | 1987 | Melbourne House | No | Converted by dragon | Asterix And The Magic Cauldron.rar |
Atom Ant | 1990 | Hi-Tec Software | No | Converted by Urusergi J1B1 = Start game J1 d-pad=up/down/left/right, Pause button = Pause (J1B1 = Unpause / J1B2 = Quit current game) On the main menu you can press Pause button to activate the inbuilt cheat (Immunity) |
Atom Ant.rar |
Atomic - Extended Version | 1992 | Fraggle & Duck | No | Converted by CraigsBar Game Menu appears after the game intro |
Atomic - Extended Version.rar |
ATV Simulator | 1988 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Pause/Unpause, Pause button = Quit current game. |
ATV Simulator.rar |
Auf Wiedersehen Monty | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by dragon J1B2 = Take off on Airport item, Pause button = Quit current game. |
Auf Wiedersehen Monty.rar |
Avenger | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by dragon | Avenger.rar |
Aventures du KA (Les) - Le Crepuscule Du Naja | 1987 | Chip | No | Converted by iXien 1st episode |
Aventures du KA (Les) - Le Crepuscule Du Naja.rar |
Aventures du KA (Les) - Le Talisman D'Osiris | 1987 | Chip | No | Converted by iXien 2nd episode |
Aventures du KA (Les) - Le Talisman D'Osiris.rar |
Aventures du KA (Les) - 20000 Avant J.C. | 1987 | Chip | No | Converted by iXien 3rd episode |
Aventures du KA (Les) - 20000 Avant J.C..rar |
Aventures du KA (Les) - Le Malefice Des Atlantes | 1987 | Chip | No | Converted by iXien 4th episode |
Aventures du KA (Les) - Le Malefice Des Atlantes.rar |
Aventures du KA (Les) - Traitement Bzzz | 1987 | Chip | No | Converted by iXien 5th episode |
Aventures du KA (Les) - Traitement Bzzz.rar |
Aventures du KA (Les) - Menace Sur L'Arctique | 1987 | Chip | No | Converted by iXien 6th episode |
Aventures du KA (Les) - Menace Sur L'Arctique.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Baba's Palace | 2017 | Azicuetano/McKlain | Yes | Converted by dragon & Ayor61 (Plus colour palette) | Baba's Palace.rar |
Bactron | 1986 | Loriciels | No | Converted by iXien Pause button = Pause (twice to quit current game) |
Bactron.rar |
Badlands | 1990 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1 = Accelerate, J1 LT/RT = Steer left/right, J1 DOWN = Fire Pause button = Pause (J1B1 = Unpause) |
Badlands.rar |
Bad Cat | 1987 | Go! | No | Converted by Phantomz Number of players : J1 UP/DN/LT/RT = 1/2/3/4 Names : Pause button = P, J1 UP/DN/LT/RT = 1/2/3/4, J1B1/B2 = ENTER/DELETE. |
Bad Cat.rar |
Ball Bearing | 1993 | Radical Software | No | Converted by Urusergi Pause button = Pause/unpause (J1B2 = quit current game) Cheat : J1B1 while in pause to activate infinite lives. |
Ball Bearing.rar |
Ball Blazer | 1987 | Lucasfilm Games / Activision | No | Converted by Urusergi Pause button: start the game. J1B1 = enter settings / swap settings (Joy1 fire2: modify selected setting values) J1B2 = choose time. J2B1 = demo mode (J2B1=choose droids/J2B2=choose time) J2B2 = pause/unpause while playing (Pause button=abort) |
Ball Blazer.rar |
Ball Crazy | 1987 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2/J1B1 = Pause/Unpause Trainer Level Select: 1 = J1B1, 2 = J1B2, 3 = J1 UP, 4 = J1 LEFT, 5 = J1 RIGHT, 6 = J1 DOWN, 7 = J2B1, 8 = J2B2 |
Ball Crazy.rar |
Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior | 1987 | Palace Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1 = Start game, J1B2 = Select mode (Pause/unpause while playing), J2B2 = Music on/off, Pause Button = Reset game. |
Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior.rar |
Barbarian II - The Dungeon Of Drax (Disk Edition) | 1989 | Palace Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Just for the pleasure of showing the title Screen removed in the official cartridge release Joypad is default control mode, Pause button = Pause/unpause, J2B1 = quit current game |
Barbarian II - The Dungeon Of Drax (Disk Edition).rar |
Barbarian - The World Of Barbarian | 1988 | Melbourne House | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 2 to Flip Icon Bar |
Barbarian - The World Of Barbarian (Melbourne House).rar |
Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing | 1985 | Activision | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause button = Pause (Any key to unpause) |
Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing.rar |
Bart Vs. The Space Mutants | 1991 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Use joypad 2 buttons in option menu. Two versions available : Jump with J1 UP or J1B2 (except on the 1st level where both works), poked versions providing infinite Lives. |
Bart Vs. The Space Mutants.rar |
Basket Cases | 2017 | CNGSoft | No | Converted by 00WReX From CPCRetroDev 2017 |
Basket Cases.rar |
Basket Master | 1987 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Pause (Any Button to unpause), Pause button = Quit current game. |
Basket Master.rar |
Batman | 1986 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Poked version provides infinite Lives and invulnerability. You are invulnerable unless the shield is at 0, if you get hit whilst it's on 0 then you will die (stops you getting stuck) |
Batman (1986).rar |
Batman - The Caped Crusader | 1988 | Ocean Software | Yes | Converted by Phantomz J1 UP = Skip title screen (new overscan title screen using Plus colour palette) |
Batman - The Caped Crusader.rar |
Batman - The Movie | 1989 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Standard CPC version with darker palette J1B1 = Start, J2B1 = Music on/off, J2B2 = Redefine controls (Redefine controls to get pause to work) |
Batman - The Movie.rar |
Battle Ships | 1987 | Elite Systems | No | Converted by Phantomz Use Joypad 2 to select options in menu, select Joystick or redefine controls first |
Battle Ships.rar |
Battle-Tank Simulator | 1985 | Design Design | No | Converted by Phantomz You will need both joypads for all the menu options, Pause button = skip highscore table. |
Battle-Tank Simulator.rar |
BCM El Buscador De Codigo | 2007 | ESPBasic | No | Converted by MiguelSky English & Spanish versions. |
BCM El Buscador De Codigo.rar |
Beach-Head | 1985 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz | Beach-Head.rar |
Bears! | 2017 | Sohde | Yes | Converted by Sohde 05-2020 bugfixed version |
Bears!.rar |
Bedlam | 1988 | Go! | No | Converted by Phantomz J2B2 = Pause/unpause, Pause button = Quit current game. Cheat (Resume at the level where you lost) : On Main Menu, Press J2 DOWN. |
Bedlam.rar |
Bestial Warrior | 1989 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by dragon Pause button = Pause, J2B1 = Quit current game |
Bestial Warrior.rar |
Betiled! | 2009 | CEZ Games Studio | No | Converted by xenon | Betiled!.rar |
Beverly Hills Cop | 1990 | Tynesoft | No | Converted by Phantomz Use J2B1 to skip title screen, also use Joypad 2 for Menu. Joypad 2 is also used when asked "Replay? y1/n2". Pause button = pause game on level 2 (No pause mode on other levels) |
Beverly Hills Cop.rar |
Beyond The Ice Palace | 1988 | Elite Systems | Yes | Converted by Phantomz & pmeier Phantomz version : Pause button = Skip title and story screen. Make sure to remap summon spirit to J1B2. Offer Plus GFX but beware, this version is subject to random freezes. pmeier version : Full joypad support. No Plus GFX but this version isn't affected by random freezes. |
Beyond The Ice Palace.rar |
Binky | 1985 | Software Projects | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2/B1=Pause/Unpause, J2B1/B2=Sound On/Off, GX4000 Pause=Quit. |
Binky.rar |
Bio Spheres | 1987 | Silverbird | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2/Any Button=Pause/Unpause, GX4000 Pause=Reset Game. |
Bio Spheres.rar |
Blagger | 1984 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Joypad 1 Button 1 to Start the game from the begining Cheat Mode = hold down Joypad 1 button 2 and press Joypad 1 Button 1 to start on the screen displayed If you lose all your lives, just press joypad 1 button 1 to start the same level |
Blagger.rar |
Blasteroids | 1989 | Image Works | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1=Pass 1st screen. J1B2/B1=Pause/Unpause. Pause=Quit. The game defaults to Joypad 1 for Player 2, so the controls you Redefine for joypad 2 will be player 1. By default (Player 2 Joypad 1 ) controls are, Forward = Thrust, Back = Transform, Left = Rotate anticlockwise, Right = Rotate clockwise, Fire 1 = Fire |
Blasteroids.rar |
Blue Angel 69 | 2010 | Arnoldemu | No | Converted by Arnoldemu | Blue Angel 69.rar |
BMX Simulator | 1987 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Use a key config if you want to have accelerate/brake on 2 differents buttons J1B2=Pause/Unpause, GX4000 Pause=Quit. |
BMX Simulator.rar |
Bobby Bearing | 1986 | The Edge | No | Converted by Phantomz J1 d-pad=up/down/left/right J1B1 = Cheat J1B2 = Find the current brother or cousin to save. Pause / unpause with Console Pause Button (J1B1 to quit game) |
Bobby Bearing.rar |
BoBo | 1988 | Infogrames | No | Converted by dragon Up to 5 players, but the player names are not joypad friendly... |
BoBo.rar |
Bomb Jack | 1986 | Elite Systems | Yes | Converted by Phantomz Standard title screen or alternative one (Overscan + Plus colours). Press any direction of to skip high score table. |
Bomb Jack.rar |
Bomb Jack II | 1987 | Elite Systems | No | Converted by Phantomz Press any direction to skip high score table. |
Bomb Jack II.rar |
Bomb Scare | 1986 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz J1UP/LT/RT=Forward/Clockwise/Anticlockwise, J1B1=Fire J1B2=Pickup/Drop, J2B1/J2B2=Next Object/Use |
Bomb Scare.rar |
Booty | 1986 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz | Booty.rar |
Boulder Dash | 1985 | Mirrorsoft | No | Converted by gerald & pmeier gerald version : Use J1B2 to change control settings on start screen or suicide while playing pmeier version : Full joypad support, cave selector, Title screen based on Boulder Dash Construction Kit |
Boulder Dash.rar |
Boulder Dash 3 | 1986 | First Star Software | No | Converted by Phantomz & pmeier Phantomz version : J1B2=pause/unpause, Pause button = Quit cave. pmeier version : Full joypad support, cave selector, title screen based on C64 version. you can also now choose to use the BD1 engine to play the BD3 caves and vice versa. |
Boulder Dash 3.rar |
Boulder Dash Construction Kit | 1986 | First Star Software | No | Converted by pmeier aka Boulder Dash 4 Full joypad support to create levels. The P icon in the palette is patched to enter fullscreen mode. You can hide the palette with P or fire3. Start menu checks if the disk is writable. You can enter a filename with the joypad (characters 1234). DSK included in addition to CPR. |
Boulder Dash Construction Kit.rar |
Bounty Bob Strikes Back | 1985 | U.S.Gold | No | Converted by Urusergi | Bounty Bob Strikes Back.rar |
Bounty Hunter | 1989 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Pause/Unpause, GX4000 Pause=Quit. |
Bounty Hunter.rar |
Boy Racer | 1987 | Alligata Software | No | Converted by Phantomz and dragon Game is ready for two players with joypads by default, Pause button = Music on/off in menu / quit current game J1B1 = Start a Two Player Game, J2B2 = Redefine Controls, J2B1 = One/two players (car disappears for one player game ) |
Boy Racer.rar |
Bravestarr | 1987 | Go! | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause with Joypad 1 Button 2, Quit with Console Pause Button |
Bravestarr.rar |
Break Thru | 1986 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by dragon and Phantomz Button 1 to Fire, Button 2 to Jump |
Break Thru.rar |
Brick (The) | 1989 | Delta Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1=Play, J1B2=Demo/exit demo. J1B1 while playing to pause game, any direction to unpause, Pause Button to quit game |
Brick (The).rar |
Brick Rick | 2020 | | No | Version 1.1 | Brick Rick.rar |
Bruce Lee | 1984 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz Bruce Lee C64 demo by Epyteor as an easter egg, just press the console pause button instead of 1 or 2 on the Trainer screen to see it, you will need to reset the console after. |
Bruce Lee.rar |
Bubble Bobble | 1987 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz (Standard & Poked version) & pmeier (Select nb of button version) In standard/poked version J1B1/J1B2=Shoot/Jump, GX4000 Pause=/Unpause. |
Bubble Bobble.rar |
Bubble Bobble 4 CPC | 2012 | CNGSoft | No | Converted by CraigsBar | Bubble Bobble 4 CPC.rar |
Bubble Dizzy | 1991 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Stage Buttons: Joy 1 = 1 Up, 2 Left, 3 Right, 4 Down, Joy 2 = 5 Up, 6 Left, 7 Right, 8 Down |
Bubble Dizzy.rar |
Bubble Ghost | 1988 | Ere Informatique | No | Converted by iXien | Bubble Ghost.rar |
Buggy Boy | 1987 | Elite / Tatsumi | No | Converted by CraigsBar | Buggy Boy.rar |
Builderland | 1991 | Loriciels | No | Converted by dragon | Builderland.rar |
Buitre - Emilio Butragueno Futbol | 1988 | Topo Soft | No | Converted by Phantomz |
Buitre - Emilio Butragueno Futbol.rar |
Burning Wheels | 1987 | T.M. Schmidt | No | Converted by dragon | Burning Wheels.rar |
Buster Block | 1986 | Kuma Computers | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 to pause game, any other button to unpause. In the high-score table with joypad 1 : UP=1, DOWN=2, LEFT=DELETE, RIGHT=ENTER |
Buster Block.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Cabal | 1989 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Grenades, Pause button = Pause (any Button to unpause), J2B1=Quit |
Cabal.rar |
Chaos Rising | 2018 | Egotrip | No | Converted by iXien | Chaos Rising.rar |
Chaos Rising Part 2 | 2021 | Egotrip | No | Converted by iXien | Chaos Rising Part 2.rar |
California Games | 1987 | Epyx | No | Converted by Phantomz Name entry : Pause button = P, J2UP/LT/RT/DN=1/2/3/4 (Therefore players can be named as P1, P2, P3, P4.) J2B1 = Confirm (once again when enough players are entered), J2B2 = Delete J1UP/DN to change " Is this correct? ", J1B1 = confirm. |
California Games.rar |
Camelot Warriors | 1986 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by dragon Select Joystick before starting to play |
Camelot Warriors.rar |
Captain America - Defies The Doom Tube | 1987 | Go! | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2= Cybo Grenades, Pause button = Pause/Unpause, J2B1=Quit. |
Captain America - Defies The Doom Tube.rar |
Captain Fizz | 1989 | Psyclapse | No | Converted by Phantomz Language selection : LEFT = German, DOWN = English, RIGHT = French J1B2 = Blitter, Pause button = Pause/Unpause (music on/off each time you resume game) |
Captain Fizz.rar |
Captain Planet And The Planeteers | 1990 | Mindscape | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Special Power, J2B1 = Pause, J2B2 = Quit current game |
Captain Planet And The Planeteers.rar |
Carlos Sainz | 1990 | Zigurat | No | Converted by dragon Select Joystick controls before starting to play |
Carlos Sainz - Campeonato del Mundo de Rallyes.rar |
Catastrophes | 1985 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz | Catastrophes.rar |
Cauldron | 1985 | Palace Software | No | Converted by Devilmarkus |
Cauldron.rar |
Cauldron II | 1986 | Palace Software | Yes | Converted by McKlain and Ayor61 Standard version by McKlain Plus version by Ayor61 offering digitized soundtrack if 128K available, new title screen and Plus palette) |
Cauldron II.rar |
Cavemania | 1991 | Atlantis Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Two versions : one where Joypad 1 Button 2 is pause, the other where Joypad 1 Button 2 is Jump. J1B2 Pause : Pause Button to Quit/ J1B2=Pause (J1B1=unpause)/ Skip highscore table with J1B1 or J1B2 J1B2 Jump : Pause Button to Quit / J2B2=Pause (J2B1=unpause)/ Skip highscore table with J1B1 or J1B2 CHEAT MODE (Infinite Energy) : On the " THE ISLANDS " screen, press UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT if it works the message " 1. ISLE OF BEGONIA " will be replaced by " CAVEY TO THE RESCUE! ". |
Cavemania.rar |
Championship Baseball | 1987 | Activision | No | Converted by dragon | Championship Baseball.rar |
Chase HQ | 1989 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Chase HQ.rar |
Chevy Chase | 1991 | Itec | Yes | Converted by Ayor61 (Plus colours), updated by Phantomz V1:Original car controls, V2:Customized controls J1B1 = Acceleration, J1B2 = Brake, J1 Up = Gear, Pause button = Quit game |
Chevy Chase.rar |
Chiller | 1985 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by 00WReX | Chiller.rar |
Chuckie Egg | 1985 | A&F Software | No | Converted by dragon and Phantomz Overscan title screen by CraigsBar, Push UP to get past Up = 4 Players, Left = 1 Player, Right = 2 Players, Down = 3 Players |
Chuckie Egg.rar |
Circus Games | 1989 | Tynesoft | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = pause, J1B1 = unpause, Pause button = Quit game (Continue Playing? J1B1 = Yes, J1B2 = No) |
Circus Games.rar |
Classic Invaders | 1986 | Bubble Bus Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Pause/unpause, Pause button = Quit. Hi-score : J1UP/LT/RT/DN = 1/2/3/4, J1B1/B2 = Enter/Delete, Pause button = P |
Classic Invaders.rar |
Classic Muncher | 1987 | Bubble Bus Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Classic Muncher.rar |
Cobra Force | 1989 | Players Premier | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Freeze the Enemies, Pause/J1B1=Pause/Unpause. |
Cobra Force.rar |
Cobra Stallone | 1987 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Urusergi Use Joypad Button 2 to select weapons (when collected). |
Cobra Stallone.rar |
Colony | 1987 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by dragon and Phantomz Joy 1 Fire 1 to Fire, Joy 1 Fire 2 for Mode Console Pause Button to Pause, any button to unpause Abort game with Joypad 2 Fire 1 Abort game Y / N = Console Pause Button for Yes, any button for No |
Colony.rar |
Columns Cpc | 2008 | CEZ Games Studio | No | Converted by Phantomz Menu: 1 = Fire 1, 2 = Fire 2, 3 = Console Pause Button, 4 = Left, 5 = Right, 9 = Up, 0 = Down Ingame: Dpad for Left and Right, Fire 1 = Rotation, Fire 2 = Accelerate Fall, Console Pause Button to Quit Joypad 2 Button 1 to Turn Music On / Off on Menu or Ingame |
Columns CPC.rar |
Commando | 1985 | Elite Systems | No | Converted by Phantomz Game Defaults to Joystick so just press the Console Pause Button to Start Game If you select Joystick and use a joypad button 2 is used for grenades If you select Joystick and use a one button joystick, hold fire button down to use grenades |
Commando.rar |
Comando Tracer | 1988 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer = Button 1 for YES, Button 2 for NO Pause / Unpause with Console Pause Button Quit with Joypad 2 Button 1 Keyboard O,P are changed to U,I for PLUS users |
Comando Tracer.rar |
Combat School | 1987 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1UP/DN=1/2 Players |
Combat School.rar |
Con-Quest | 1986 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz The game requires both Joypads. |
Con-Quest.rar |
Confuzion | 1985 | Incentive | No | Converted by Phantomz | Confuzion.rar |
Continental Circus | 1989 | Virgin Games! | No | Converted by Phantomz - Continues fixed by yurif74 (Joystick Fire 1 = yes) (Joystick Fire 2=no) For Trainer Trainer Level Select: 1 = Joy1 Button 1, 2 = Joy1 Button 2, 3 = Up, 4 = Left, 5 = Right, 6 = Down, 7 = Joy2 Button 1, 8 = Joy2 Button 2 |
Continental Circus.rar |
Coolbox | 2016 | Morri | No | Converted by Phantomz (v1) & 00WReX (v2) For v2: J1UP=Restart, J1DN=Music, J1B1=Pickup/Drop, GX4000 Pause = Quit. |
Coolbox.rar |
Corsair Trainer | 2020 | Bitplane TechNomantes | No | Converted by iXien | Corsair Trainer.rar |
Corsarios | 1988 | Opera Soft | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 to Pause/Unpause, Pause Button to quit. |
Corsarios.rar |
Cosmic Sheriff | 1989 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by dragon Pause=Pause, J2B2=Abandon. |
Cosmic Sheriff.rar |
Cosmic Wars | 2016 | PuzCPC | No | Converted by 00WReX Basic Game |
Cosmic Wars.rar |
Count Duckula II | 1992 | Alternative Software | No | Converted by The Shameless Gamer | Count Duckula II.rar |
CPC Soccer - Community Edition | 2020 | Voxel Tower | No | Official release | CPC Soccer - Community Edition.rar |
Crack Down | 1990 | U.S.Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Joypad 1 Button 1 to Pass Purple Title Screen Player 1 is on the Right, Player 2 is on the left Hold Down Joypad Fire Button to use grenades, both joypad buttons do the same |
Crack Down.rar |
Crafton & Xunk / Get Dexter | 1986 | Ere Informatique | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 1 to pass title screen Language select screen options, Left = French, Joypad 1 Button 1 = English, Right = German Use Joypad 1 LEFT and RIGHT to Select control option 1 or 2, Joypad 1 Button 1 to Begin Game Option 1 = Walk in the direction you push Option 2 = Left, Right and Down to Turn, Up to Walk Joypad 1 Button 1 to Jump, Joypad 1 Button 2 to Pause / Unpause Joypad 2 Button 1 to Pick Up, Joypad 2 Button 2 to Drop Joypad 2 LEFT to Recall Xunk, Joypad 2 RIGHT to Pull Quit game with Console Pause Button |
Crafton & Xunk.rar |
Crazy Cars | 1987 | Titus | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1/J2UP=Accelerate, J1B2/J2DN=Brake, GX4000 Pause/Any Button=Pause/Unpause Hiscore : J1B1/J1B2=Up/Down, J1LT/J1RT=Left/Right, J1UP=Select Letter |
Crazy Cars.rar |
Crazy Cars 3 | 1992 | Titus | No | Converted by Urusegi J1B2=Boost ; J2B1=Night glasses ; J2B2=Restart |
Crazy Cars 3.rar |
Crazy Legs | 1985 | Graig Mitchell | No | Converted by 00WReX | Crazy Legs.rar |
Crocked | 2019 | AMSDOS | No | Converted by 00WReX Basic Game |
Crocked.rar |
Croco Magneto | 1989 | Croconews No°8 | No | Converted by Phantomz Menu : J1B1/2= Options 1/2, J1UP/DN = Option 3/4. Pause = Quit game. You need to select joy (option 3) before you begin. |
Croco Magneto.rar |
Cross Chase | 2018 | Fabrizio Caruso | No | Cross Chase.rar | |
Crazy Blaster | 2019 | The Future Was 8 Bit | No | Converted by iXien | Crazy Blaster.rar |
Crystal Castles | 1986 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz | Crystal Castles.rar |
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy | 1992 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by dragon and Phantomz 1 = Pad 1 Button 1, 2 = Pad 1 Button 2 GX4000 Button = Pause, Pad 2 Button 2 = Quit If you Redefine Controls, Press Up for Option 1 Level 2 = 2222 PRESS UP X 4, Level 3 = 3333 PRESS LEFT X 4, Level 4 = 4444 PRESS RIGHT X 4 Sometimes the game starts when you try and enter a level code, just quit and try again until you can enter them, they do work |
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy.rar |
Curse Of Sherwood (The) | 1988 | Hewson | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Map, GX4000 Pause=Pass Score screen. |
Curse Of Sherwood (The).rar |
Cybernoid | 1988 | Hewson | No | Converted by Phantomz Game Defaults to Joypad 1, Redefine to Joypad 1, Left, Right, Up, Fire = Activate Cheat Pause with Console Pause Button, any Button to Unpause Weapon Select = Joy1 B2 for Bombs, Joy2 B1 for Mines, Joy2 B2 for Shield, Joy2 UP for Bounce, Joy2 DOWN for Seeker |
Cybernoid.rar |
Cybernoid II | 1988 | Hewson | Yes (Palette) | Converted by Phantomz and Urusergi Game Defaults to Joypad 1, Redefine to Joypad 1, Left, Right, Up, Fire = Activate Cheat Pause with Console Pause Button, any Button to Unpause Weapon Select = Joy1 B2 for Bombs, Joy2 B1 for Time Bombs, Joy2 B2 for Defence Shield, Joy2 UP for Bouncing Bombs Joy2 DOWN for Seeker, Joy2 LEFT for Smart, Joy2 RIGHT for Tracer |
Cybernoid II.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Daley Thompson's Decathlon | 1985 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Daley Thompson's Decathlon.rar |
Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge | 1988 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge.rar |
Daley Thompson's Super Test | 1985 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Reset game with Console Pause Button |
Daley Thompson's Super Test.rar |
Dan Dare: Pilot Of The Future | 1986 | Virgin Games | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Pause, GX4000 Pause=Quit |
Dan Dare - Pilot Of The Future.rar |
Dan Dare II - Mekons Revenge | 1987 | Virgin Games | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Pause/Unpause, GX4000 Pause=Quit Bugs Fixed |
Dan Dare II - Mekons Revenge.rar |
Dan Dare III - The Escape | 1990 | Virgin Games | No | Converted by Phantomz Use Joypad 2 for ingame shop |
Dan Dare III - The Escape.rar |
Dark Fusion | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer = Joypad 1 Button 1 for Yes, Button 2 for No, Stage = Joypad 1, Up = 1, Left = 2, Right = 3, Down =4 Joypad 1 Button 2 to Select Weapon, Joypad 2 Button 1 to Quit Game. CHEAT MODE At the "PRESS FIRE TO START" screen, press Joypad 1 Button 2, sound will ring. DURING GAME Press Joypad 2 UP for Part 2 of the current level, Press Joypad 2 LEFT for Part 3 of the current level Press Joypad 2 RIGHT for End of level, Press Joypad 2 DOWN to Get 8 lives (If displayed after your death). |
Dark Fusion.rar |
Darkman | 1991 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz and dragon Pause with Console Pause Button, Unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 To Quit Game, Press Joypad 1 Button 2 whilst Paused Keyboard O,P are changed to I,O for PLUS users |
Darkman.rar |
Darts 180 | 1986 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz GX4000 Pause=Quit |
Darts 180.rar |
Dawn Of Kernel (The) | 2018 | | No | Dawn Of Kernel (The).rar | |
Death Or Glory | 1987 | CRL Group | No | Converted by iXien | Death Or Glory.rar |
Death Stalker | 1988 | Codemasters | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer : J1B1 = Cheat, J1B2 = Normal Game. Game : J2B1 = Turn Music On/Off, J2B2 = Pause/unpause, Pause button = Quit Game 2 versions included : one using UP on the D-pad for up, the other using J1B2 to do so. |
Death Stalker.rar |
Death Wish 3 | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Enter Doors/Look out of Windows/Return to Room, J1B2=Change Weapon J2B2=Change Map (Blue=Weapon, Yellow=Gang Leader), GX4000 Pause=Pause J1B2+GX4000 Pause=Quit |
Death Wish 3.rar |
Defend Or Die | 1985 | Alligata Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 1 to Start Game Joypad 1 Button 2 for Bombs Joypad 2 Button 1 for Hyperspace Joypad 2 Button 2 to Pause / Unpause Console Pause Button to Reset Game |
Defend Or Die.rar |
Defenders Of The Earth | 1990 | Enigma Variations | No | Converted by Phantomz Press the console pause button to call for help Pause with Joypad 2 Button 1, unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 Quit game with Joypad 2 Button 2 Keys Q,A,O,P changed to A, Z, K, L for PLUS Users. Space to Fire, P to call for Help, G to Pause, Space to unpause, F to Abort. |
Defenders Of The Earth.rar |
Deflektor | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by dragon and Phantomz J1B2/J1B1=Pause/Unpause, GX4000 Pause=Quit UP=Pass Hiscore Table and Ending. |
Deflektor.rar |
Desert Fox | 1986 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz J2B1 =Quit, J2B2/Any button=Pause/Unpause. |
Desert Fox.rar |
Desperado (Gunsmoke) | 1987 | Topo Soft | No | Converted by dragon | Desperado (Gunsmoke).rar |
Diamond Digger | 1986 | Computing With The Amstrad | No | Converted by 00WReX Basic game from CWTA (July 1986). |
Diamond Digger.rar |
Dick Tracy | 1991 | Titus | Yes | Original cartridge - "Initialise the asic coordinates" fix by gerald | Dick Tracy -Fixed-.rar |
Dizzy - Amstrad Action Special Edition | 1988 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 button 1 to jump and joypad 1 button 2 to Pick up / Drop / Use CHEAT MODE (See the different rooms of the game) To activate the cheat pause the game, whilst paused, press joypad 1 button 2, you will disappear The cheat is now activated, you can now move around the screens with joypad 1 dpad, press joypad 1 button 1 to reappear onscreen You can press the console pause button to pause then joypad 1 button 2 to disappear whenever you want |
Dizzy - Amstrad Action Special Edition.rar |
Dizzy - Down The Rapids | 1991 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Menu = Up for option 1, Down for option 2, Fire 1 for option 3 KEYS or JOYS will be controlled by the Joypads |
Dizzy - Down The Rapids.rar |
Dizzy - The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure | 1988 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 button 1 to jump and joypad 1 button 2 to Pick up / Drop / Use CHEAT MODE (See the different rooms of the game) To activate the cheat (On title screen) hold down joypad 1 fire button 1 to start game, keep it held down, whilst held down press joypad 2 button 1 to quit game (keep joypad 1 fire button 1 held down whilst you do this) the game should restart The cheat is now activated, you can now press the console pause button to disappear, you can now move around the screens with joypad 1 dpad, press joypad 1 button 1 to reappear onscreen You can press the console pause button to disappear whenever you want once the cheat is activated If you quit game, you will need to reactivate the cheat |
Dizzy - The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure.rar |
Dizzy II - Treasure Island Dizzy | 1989 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 button 1 to jump and joypad 1 button 2 to Pick up / Drop / Use CHEAT MODE (See the different rooms of the game) To activate the cheat (On title screen) hold down joypad 1 UP, whilst held down, also hold down joypad 1 fire button 1, keep them held down whilst the game starts with a short tune The cheat is now activated, you can now press the console pause button to disappear, you can now move around the screens with joypad 1 dpad, press joypad 1 button 1 to reappear onscreen You can press the console pause button to disappear whenever you want once the cheat is activated If you quit game, you will need to reactivate the cheat |
Dizzy II - Treasure Island Dizzy.rar |
Dizzy III - Fantasy World Dizzy | 1989 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 button 1 to jump and joypad 1 button 2 to Pick up / Drop / Use CHEAT MODE (See the different rooms of the game) To activate the cheat (On title screen) hold down joypad 1 UP, whilst held down, also hold down joypad 1 fire button 1, keep them held down whilst the game starts with a short tune The cheat is now activated, you can now press the console pause button (don't disappear in this version), you can now move around the screens with joypad 1 dpad, press joypad 1 button 1 to reappear onscreen You can press the console pause button to use whenever you want once the cheat is activated If you quit game, you will need to reactivate the cheat |
Dizzy III - Fantasy World Dizzy.rar |
Dizzy IV - Magicland Dizzy | 1990 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 button 1 to jump and joypad 1 button 2 to Pick up / Drop / Use |
Dizzy IV - Magicland Dizzy.rar |
Dizzy V - Spellbound Dizzy | 1991 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 button 1 to jump and joypad 1 button 2 to Pick up / Drop / Use |
Dizzy V - Spellbound Dizzy.rar |
Dizzy VI - Prince Of The Yolkfolk | 1991 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 button 1 to jump and joypad 1 button 2 to Pick up / Drop / Use |
Dizzy VI - Prince Of The Yolkfolk.rar |
Double Dragon | 1988 | Dro Soft | No | Converted by dragon When mission finish mays/shift=press 2 to next level, if you press fire you repeat the last level |
Double Dragon.rar |
Double Dragon II - The Revenge | 1989 | Dro Soft | No | Converted by dragon | Double Dragon II - The Revenge.rar |
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone | 1991 | Storm Software | No | Converted by dragon | Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone.rar |
Dragon Attack | 20168 | Bitplane Technomantes | No | Converted by B0wman & Urusergi | Dragon Attack.rar |
Dragon Ninja | 1988 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Remap keys to have Pause button. GX4000 Pause=Pause, (x2) to quit, other button to unpause. |
Dragon Ninja.rar |
Dragon Spirit | 1989 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause Button to Skip XOR Cracktro (No cracktro version included) J1B2 = Bombs, Pause Button to pause, J1B1 to unpause J2B1 = Quit game, J2B2 = Flip screen Note :O and P changed to U and I for PLUS machines. |
Dragon Spirit.rar |
Dragon's Lair | 1985 | Software Projects | No | Converted by dragon | Dragon's Lair.rar |
Dragon's Lair 2 - Escape From Singe's Castle | 1987 | Software Projects | No | Converted by dragon | Dragon's Lair 2 - Escape From Singe's Castle.rar |
Druid | 1986 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause / Unpasue with Console Pause Button Joypad 1 Button 2 = CYCLE THROUGH the missile spells; water, fire and lightning Joypad 2 UP = Key, LEFT = Invisibility, RIGHT = Golem, DOWN = Chaos Joypad 2 Button 1 = Command the Golem to: WAIT, FOLLOW the druid or SEND the golem in the direction the druid is facing |
Druid.rar |
Duct (The) | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics | No | Converted by CraigsBar Taken from AA28 Covertape |
Duct (The).rar |
Duet | 1986 | Elite Systems | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause/Unpause=J1B2, GX4000 Pause=Quit/Skip Highscore Table. |
Duet.rar |
Dustin | 1986 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by dragon Needs Joy2 for Drop & Abort |
Dustin.rar |
Dynamite Dux | 1989 | Activision | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Jump, GX4000 Pause=Pause/Unpause, J2B1=Quit |
Dynamite Dux.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
E-Motion | 1990 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by dragon | E-Motion.rar |
Eden Blues - Doomsday Blues | 1986 | Ere Informatique / PSS | No | Converted by Urusergi | Eden Blues - Doomsday Blues.rar |
El Linaje Real | 2017 | ESP Soft | Yes (Palette) | Converted by dragon & Ayor 61 Version 1.0.1 |
El Linaje Real.rar |
Elevator Action | 1987 | Activision | No | Converted by Phantomz | Elevator Action.rar |
Eliminator | 1988 | Hewson | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Pause, J1B1/J1B2=Unpause GX4000 Pause=Quit game. |
Eliminator.rar |
Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam | 1989 | Zigurat | No | Converted by dragon Please read the attached txt for instructions on how to enter codes. |
Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam.rar |
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer | 1989 | Audiogenic Software | No | Converted by Phantomz and Urusergi Name Entering : J1LT/RT/GX4000 Pause=Letter R/T/Enter. During match : J1B2=Skip, When paused : J2B2 = If ball is out of play, return to menu, J1B2 = End Current Half. |
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer.rar |
Enduro Racer | 1987 | Activision | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 = Default Joystick controls, incase you want to plug a joystick in a play like the original Joypad 2 = Button 1 for Increase Throttle, Button 2 for Apply Brake, Steer with Left and Right, Down to Pull Wheelie Pause with Console Pause Button Reset the game (Quit) with Joypad 1 Button 2 Bugs Fixed |
Enduro Racer.rar |
Epimetheus | 2019 | CNGSoft | No | Converted by iXien | Epimetheus.rar |
Equinox | 1986 | Mikrogen | No | Converted by Phantomz Use Joypad 2 and the Console Pause Button for the Menu options Use Joypad 1 Button 2 to Pause the Game, Any button to Unpause, GX4000 Pause = Quit. |
Equinox.rar |
Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters | 1990 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz Included two versions v1 for Joypad, press Button 2 for Bomb v2 for Joystick, push down for Bomb |
Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters.rar |
Espada Sagrada (La) | 1990 | Topo Soft | No | Converted by dragon J1B1=Use, J1B2+DN=Take/Drop, J1B2+LT/RT=Inventary Relaunch game to change level (no password) |
Espada Sagrada (La).rar |
Everyone's A Wally - Meet The Gang | 1985 | Mikrogen | No | Converted by Phantomz J1LT/RT = Left/Right, J1UP=Exit, J1B1=Jump J2B1/B2/UP/LT/RT = Select Wally/Wilma/Tom/Dick/Harry GX4000 Pause = Pause/Unpause |
Everyone's A Wally - Meet The Gang.rar |
Exolon | 1987 | Hewson | No | Converted by Phantomz Game defaults to Joypad 1, use Button 2 to Jump, or Redefine Controls Pause with Console Pause Button, any Button to Unpause |
Exolon.rar |
Express Raider | 1987 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz | Express Raider.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
F1 Tornado Simulator | 1991 | Zeppelin Games | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Select weapon. |
F1 Tornado Simulator.rar |
Fast Food Dizzy | 1989 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Fast Food Dizzy.rar |
Fernandez Must Die | 1988 | Image Works | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Map, Pause button = Pause (J1B1 = Unpause), J2B1 = Music on/off J1LT/RT = Leave Jeep |
Fernandez Must Die.rar |
Feud | 1987 | Bulldog | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2/J2B2 = Centre, Pause button = Pause (J1B1/J2B1 = Unpause). |
Feud.rar |
Final Matrix (The) | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by dragon | Final Matrix (The).rar |
Fips' Tale | 2020 | Norman | No | Converted by Ayor61 J1B1 = Sword fight, J1B2 = Bridge Key activation, Pause Button = Pause (J1B2 = quit game) CPCRetrodev2020 |
Fips' Tale.rar |
Fire & Forget | 1988 | Titus | No | Converted by Phantomz | Fire & Forget.rar |
Fire Ant | 1984 | Mogul | No | Converted by yurif | Fire Ant.rar |
Fire Land | 1992 | Tropic Soft / Black System | No | Converted by dragon | Fire Land.rar |
Fire Tyre | 2020 | CNGSoft | No | Converted by Ayor61 Main menu: J1B1 = Start game Ingame: J1B1 = Gear, J1B2 = Acceleration, J1LT/RT = Left/Right, J1DN = Brake, J1UP = Pause, Pause button = Quit CPCRetroDev 2020 |
Fire Tyre.rar |
Fluff | 1994 | Radical Software | Yes | Converted by yurif74 | Fluff.rar |
Fly Spy | 1987 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Mode, Pause button = Select, J2B2+J2B1 = Redefine |
Fly Spy.rar |
Flying Shark | 1987 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz | Flying Shark.rar |
Forgotten Worlds | 1989 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz | Forgotten Worlds.rar |
Frankie Goes To Hollywood | 1986 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by dragon | Frankie Goes To Hollywood.rar |
Friday The 13th | 1986 | Domark | No | Converted by Urusergi Pause button = Quit current game |
Friday The 13th.rar |
Frog Alot | 2015 | cpcretrodev.byterealms | No | Converted by Phantomz | Frog Alot.rar |
Frogger (Clockwize Software version) | 2017 | Deanysoft | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2/J1B1 = Pause/Unpause, Pause button = Quit current game. |
Frogger (Clockwize Software version).rar |
Frogger (The Executioner version) | 2007 | Richard Wilson (The Executioner) | Yes | Converted by Urusergi | Frogger (The Executioner version).rar |
Frost Byte | 1986 | Mikrogen | No | Converted by Phantomz | Frost Byte.rar |
Fruit Machine | 1984 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 1 will set the reels rolling Joypad 1 LEFT, UP, RIGHT will hold either 1st, 2nd and 3rd reels Joypad 1 Button 2 = Gamble Joypad 1 DOWN = Collect win or cancel hold Joypad 1 LEFT = Will exchange wins for nudges Joypad 1 RIGHT = Will exchange wins for Winner Spinners Joypad 1 LEFT, UP, RIGHT will nudge DOWN each reel Joypad 2 LEFT, UP, RIGHT will nudge UP each reel Press Console Pause Button to Pass Highscore Table |
Fruit Machine.rar |
Fruit Machine Simulator | 1988 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Select number of Players 1 = Up, 2 = Left, 3 = Right, 4 = Down Insert Coin/s = £1 = Up, 50p = Left, 20p = Right, 10p = Down Press Fire 1 when finished or Fire 2 to Reject coin/s Pause Button = Give Up (in multi-player game), Yes = Fire 1, No = Fire 2 If you give up you can't register on the HIGH-WINS table For the winner to register, press Fire 1 before inserting coins, and walk away Walk away, Yes = Fire 1, No = Fire 2 Each Player is Limited to puting in between 40p and £1.10 per turn Fire 1 = Feature Stop / Collect / Nudge, Fire 2 = Start / Gamble Up = Stake Coin / Stake Nudge, Down = Cancel Left = HOLD REEL 1, Up = HOLD REEL 2, Right = HOLD REEL 3 To enter your name in the High-wins table, you can press the console pause button for P then the dpad for number then Enter with Fire 1, So you could enter names as P1, P2, P3, P4 etc if you wish |
Fruit Machine Simulator.rar |
Fruit Machine Simulator 2 | 1990 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Select number of Players: JY2 1=1, 2=2, 3=UP, 4=DOWN Insert Coin/s: JY2 1=10p 2=20p UP=50p DOWN=£1 RIGHT=Token LEFT=Reject coins already inserted Console Button = Give up (multi-player game only) JY1 Button 1, or Dpad = ENTER when finished During the game: FRUIT-MACHINE BUTTON (When flashing) Start/Gamble = Joy 1 Button 2, Take/Stop = Joy 1 Button 1 Hold reel 1,2, or 3 = Joy 1 Up = 1, Joy 1 Down = 2, Joy 1 Right = 3 Cancel = Joy 1 Left, Shuffle = Joy 1 Button 2, Stake coin = Joy 1 Up The Greatest Gamblers: in a multi-player game, only the winner can register his name as one of the greatest gamblers To register, don't insert any coins, just press Joy 1 Button 1, or Dpad then press Console Pause Button to walk away with the money you've got or press Joy 1 Button 2 to carry on To enter your name in the High-wins table, you can use joypad 2 button 1 and 2 and up and down for 1, 2, 3, 4 then Enter with Joypad 1 Button 1, up, down, left or right, So you could enter names as 1, 2, 3, 4 etc if you wish |
Fruit Machine Simulator 2.rar |
Fruity Frank | 1984 | Kuma Computers | No | Converted by Phantomz Enter Start Speed : J1UP = Fast, J1B1 = Medium, J1DN = Slow J1B2 = skip highscore table |
Fruity Frank.rar |
Fusion II | 1988 | Loriciels | No | Converted by iXien | Fusion II.rar |
Future Knight | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Use item |
Future Knight.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Galactic Plague (The) | 1984 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz UP to select one player, DOWN to select two players, FIRE starts game CHEAT MODE (3 lives + Next Level) Press Console Pause Button |
Galactic Plague (The).rar |
Galactic Tomb | 2018 | ESP Soft | No | Converted by Urusergi J1B1/B2: Start/Redefine, GX4000 Pause : Sound on/off, J1B1 to get out of high score |
Galactic Tomb.rar |
Galaxia | 1984 | Kuma Computers | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Start/Pass Hiscore table, J1B2/Any Button=Pause/Unpause. |
Galaxia.rar |
Galaxy Force | 1989 | Activision | No | Converted by dragon and Urusergi | Galaxy Force.rar |
Game Over | 1986 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by dragon (CPC version) & Ayor61 (Cyrille Gouret) (Plus Patch) CPC Version : Don't forget to select Joystick before starting |
Game Over.rar |
Game Over II | 1987 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by dragon Don't forget to select Joystick before starting |
Game Over II.rar |
Gates To Hell | 2005 | CEZ Games Studio | No | Converted by MiguelSky | Gates to Hell.rar |
Gauntlet | 1985 | MicroPower | No | Converted by CraigsBar | Gauntlet (MicroPower).rar |
Gauntlet | 1985 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Urusergi Use Joypad Button 2 for Magic Potions P = Console Pause Button to Pause and Use Trainer Cheat Mode if turned on D & F moved to Z & X for PLUS Keyboard Users |
Gauntlet.rar |
Gauntlet - The Deeper Dungeons | 1987 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Urusergi Use Joypad Button 2 for Magic Potions P = Console Pause Button to Pause and Use Trainer Cheat Mode if turned on D & F moved to Z & X for PLUS Keyboard Users |
Gauntlet - The Deeper Dungeons.rar |
Gauntlet II | 1986 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Urusergi Use Joypad Button 2 for Magic Potions P = Console Pause Button to Pause and Use Trainer Cheat Mode if turned on D & F moved to Z & X for PLUS Keyboard Users |
Gauntlet II.rar |
Gazza II | 1990 | Empire | No | Converted by Phantomz Original Disk Version |
Gazza II.rar |
Ghostbusters | 1989 | Activision | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Pause/Unpause AND Status. GX4000 Pause=Bait. In the readme detailled instructions to have lot of money |
Ghostbusters.rar |
Ghostbusters II | 1989 | Activision | No | Converted by dragon J2B1=Abandon |
Ghostbusters II.rar |
Ghost Hunters | 1986 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Ghost Hunters.rar |
Ghosts 'N' Goblins | 1986 | Elite Systems | No | Converted by Phantomz J1UP/J1B2=Jump, GX4000 Pause/Any button=Pause/Unpause J2B1=Skip Level on Trainer |
Ghosts 'N' Goblins.rar |
Ghosts 'N' Goblins (Xifos version) | 2018 | Xifos | Yes | Final alpha version | Ghosts 'N' Goblins (Xifos version).rar |
Ghouls 'N' Ghosts | 1989 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz Redefine Controls with Console Pause Button Redefine Controls first to get Pause to work Pause Once to Pause, Pause Twice to Quit Continue with Joypad 1 Button 1 for Yes, Joypad 1 Button 2 for No |
Ghouls 'N' Ghosts.rar |
Glider Rider | 1986 | Quicksilva | No | Converted by Phantomz GX4000 Pause=Quit |
Glider Rider.rar |
Golden Axe | 1990 | Virgin Games | No | Converted by Phantomz Use Joypad 2 for Menu / Options Press UP for Joystick 1, Redefine Magic to Joypad 1 Button 2, Select Character With Joypad 1 Press DOWN for Joystick 2, Redefine Magic to Joypad 2 Button 2, Select Character Happy with your controls Yes or No = Joypad 2 Button 1 for Yes, Joypad 2 Button 2 for No Press Joypad 1 Button 1 to Start a 1 Player game Press Joypad 2 Button 1 after you have started to get Player 2 to join for two players |
Golden Axe.rar |
Golden Basket | 1990 | Opera Soft | No | Converted by Phantomz Select 1 or 2 Players to Begin, it defaults to the joypads Pause / Unpause with Joypad 1 Button 2 Quit with Console Pause Button |
Golden Basket.rar |
Good Moon | 1990 | Micro Mag | No | Converted by dragon | Good Moon.rar |
Goody | 1987 | Opera Soft | No | Converted by dragon | Goody.rar |
Goonies (The) | 1986 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by dragon Pause/ESC : Joy2 Button 1 & 2 (Pause is deblocked with GX4000 pause key) Toggle music : Joy1 Button 2 |
Goonies (The).rar |
Gothik | 1987 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Status Display, J2B1=Take Potion/Enter Portal J2B2=Firestorm, J2UP=Metamorphose Food/Gold |
Gothik.rar |
Grand Prix Simulator | 1987 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Grand Prix Simulator.rar |
Grand Prix Simulator 2 | 1989 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer Y=1 N=2, LEVEL = Joypad 1: 1U 2L 3R 4D Joypad 2: 5U 6L 7R 8D 9F1 Left, Up, Right to change a Player, Pause Button to Start Should the driver be the computer? Joypad Fire 1 = Yes Joypad Fire 2 = No Player 1 uses Joypad 1, Player 2 uses Joypad 2 (ignore the onscreen control graphics) Fire 1 for Acceleration, Fire 2 for Brake / Reverse, Left and Right to Steer Pause / Unpause with the Console Pause Button After each race, press console pause button to continue or Joypad Fire 2 for Replay |
Grand Prix Simulator 2.rar |
Great Escape (The) | 1986 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by yurif74 | Great Escape (The).rar |
Green Beret | 1986 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad Button 2 to Shoot, Pause Button to Pause |
Green Beret.rar |
Grell And Falla | 1992 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Swap character, GX4000 Pause/J2B1=Pause/Quit |
Grell And Falla.rar |
Gremlins 2 - The New Batch | 1990 | Topo Soft | No | Converted by dragon Push J1B2 6 times in the authors credit screen to get infinite energy (a little red border appears). |
Gremlins 2 - The New Batch.rar |
Gryzor | 1987 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by dragon and Phantomz | Gryzor.rar |
Guardian II - Revenge Of The Mutants | 1990 | Hi-Tec Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 1 or 2 to Start a 1 or 2 Player game Joypad 1 Button 2 for Smart Bombs, Joypad 2 Button 1 for Hyperspace, Joypad 2 Button 2 for Energy Cloak |
Guardian II - Revenge Of The Mutants.rar |
Guerra De Gamber (La) | 2014 | ESP Soft | No | Converted by McKlain | Guerra De Gamber (La).rar |
Gunsmoke | 1987 | Topo Soft | No | Converted by Phantomz | Gunsmoke.rar |
Guzzler | 1986 | Players | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 1 to Start game for colour screen, Button 2 to Start game for green screen Pause with Joypad 1 Button 2, unpause with any button, not Button 1 or you will drop a bomb! Joypad 2 Button 1 to turn music off, Joypad 2 Button 2 to turn music on |
Guzzler.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Hammer Head | 1992 | Zigurat | No | Converted by Urusergi | Hammer Head.rar |
Harrier Attack | 1984 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz Bomb Drop = Joypad Button 2, Eject = Pause Button Press Joypad 1 Button 1 to Bypass Highscore Table |
Harrier Attack.rar |
Harvest Day | 2018 | J.M.L. De Guevara Garcia/A.M. Garcia/D.S. Martinez | No | Converted by 00WReX From CPCRetroDev 2018 |
Harvest Day.rar |
Harvey Headbanger | 1986 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1 To pass title. Main Men : Pause=Play, 1 = Instr, 2= Demo Pause + ... J1UP = Restart, J1B1 = Music On / Off, J1B2 = Change Colours, J2B2 = Number of players Pause + J2B1/UP/LT/RT/DN= Level 1 to 5 |
Harvey Headbanger.rar |
HATE - Hostile All Terrain Encounter | 1989 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause with Console Pause Button, unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 |
HATE - Hostile All Terrain Encounter.rar |
Head Over Heels | 1987 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by dragon and Phantomz (Joystick Fire 1 = yes) (Joystick Fire 2=no) For Trainer Redefine Controls Before You Start At some parts of the game it is essential to use jump and carry together, so leave at least one key defined as both |
Head Over Heels.rar |
Heartland | 1986 | Odin Computer Graphics | No | Converted by Urusergi | Heartland.rar |
Helloween | 1994 | David Hall | No | Converted by 00WReX | Helloween.rar |
Hero | 2005 | John Van RYZIN/Flynn | No | Converted by Phantomz | Hero.rar |
Hero Quest | 1991 | Gremlin Graphics Software | Yes (Palette+Hardware Sprites) | Converted by dragon and Urusergi (Sorcerer background & part of hardware sprites) Expanded Plus version requires 128k RAM, standard version available for stock GX4000 |
Hero Quest.rar |
Hexavirus v0 | 2019 | Arnoldemu | No | Converted by Arnoldemu | Hexavirus v0.rar |
Hi-Rise | 1986 | Bubble Bus Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1UP/DN/LT/RT+Fire to select start screen, Pause=Hiscore table. GX4000 Pause=Pause, any button to unpause. J1B2=Drop Glue, J2B1/B2=Chasing men slower/faster, J2UP/DN=Quit/Suicide |
Hi-Rise.rar |
High Steel | 1989 | Screen 7 | No | Converted by iXien J1 D-Pad = up/down/left/right J1B1 = Pick up / Drop J1B1+left/right = Throw left/right |
High Steel.rar |
Hire Hare | 2016 | CNGSoft | No | Converted by iXien | Hire Hare.rar |
Hit Squad (The) | 1988 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 or up = Jump Pause button = Pause (J1B1=Unpause/J2B1=quit) The game comes with a Trainer which gives infinite energy, but inbuilt cheat option is working too CHEAT: You need to score 3000 points, then enter your name as " ZZZZZZZZ " to become " Invulnerable ". At the high score entry you will get the prompt " PRESS FIRE ONE. ". However, just press button 2 on the pad 8 times, then press button 1 to cheat. |
Hit Squad (The).rar |
Hora Bruja | 2011 | ESP Soft | No | Converted by McKlain | Hora Bruja.rar |
Hostages | 1990 | Infogrames | No | Converted by Phantomz 64k version so no " Menu Map " Button. Skip Intro with J1B1 Part 1 : J2B1/B2/UP=DELTA/ECHO/MIKE Part 2 :J2B1/B2/UP/LT/RT/DN=DELTA/ECHO/MIKE/HOTEL/TANGO/BRAUD Poked version : Invincibility and Infinite Time |
Hostages.rar |
Hot-Rod | 1989 | Activision | No | Converted by dragon | Hot-Rod.rar |
HotShot | 1988 | Addictive Games | No | Converted by Phantomz When asked "PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME", you can just press J1B1 to skip or on any joypad Up=P, Left=1, Right=2, Down=Space, B1=Enter, B2=Delete. J1B2 = Pause/unpause, Pause button = Quit game. |
Hotshot.rar |
Howard The Duck | 1987 | Activision | No | Converted by dragon Entering name is not joystick friendly, use Pause/Joy2 |
Howard The Duck.rar |
Hunchback | 1985 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Joypad 1 Button 2 for Instructions |
Hunchback.rar |
Hunchback II - Quasimodo's Revenge | 1985 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Hunchback II - Quasimodo's Revenge.rar |
Hydrofool | 1987 | FTL | No | Converted by Phantomz Press button 2 to select Joystick before you start Then press, Up, Left, Right, or Down to start on your choice |
Hydrofool.rar |
Hyper Sports | 1985 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Hyper Sports.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Ikari Warriors | 1986 | Elite Systems | No | Converted by Phantomz Original Title Screen and New Title Screen Version Included Press Fire button 1 on Joypad 1 on Player 1 select screen, Redefine the Joypad 1 controls Press Up on Joypad 2 on Player 2 select screen, press Joypad 2 button 2 for toggle Press Fire Button 1 on Joypad 1 to start a 1 Player game Press Fire Button 2 on Joypad 1 to start a 2 Player game You can bypass the High score board with Joypad 1 Fire Button 1 |
Ikari Warriors.rar |
iLogicAll | 2009 | ESP Soft & CEZ Games Studio | No | Converted by MiguelSky | iLogicAll.rar |
Imaginario Colectivo | 2012 | ESP Soft | No | Converted by McKlain | Imaginario Colectivo.rar |
Impact | 1988 | Audiogenic Software LTD | No | Converted by Phantomz J1DN=Use Token/Buy Weapons, J1B2=Pause, GX400 Pause = Quit |
Impact.rar |
Impossaball | 1987 | Hewson | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1=Start. GX4000 Pause = Cheat Mode, J1B2/B1=Pause/Unpause. Cheat mode : " START LEVEL 1 " will appear, J1B2=Change level, J1B1=Start |
Impossaball.rar |
Impossamole | 1990 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Console Pause Button for Super Weapon Attack ( Only one per level. Use only as a last resort ). Joypad 2 Button 1 to Pause / Unpause, Joypad 2 Button 2 to Quit Game. Use Joypad 1 UP or Button 2 to jump or climb. |
Impossamole.rar |
Impossible Mission | 1986 | Epyx | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Button 2 on Joypad 1 to Start Game |
Impossible Mission.rar |
Impossible Mission II | 1988 | Epyx | No | Converted by Phantomz | Impossible Mission II.rar |
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade | 1989 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by dragon J1B2+DN=Pause,J1B2+LT=Abandon With cheats activated: J1B2+UP=Reset Level,J1B2+RT=Go To Mid Point. J1B1+J1B2 = Next level |
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.rar |
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | 1987 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz Turn Music On / Off with Joypad 1 Button 2 Pause with Console Pause Button, Unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 Whilst Paused Press Left or Right on Joypad 1 to change game colours At the main menu Press the Console Button 5 times, a beep will sound, this will give you Infinite Lives During the game, you can press Button 1 on Joypad 2 to go to the next level Keyboard Contorls are Q, A, I, O and SPACE for PLUS users |
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.rar |
Infernal Runner | 1986 | Loriciels | No | Converted by iXien Press PAUSE to hold the game. |
Infernal Runner.rar |
International Karate Plus | 1988 | System 3 | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Button 1 on Joypad 1 for 1 Player Game Press Button 1 on Joypad 2 for 2 Player Game Press Button 2 on Joypad 1 to turn Music On / Off Press Button 2 on Joypad 2 to turn SFX On / Off Pause / Unpause with Console Pause Button |
International Karate Plus.rar |
Inside Outing | 1988 | System 3 | No | Converted by Phantomz Also Known as Raffles J1B1/J1B2=Jump/Pull, J2B1/J2B2=Pickup/Drop J2UP=Pause/Unpause, GX4000 Pause=Quit |
Inside Outing.rar |
Into The Eagle's Nest | 1987 | Pandora | No | Converted by Urusergi & Phantomz J1B2=Pause/Unpause, J2B1=Quit |
Into The Eagle's Nest.rar |
Invasion of the Zombie Monsters | 2013 | Relevo | Yes (Palette) | Converted by CraigsBar - Fixed by Yurif74 CPC+ palette by Ayor61 |
Invasion of the Zombie Monsters.rar |
Island Of Dr. Destructo (The) | 1987 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by dragon | Island Of Dr. Destructo (The).rar |
Istradarion | 2020 | Konstantinos Katsoris | No | Converted by VincentGR | Istradarion.rar |
ISS - Incredible Shrinking Sphere | 1989 | Activision | No | Converted by dragon and Phantomz Pause with console pause button, unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 Whilst Paused, Quit with Joypad 2 Button 1 |
ISS - Incredible Shrinking Sphere.rar |
Italy 1990 | 1990 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted Phantomz J1B2=Pause/Unpause, GX4000 Pause = Quit |
Italy 1990.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Jack The Nipper | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 2 to Enter Doors. Joypad 2 Button 1 and 2 for Pick Up / Drop |
Jack The Nipper.rar |
Jack The Nipper II In Coconut Capers | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Phantomz (Joystick Fire 1 = yes) (Joystick Fire 2=no) For Trainer. Quit Button is Joypad 2 UP with Yes or No, on Joypad 2 Button 1 for Yes Button 2 for No |
Jack The Nipper II In Coconut Capers.rar |
Jackal | 1988 | Konami | No | Converted by Phantomz J1UP=Change between game start and programmers screen. J1B2/J1B1/Pause=Pause/Unpause/Quit |
Jackal.rar |
James Bond - Licence To Kill | 1989 | Domark | No | Converted by dragon | James Bond - Licence To Kill.rar |
James Bond - Live And Let Die | 1988 | Domark | No | Converted by dragon | James Bond - Live And Let Die.rar |
Jarlac | 2018 | cpcretrodev.byterealms | Yes (Palette) | Converted by Ayor61 & Devilmarkus CPC+ colors Loading screen CPC+ colors In Game Full Joypad controls (description on game startup) Pause button : Game Escape |
Jarlac.rar |
Jet Bike Simulator | 1988 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause with Joypad 1 Fire 2, Unpause with Joypad 1 Fire 1 Quit with console pause button Replay with Joypad 1 Fire 1 CHEAT MODE (skip to next level if you lose) To activate, first view credit screen, then enter the name of first player "XXXXXXXX" (use fire 1x8),The cheat is now activated. |
Jet Bike Simulator.rar |
Jet Set Willy | 1984 | Software Projects | No | Converted by Urusergi J1B1=Start, J1UP/DN=Colour/Monochrome J1B2=Pause & Music On/Off, GX4000 Pause=Exit. |
Jet Set Willy.rar |
Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier | 1985 | Software Projects | No | Converted by Urusergi J1B1=Start, J1UP/DN=Colour/Monochrome, GX4000 Pause=Hiscore J1B2=Pause & Music On/Off, GX4000 Pause=Exit. |
Jet Set Willy - The Final Frontier.rar |
Jewel Warehouse | 2016 | EgoTrip | No | Converted by Phantomz version 1.1 Joypad 1 Button 2 to Pause, unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 Quit game with Console Pause Button |
Jewel Warehouse.rar |
Jinks | 1988 | Rainbow Arts | No | Converted by iXien | Jinks.rar |
Joe Blade | 1987 | Players | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause with Console Pause Button, Press Console Pause Button Whilst Paused to Quit Any other button to Unpause |
Joe Blade.rar |
Joe Blade 2 | 1988 | Players | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Button 2 for Controls, Select Joystick / pad 1 or 2 before you start Pause with Console Pause Button |
Joe Blade 2.rar |
Joe Blade 3 | 1989 | Players Premier | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2/J1B1=Pause/unpause. Computer screen : J1B1/B2/UP/DN=1,2,3,4 |
Joe Blade 3.rar |
Jonny Quest | 1991 | Hi-Tec Software | No | Converted by Urusergi J1 D-Pad = up/down/left/right J1B1 = Fire J1B2 = Select object Pause button = Pause CHEAT: J1 Up to activate Infinite lives (second level and successive) and energy. |
Jonny Quest.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
KANE | 1986 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz | KANE.rar |
Karateka | 1990 | Broderbund France | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1=Start, J1B2=Combat Mode On/Off, GX4000 Pause=Bow J2B1=Pause/Unpause, J1B2=Pass end screen. |
Karateka.rar |
Karl's Treasure Hunt | 1984 | Software Projects | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 to play Console Pause Button to Quit Infinite Lives, Press Joypad Button 2 three times, then press Button 1 to start |
Karl's Treasure Hunt.rar |
Kat Trap | 1987 | Domark | No | Converted by Urusergi J1 D-Pad = up/down/left/right J1B1 = Fire grenade J1B2 = Select weapon J1B1+left/right = fire weapon left/right Pause button = abort Ingame cheat = J2B1 for infinite lives |
Kat Trap.rar |
Killapede | 1986 | Players | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Pause (J1B1=unpause / Pause Button=Quit) Cheat: Pause the game then hold down J1B2 and press UP to add a life. |
Killapede.rar |
Killer Gorilla | 1985 | Micro Power | No | Converted by Rewk | Killer Gorilla.rar |
Kinetik | 1987 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz | Kinetik.rar |
Kitsune's Curse | 2020 | Juan Reidrac | No | Converted by Ayor61 (Cyrille Gouret) | Kitsune's Curse.rar |
Knight Ghost | 1987 | Dro Soft | No | Converted by Urusergi J1 left/right = left/right J1 up = Pass doors & stop select object mode. J1 down = Activate select object mode (J1 left/right to select) J1B1 = Start, Jump & use object. J1B2 = Exit the final screen CHEAT: On the main menu you can press Pause button to activate the cheat (Infinite Lives). |
Knight Ghost.rar |
Knight Lore | 1984 | Ultimate Play the Game | No | Converted by Phantomz When the music stops joystick will be selected automatically. J1B2=Directional Control On/OFF Directional control on = Joypad Button 2 to pick up Directional control off = Joypad Down to pick up |
Knight Lore.rar |
Knight Tyme | 1986 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz | Knight Tyme.rar |
Konami's Ping-Pong | 1985 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by remax Fire on Joy1 for 1 player, Fire on Joy 2 for 2 players. |
Konami's Ping-Pong.rar |
Krakout | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Start the game with Joypad 1 Button 1, or select options with Joypad 1 Button 2 Joypad 1 UP and DOWN and Button 1 to select options, Use Button 2 to Return to Main Menu Don't press Joypad button 1 on " DO NOT USE! " or you will need to reload the game. this was " LOAD LEVELS " it's not needed Use Joypad 1 Button 2 to Pause / Unpause Console Pause Button to Quit, Are you sure? Y = Joypad 1 Button 1, N = Joypad 1 Button 2 P and L for up and down are now Q and A for PLUS Users |
Krakout.rar |
Kung Fu Master | 1986 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 1 to Pass Title Screen Press Joypad 1 Button 1 to Start, you can now select to have Kick and Punch Button Separate Button 1 = Yes ( Button 1 to Kick, Button 2 to Punch ) Button 2 = No ( Button 1 to Kick/Punch, Button 2 Swops ) Console Pause Button to Quit the game Press "Console Pause Button" instead of J1B1 to pass title screen will load a version of the game with infinite energy. |
Kung Fu Master.rar |
Kwik Snax Dizzy | 1990 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Kwik Snax Dizzy.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Laser Squad | 1989 | Blade Software | No | Converted by dragon Difficulty : 1=UP 2=DN 3=LT 4=RT 5=1 6=2 7=Pause. Game of the Century Edition. It include all levels of the game : 5 levels from laser squad +2 levels of the expansion disk |
Laser Squad.rar |
Last Mission (The) | Opera Soft | No | Converted by Urusergi J1 D-Pad = up/down/left/right J1B1 = Fire / Exit rolling demo J1B2 = pause/unpause (while game in pause : J1 up = Immunity / J1 down = cheat off) |
Last Mission (The).rar | |
Lazer Tag | 1987 | Go! | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Pause/Unpause. |
Lazer Tag.rar |
Last V8 (The) | 1986 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Button 1 on Joypad 1 or Joypad 2 to Start Game Joypad 1 is (default controls) Move Joypad in Direction you want to move Joypad 2 is Button 1 to Accelerate, Button 2 for Brake/Reverse, and Steer with Left and Right |
Last V8 (The).rar |
Leaderboard | 1986 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz Select Numbers with, 1 = Up, 2 = Left, 3 = Right, 4 = Down Enter Player Level with the following, Pause Button is P = Professional, Controller 2 Button 1 is a = Amateur, Controller 2 Button 2 is n = Novice Controller 1 Button 2 = Enter, so you can enter your name/s as p1, p2 p3, p4 etc |
Leaderboard.rar |
Leaderboard Tournament | 1987 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz Select Numbers with, 1 = Up, 2 = Left, 3 = Right, 4 = Down Enter Player Level with the following, Pause Button is P = Professional, Controller 2 Button 1 is a = Amateur, Controller 2 Button 2 is n = Novice Controller 1 Button 2 = Enter, so you can enter your name/s as p1, p2 p3, p4 etc |
Leaderboard Tournament.rar |
Legend of Steel | CPC Retrodev 2018 | Tod Studios | Yes (Palette) | Converted by Ayor61 (Cyrille Gouret) Game with CPC+ colors palette |
Legend of Steel.rar |
Lemmings | 1991 | Psygnosis | No | Converted by dragon J1B2+L/R=Select action, J1B1=Use selected action, J1B2=Unselect. J1B2+U/D=Change rate, J1B1+J2B2=Suicid, GX4000 Pause=Pause |
Lemmings.rar |
Light Force | 1986 | FTL | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Activate Special Weapons, GX4000 Pause=Pause/Unpause |
Light Force.rar |
Logistic | 1993 | Fraggle of MOPS | No | Converted by CraigsBar | Logistic.rar |
Lone Wolf - The Mirror Of Death | 1991 | Audiogenic Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1 D-Pad = up/down/left/right J1B1 = fire J1B2 = Jump J2B1 = Pause, any key to unpause. J2 D-pad = use powers ingame: Up=1/Left=2/Right=3/Down=4 |
Lone Wolf - The Mirror Of Death.rar |
Loopz | 1991 | Audiogenic Software | No | Converted by dragon | Loopz.rar |
Lorna | 1990 | Topo Soft | No | Converted by dragon | Lorna.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Mad Mix 2 | 1990 | Topo Soft | No | Converted by Phantomz J1 up = Change Joystick to Keyboard J1 Down = Redefine Controls J1B1 = Start Game (Joypad by Default). J1B2 = Pause (any button to unpause) Pause Button = Music on/off. CHEAT MODE (Infinite lives): On the authors' screen, Press the Pause button once, then keep pressing J1B1 until the Main Menu appears. The screen will flash in Red To show you the cheat mode has been activated. |
Mad Mix 2.rar |
Mad Mix Game - The Pepsi Challenge | 1988 | Topo Soft | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Pause CHEAT (Infinite Lives): When we see the programmer's name appear, just press the Pause button, a blue bar behind the letters appears. |
Mad Mix Game - The Pepsi Challenge.rar |
Mad Mix Game | 1988 | Topo Soft | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Pause CHEAT (Infinite Lives): When we see the programmer's name appear, just press the Pause button, a blue bar behind the letters appears. |
Mad Mix Game.rar |
Madballs | 1987 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by 00WReX | Madballs.rar |
Maddog | 1987 | Titus | No | Converted by iXien | Maddog.rar |
Mag Max | 1986 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Urusergi Cheat menu : J1 UP=YES,DOWN=NO, GX4000 PAUSE=Pause, JOY2 B1 = Reset |
Mag Max.rar |
Magica | 2016 | | No | Converted by Phantomz Version 1.0.2 To use pause : Push DN twice to redefine the controls. |
Magica.rar |
Mange Cailloux | 1987 | UBI Soft | No | Converted by iXien Press PAUSE to quit game. |
Mange Cailloux.rar |
Manic Miner | 1984 | Software Projects | No | Converted by Urusergi J1B2=Start, Pause, Music On/Off. J1LT/J1RT=Unpause GX4000 Pause=Quit. |
Manic Miner.rar |
Marauder | 1988 | Hewson | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Smart Bombs |
Marauder.rar |
Marble Madness Deluxe Edition | 1987 | Melbourne House | No | Converted by Phantomz | Marble Madness Deluxe Edition.rar |
Mariano The Dragon In Capers In Cityland | 2008 | CEZ Games Studio | No | Converted by MiguelSky | Mariano The Dragon In Capers In Cityland.rar |
Master Of The Lamps | 1985 | Activision | No | Converted by Urusergi ESC=GX4000 Pause |
Master Of The Lamps.rar |
Masters of the Universe | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Masters of the Universe.rar |
Match Day | 1985 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Menu : J1UP/DN=ESC/SPACE, J1LT/RT=YES/NO J1B1=ENTER |
Match Day.rar |
Match Day II | 1987 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Select in menu, Pause in game ( brings up menu ). |
Match Day II.rar |
Match Point | 1985 | Psion | No | Converted by Phantomz Enter Name screen : J1B1=Enter, J1B2=Delete GX4000 Pause=Restart Game, J1LT/RT=Y/N |
Match Point.rar |
Mercs | 1991 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by dragon | Mercs.rar |
Metal Army | 1988 | Players | No | Converted by Phantomz | Metal Army.rar |
Metro Cross | 1987 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Console Pause Button to Start Game Console Pause Button to Pause / Unpause |
Metro Cross.rar |
MGT | 1986 | Loriciel | No | Converted by Gerald | MGT.rar |
Mickey Mouse | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics | No | Converted by dragon - fixed by Johnny Olsen | Mickey Mouse.rar |
Microprose Soccer | 1989 | Microprose Software | No | Converted Phantomz Joystick,Keyboard 1 = Joypad 1/2 Pause/Unpause=GX4000 Pause/J1B1, whilst Paused, press J1B2=Quit |
Microprose Soccer.rar |
Midnight Resistance | 1990 | Ocean Software | No | Converted Phantomz J1B1=Start, J1B2=Backpack GX4000 Pause/Any Button=Pause/Unpause |
Midnight Resistance.rar |
Mig 29 Soviet Fighter | 1989 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted Phantomz J1B2=Change weapons, GX4000 Pause/J1B1/J1B2=Pause/Unpause/Abort |
Mig 29 Soviet Fighter.rar |
Mike The Guitar | 2018 | S. Braunert / U. Geiken | No | Converted by iXien | Mike The Guitar.rar |
Mikie | 1986 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by dragon | Mikie.rar |
Milk Race (The) | 1987 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by dragon Press button 1 and up and down to change gears |
Milk Race.rar |
Miss Input 2 | 2020 | Chupi Games (CPC Retrodev 2020) | No | Converted by Ayor61 (Cyrille Gouret) GX4000 Pause: Pause, While paused : J1B1/J1B2 = Game Resume/Quit |
Miss Input 2.rar |
Mission | 1987 | Loriciels | No | Converted by Urusergi Pause Button = Pause (once again to abort) J1B2: cheat ingame (255 of force) |
Mission.rar |
Mission Elevator | 1986 | Eurogold | No | Converted by yurif74 | Mission Elevator.rar |
Mission Genocide | 1987 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 2 for Auto Fire On / Off Pause with Console Pause Button, Joypad 2 Button 1 Change Colour |
Mission Genocide.rar |
Mission Jupiter | 1987 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2/J1B1(Hold)=Pause/Unpause. During Pause, J1B2(Short)+J1B1(Long)=Quit to demo mode. J1B1 again=Main Menu |
Mission Jupiter.rar |
MLM 3D - Evasion De La Lune | 1986 | Chip | No | Converted by iXien | MLM 3D - Evasion De La Lune.rar |
Mobile Man | 1990 | Loriciels | No | Converted by Phantomz |
Mobile Man.rar |
Monty On The Run | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Urusergi Cheat Mode : J1 UP/DN = YES/= NO ; GX4000 PAUSE = Pause JOY B1/B2 = Abort Game/Exit hi-score |
Monty On The Run.rar |
Monty Python's Flying Circus | 1990 | Virgin Games | No | Converted by Phantomz Included are CNG Soft and XOR cracks. Text can't be changed in XOR cracktro. J1B1 = Normal game, J1B2 = Unlimited lives. Level selector : J1B1=1, J1B2=2, UP=3, DOWN=4. |
Monty Python's Flying Circus.rar |
Monument | 1991 | Zeppelin Games | Yes (Palette) | Converted by Phantomz & Ayor61 Pause button = Pause (once again to quit) Two versions of the game: Normal with original colors and "Plus" with new colors |
Monument.rar |
Moon Buggy | 1985 | Anirog Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause button = Pause (J1B1 to unpause). J1B2 or J1UP = Jump You can now Press Fire J1B1 for Enter on High Score Table, I've made up=1/left=2/right=3/down=4. So as Pause button is P, you can enter P1/P2/P3/P4 (J1B1=Enter/J1B2=Delete) |
Moon Buggy.rar |
Motos | 1987 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Fire Button to Start Game |
Motos.rar |
Mountie Mick's Death Ride | 1987 | Ariolasoft | No | Converted by dragon | Mountie Mick's Death Ride.rar |
Mr Freeze | 1984 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1 = Jump J1B2 = Fire / Leave demo mode J2B1 = Music on J2B2 = Music off Pause button = Pause (J1B2 to unpause) |
Mr Freeze.rar |
Mr Heli | 1988 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz Press UP to get past the loading screen. |
Mr Heli.rar |
Mutant Monty | 1984 | Artic Computing | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1=Start Game/Pause&Unpause. J1B2=Music ON/OFF. GX4000 Pause=Quit. |
Mutant Monty.rar |
Mutants | 1987 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Urusergi | Mutants.rar |
Myth - History In The Making | 1989 | System 3 | No | Converted by Phantomz - ppi keyboard fix by Urusergi Use Joypad 1 Button 2 to Cycle through and select icon in window, Press again outwards to get back in the game Pause / Unpause with Console Pause Button Quit with Joypad 2 Button 1 |
Myth.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Narc | 1990 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz B2(Hold)+UP/DN=Jump/Crouch. B1(Hold)=Rockets. GX4000 Pause/B1=Pause/Unpause. Trainer doesn't work on last level, use poked version. |
Narc.rar |
Navy Moves | 1988 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by dragon Two versions: Spanish & English Keyboard controls: J1 left/right = Choose a character, J1B1/B2 = Next/delete character, J1 Up/down = Validate/space Part 1: J1B1 = Start game, J1B2 = Redefine buttons / Pause game, Pause button = Play using keyboard on CPC+ / Abort game Part 2: J1B1 = Start game, J1B2 = Redefine buttons / Swap weapons, J2B1 = Abort game Pause button = Play using keyboard on CPC+ / Pause game |
Navy Moves.rar |
Nebulus | 1988 | Hewson | No | Converted by Phantomz On main menu, J1LT/RT=1/2 players, J1UP/DN=Music/SFX Ingame, J1B2=Pause, J1B1/J1UP=Unpause/Quit |
Nebulus.rar |
Nemesis | 1987 | Konami | No | Converted by Phantomz Select weapon remapped to button 2 on the joypad |
Nemesis.rar |
Nemesis The Warlock | 1987 | Martech | No | Converted by VincentGR & Urusergi Cheat : J1B2 (Hold While Game Loading) = Infinite energy J1DN/UP: Duck/Jump, J1B2: Fire/Spit Acid, GX4000 Pause = Pause |
Nemesis The Warlock.rar |
Netherworld | 1988 | Hewson | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause Game with Joypad 1 Button 2, Unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 Whilst Paused Quit game with Console Button Keyboard O,P are changed to U,I for PLUS users |
Netherworld.rar |
New York Warriors | 1990 | Virgin Games | No | Converted by dragon | New York Warriors.rar |
New Zealand Story (The) | 1989 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by dragon | New Zealand Story (The).rar |
Nightbreed - The Action Game | 1990 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by dragon Joypad 1 Button 2 to Transform Pause with Console Pause Button |
Nightbreed - The Action Game.rar |
Ninja | 1987 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz Quit Game with Console Pause Button |
Ninja.rar |
Ninja Massacre | 1989 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz When the green boxed screen loads up, press any key to bring the menu up. Use Joypad 1 Button 1 and 2 and the console pause button for menu options. Enter Level Codes with the following Buttons; P = CONSOLE PAUSE BUTTON, 6 = JOYPAD 2 UP, 5 = JOYPAD 2 DOWN, T = JOYPAD 2 RIGHT, R = JOYPAD 2 LEFT Level Codes = 05: P666, 10: P555, 15: PRRR, 20: PTTT, 25: 6666, 30: 5555, 35: RRRR, 40 : TTTT Both Players use Joypad Button 2 for Magic, Pause Button to Pause and Unpause the game. Whilst Paused, hold down Joypad 2 Button 2 and press pause button twice to quit game and return to game menu screen. Whilst Paused, hold down Joypad 1 Button 2 and press pause button twice to turn music off, pause the game, hold down Joypad 1 Button 2 then press pause button twice to turn music back on.. Press the Console Pause Button to pass the High score table. |
Ninja Massacre.rar |
Ninja Scooter Simulator | 1988 | Silverbird | No | Converted by Phantomz Game defaults to Joystick, so press joypad 1 button 1 or 2 to start a 1 or 2 player game Menu buttons as follows; 0 for Keyboard now UP, 1 for Joystick now DOWN, 2 for 1 Player now Joypad 1 Button 1, 3 for 2 Player now Joypad 1 Button 2 |
Ninja Scooter Simulator.rar |
Ninja Spirit | 1990 | Activision | No | Converted by dragon | Ninja Spirit.rar |
No Exit | 1990 | Coktel Vision | Yes | Original cartridge - "Uninitialized stack" fix by gerald | No Exit.rar |
Nonamed | 1986 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by dragon Don't forget to select Joystick before starting |
Nonamed.rar |
North Star | 1988 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Phantomz S for Smart Bombs remapped to button 2 on the joypad |
North Star.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Obliterator | 1989 | Melbourne House | No | Converted by Phantomz | Obliterator.rar |
Oceano | 2015 | Egotrip | No | Converted by CraigsBar Version 1.1 |
Oceano.rar |
Off Shore Warrior | 1989 | Titus | No | Converted by Phantomz | Off Shore Warrior.rar |
Official Father Christmas | 1989 | Alternative Software | No | Converted by dragon | Official Father Christmas.rar |
Oh Mummy ! | 1984 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Joy1 Button 1 to Bypass Highscore Table |
Oh Mummy !.rar |
On The Run | 1985 | Design Design | No | Converted by Phantomz Use Joypad 2 and the Console Pause Button for Menu Options. J2B1=Sound On/Off |
On The Run.rar |
One Man And His Droid | 1985 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by token C64 screen as loading screen. |
One Man And His Droid.rar |
Operation Alexandra | 2018 | 4mhz | No | Converted by CraigsBar Version 1.1 |
Operation Alexandra.rar |
Operation Gunship | 1989 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Bombs, J2B1=Pause/Unpause, J2B2=Skip Levels GX4000 Pause=Quit Game. |
Operation Gunship.rar |
Operation Hanoi | 1990 | Players Premier | No | Converted by Phantomz | Operation Hanoi.rar |
Operation Thunderbolt | 1989 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Urusergi & Phantomz Contains both CPC and CPC+ version. Crosshairs Hack=Crosshairs always turned on |
Operation Thunderbolt.rar |
Operation Wolf | 1988 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Urusergi & Phantomz Contains Musicman3512 Intro Cheat : J1 UP=YES,DOWN=NO ; Menu : J1 B1=1,B2=2 Ingame : J1 B1=Shoot, B2=Grenade, GX4000 PAUSE=Pause |
Operation Wolf.rar |
OPQA vs QAOP - The Final Battle | 2018 | Manuel Sagra | Yes (Palette) | Converted by Ayor61 CPC+ palette color upgrade From CPCRetroDev 2018 |
OPQA vs QAOP - The Final Battle.rar |
Outlaw Reloaded | 2017 | Retrobytes Productions | No | Converted by dragon and Phantomz V2 : J1B2:Pause/Unpause, GX4000 Pause=Quit |
Outlaw Reloaded.rar |
Out Run | 1987 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by dragon J1B1/B2=Accelerate/brake, J1UP=Change Gear, J2B1=Abort |
Out Run.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
P-47 The Freedom Fighter | 1989 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer = Joypad 1 Button 1 for YES, Button 2 for NO. LEVEL = Joypad 1: 1 = U, 2 = L, 3 = R, 4 = D Joypad 2: 5 = U, 6 = L, 7 = R, 8 = D Quit Game with Console Pause Button |
P-47 The Freedom Fighter.rar |
Pac-Land | 1989 | Grandslam | No | Converted by Phantomz J1UP=Insert credits.J1B1/B2=1/2 Player Game GX4000 Pause=Pause/Unpause, J1B2=Waggle Joystick (Useful for springs) |
Pac-Land.rar |
Pac-Mania | 1988 | Grandslam | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad Button 1 to start game, Pause Button on Menu Screen for High Scores Joypad Button 2 Music on / off, on menu screen or ingame Pause Button to Pause / Unpause |
Pac-Mania.rar |
Pang Remix | 2018 | dthrone | Yes | The game is exactly the same as Pang except the balloons now start each level moving in the opposite direction In some cases it can change how a level plays out quite significantly, in other cases not so much... There are a handful of levels where you'd better get out of the way quick |
Pang Remix.rar |
Panic Dizzy | 1991 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Panic Dizzy.rar |
Paperboy | 1986 | Elite Systems | No | Converted by dragon and Phantomz Press Console Button to Start Game - Joypad set as default Press Button 1 for Keyboard, Press Button 2 for Joystick Press UP to Redefine Controls, Press DOWN for Demonstration Mode Press Joypad Button 2 for Pause, Press Console Button to Quit Press Console Button to pass High Score Table |
Paperboy.rar |
Paperboy 2 | 1991 | Mindscape | No | Converted by dragon | Paperboy 2.rar |
Pentomino | 2017 | Shining | No | Pentomino.rar | |
Periscope Up | 1989 | Atlantis Software | No | Converted by yurif74 | Periscope Up.rar |
Pink Pills Manic Moritz & The Meds | 2018 | S. Braunert / U. Geiken | No | Converted by iXien | Pink Pills Manic Moritz & The Meds.rar |
Phantis Legacy | 2017 | | No | Converted by iXien J1B2+L/R : Choose an item, J1B2+U/D : Launch Craft/Open Menu |
Phantis Legacy.rar |
Phantom Club | 1988 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Urusergi | Phantom Club.rar |
Phantomas 2.0 | 2018 | Jordi Sureda & Santiago Ontanon | Yes (Palette) | Converted by Ayor61 CPC+ palette color upgrade : CPC+ game colors version - Language selection CPC+ screen |
Phantomas 2.0.rar |
Phoenix Emulator | 2016 | Norbert Kehrer | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 : Shields |
Phoenix Emulator.rar |
Picrocs | 2016 | BDC Iron | Yes | Converted by Roudoudou, Ast & arnoldemu Fixed so that it runs on a real GX4000 |
Picrocs.rar |
Pipemania | 1990 | Empire | No | Converted by CraigsBar Needs two joysticks to pass the start bit High Score entry isn't joystick compatible but you can just hit the Pause/use Joy 2 to get past that |
Pipemania.rar |
Platoon | 1987 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by pmeier Added a menu to configure your joystick (1,2 or 3 buttons). |
Platoon.rar |
Poogaboo-La Pulga 2 | 1991 | Opera Soft | No | Converted by dragon | Poogaboo-La Pulga 2.rar |
Postman Pat - The Computer Game | 1988 | Alternative Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 1 to Start Game Joypad 2 Button 1 to Change Difficulty Joypad 2 Button 2 to Change Music / fx or Quiet Press Pause Button to get passed Highscore Table |
Postman Pat.rar |
Potsworth & Co | 1992 | Hi-Tec Software | No | Converted by Skunkfish Menu: J1B1=Start, GX4000 Pause=Redefine Ingame: J1UP/DN/LT/RT=Jump/Crouch/Left/Right. GX4000 Pause=Pause, J1B1=Unpause |
Potsworth & Co.rar |
Power Boat Simulator | 1989 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Pause/Unpause |
Power Boat Simulator.rar |
Power Drift | 1989 | Activision | No | Converted by dragon | Power Drift.rar |
Predator | 1988 | Activision | No | Converted by dragon J1B2 +Up=Long Grenade, +DN=Short Grenade, +RT=Pick/Drop Invicibility with J1B2+LT on v1 and GX4000 Pause on v2 |
Predator.rar |
Prehistorik | 1991 | Titus | No | Converted by Phantomz | Prehistorik.rar |
Prehistorik II - Back To Hungerland | 1993 | Titus | No | Converted by Phantomz Use 64k version for GX4000 Includes 128k and PLUS version |
Prehistorik II.rar |
Prelude To Chaos (A) | 2016 | Egotrip | No | Converted by iXien | Prelude To Chaos (A).rar |
Prison Riot | 1990 | Players | No | Converted by Phantomz J1UP on Main Menu=Redefine Keys, J1B2/B1=Pause/Unpause |
Prison Riot.rar |
Profanation 2 - Escape from Abu Simbel | 2017 | 4Mhz | No | Converted by dragon J1UP/J1B1=Long Jump, J1DN/J1B2=Short Jump, GX4000 Pause=Quit/Return |
Profanation 2 - Escape from Abu Simbel.rar |
Professional BMX Simulator | 1988 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Pause/Unpause, GX4000 Pause=Quit. |
Professional BMX Simulator.rar |
Prohibition | 1993 | Titus | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1=Start, J1B2=Hide, GX4000 Pause=Pause/Unpause, J2B1=Music On/Off |
Prohibition.rar |
Promotion! | 2020 | BiteStudios CPCRetroDev 2020 |
No | Converted by Ayor61 (Cyrille Gouret) New Overscan CPC+ screen Jump=J1B1/J1UP, Weapon = J1B2. Pause = GX4000 Pause During game "Fire2" gives 3 Choices: Reset or Continue or Quit |
Promotion!.rar |
Pro Tennis | 1986 | Loriciels | No | Converted by Phantomz | Pro Tennis.rar |
Pro Tennis Tour - Great Courts | 1990 | UBI Soft | Yes | Original cartridge - "Setting interrupt mode after enabling interrupt" fix by gerald | Pro Tennis Tour - Great Courts -Fixed-.rar |
Professional Ski Simulator | 1987 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad Fire 1 = Start 1 Player Game, Joypad Fire 2 = Start 2 Player Game Up = Instructions, Left = Enter New Names, Right = Redefine Controls, Down = Enter for names Pause Button to Pause / Unpause Default controls = Buttons 1 and 2 on Joypads for Left & Right, Down to Thrust Default controls are left and right buttons, as need to hold left and right to plough To enter your names, you can press the console pause button for P then the joypad button 1 or 2 for number, then Enter with joypad down, So you could enter names as P1, P2, etc if you wish |
Professional Ski Simulator.rar |
Project Future | 1985 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by 00WReX | Project Future.rar |
Psyborg | 1992 | Loriciels | No | Converted by dragon J1B2=Abandon |
Psyborg.rar |
Psycho Pigs UXB | 1988 | US Gold | Yes (Splashscreen) | Converted by Phantomz & iXien Menu : J1UP/DN=1 Player/2 Players, J1B2=Info Screen Ingame : J1B2/B1 : Pause/Unpause, During pause GX4000 Pause/J1B1=Quit/Continue While game is loading, press J1B2 to show the original splashscreen, but succesfully redrawn by TotO. |
Psycho Pigs UXB.rar |
Pub Trivia | 1989 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Use Joypad 2 to select player picture : 1=1, 2=2, Up=3, Left=4, Right=5 If you just want a one player game, you can use J1B2 to select picture one. On the Highscore table you can use the following: Joypad 2: 1=1, 2=2, Up=3, Left=4, Right=5, Down=Delete Joypad 1: fire1=Enter, fire2=1 Therefore with the console Pause Button, you can enter your name as P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 |
Pub Trivia.rar |
Pulsator | 1987 | Martech | No | Converted by Urusergi | Pulsator.rar |
Puzznic | 1991 | Ocean Software | Yes (Palette) | Plus Palette by Arnoldemu and BDCIron, Retry menu fix by Phantomz | Puzznic.rar |
Pyjamarama | 1984 | Mikrogen | No | Converted by Token | Pyjamarama.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Q10 Tank Buster | 1991 | Zeppelin Games | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Drop armour piercing shells. |
Q10 Tank Buster.rar |
Qabbalah | 1986 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz, dthrone and Urusergi | Qabbalah.rar |
Questor | 1986 | Cascade Games | No | Converted by Urusergi J2 B1 = Restart (With Cheat mode activated) ; GX4000 PAUSE=Pause Cheat |
Questor.rar |
Quick Draw McGraw | 1990 | Hi-Tec Software | No | Converted by dragon and Urusergi Console Pause Button to Pause / Unpause Joypad 2 Button 1 to Quit Game |
Quick Draw McGraw.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Race (The) | 1989 | Players Premier | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 UP or DOWN to select one or two Players. Pause button = pause/unpause, J1B1 = Accelerate, J1B2 = Turbo, Down = Brake. Pause button or Joypad 2 to skip highscore table. |
Race (The).rar |
Raid Over Moscow | 1985 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1 then J1DN=Lift off then Open hanger door, J1B2 = Switch between overview and station. Console Pause Button to Quit |
Raid Over Moscow.rar |
Rainbow Islands | 1989 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Push UP to increase credits during title screen |
Rainbow Islands.rar |
Rambo - First Blood Part II | 1986 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by dragon and Phantomz Use joypad button 2 for weapon select |
Rambo - First Blood Part II.rar |
Rambo III | 1988 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 to Play, Pause with Console Pause Button Joypad 1 Button 2 Change Weapon Joypad 2 Button 1 Pick Up Object / Swop Object With Inventory Joypad 2 Button 2 Use Object Joypad 2 UP for Inventory Screen Joypad 2 DOWN to Scroll Inventory |
Rambo III.rar |
Rampage | 1987 | Activision | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause to Pass the Loading Screens. Joypad 1 to choose control mode Joypad 2 Button 1 to load original version Poked version include infinite health |
Rampage.rar |
Ramparts | 1987 | Go! | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause Button to Start Game, J1B1/B2=1/2 Players, GX4000 Pause=Pause/Unpause Poked version gives infinite health to both player |
Ramparts.rar |
Ranarama | 1987 | Hewson | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Autofire, GX4000 Pause,J1B1=Pause/Unpause. |
Ranarama.rar |
Rath-Tha | 1989 | Positive | No | Converted by Urusergi | Rath-Tha.rar |
Renegade | 1987 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by dragon and Phantomz Various controls versions (1/2 pads) (see text file). Red Blood fix. Poked version |
Renegade.rar |
Renegade III - The Final Chapter | 1989 | Ocean Software | No | Converted Phantomz | Renegade III.rar |
Rescate Atlantida | 1988 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by dragon J1UP/DN/LT/RT=UP/Select/Right/Left, J1B1/B2=Fire/In-Out, J2B1=Abandon. Menu D-pad = Move, Fire1 = select the option, Fire2 = Music on/off. |
Rescate Atlantida.rar |
Rescate En El Golfo | 1990 | Opera Soft | No | Converted by dragon Pause = J2B1 |
Rescate En El Golfo.rar |
Rescue On Fractalus | 1986 | Lucasfilm Games / Activision | No | Converted by Phantomz Game menu Joypad 1 : Fire1 = Start Game / Fire2 = Demo Mode / Up/down = Increase/decrease Starting Level / Left/right J1DOWN = Decrease Starting Level Ingame Joypad 1 : Fire1 = Launch AMB torpedo / Fire 2 = Pause/Unpause game Joypad 2 : Up = Systems on/off / Down = Land / Left = Open airlock / Right = Booster / fire1 = Decrease Thrust / fire2 = Increase Thrust Pause Button = Quit game |
Rescue On Fractalus.rar |
Reveal | 1988 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz | Reveal.rar |
Rex | 1989 | Martech | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Smart Bombs, J1DN=Shield, GX4000 Pause/J1B1=Pause/Unpause |
Rex.rar |
Rick Dangerous | 1989 | Core Design | Yes (Palette) | Converted by Phantomz Contains both standard CPC and patched CPC+ version |
Rick Dangerous.rar |
Rick Dangerous 2 | 1990 | Micro Style | No | Converted by Urusergi Select Level (Menu): J1 FIRE=1, LEFT=2, DOWN=3, RIGHT=4, UP=5 (appears with cheat on) Hurry up: JOY2 RIGHT (while the letters jump) ; ESCAPE = JOY2 FIRE1 ; Pause = GX4000 Pause Cheat Menu: Yes = JOY1 B1;No = JOY1 B2 |
Rick Dangerous 2.rar |
Road Blasters | 1988 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer option 3 selected with console pause button |
Road Blasters.rar |
Road Runner | 1985 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz Start the game with the Console Pause Button Press Joypad 1 Button 2 on the main screen to turn the inbuilt cheat for infinite lives on / off Pause with Console Pause Button, Unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 |
Road Runner.rar |
Robin | 1985 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz | Robin.rar |
Robin Hood - Legend Quest | 1993 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Robin Hood - Legend Quest.rar |
Robocop | 1989 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer Level Select: 1 = Joy1 Button 1, 2 = Joy1 Up, 3 = Joy1 Left, 4 = Joy1 Right, 5 = Joy1 Down, 6 = Joy2 Up, 7 = Joy2 Left, 8 = Joy2 Right, 9 = Joy2 Down Use Joypad 2 for Ingame Menu and Joy1 Button 1 to Start Pause with Console Pause Button |
Robocop.rar |
Robocop 2 (Invulnerability) | 1990 | Ocean | Yes | Converted by Phantomz GX-4000 version. Invulnerability to everything appart from spike things on the ground. The downside is you won't be able to collect items or make arrests. However you should get to see the game through if can put up with all the jumps required. |
Robocop 2 (Invulnerability).rar |
Rock'N Roller | 1988 | Topo Soft | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = pause, any other to unpause. CHEAT MODE (Infinite Lives): Wait for the game demo to start, at this time hold UP on joypad 1. Only release when you see the credits and blue screen appear. |
Rock'N Roller.rar |
Rock'n Wrestle | 1985 | Melbourne House | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1 = Start game, J1B2 = Select 1/2 Player(s). Pause button to quit game |
Rock'n Wrestle.rar |
Rock Hopper | 1985 | Nick Stevens & Amsoft | No | Converted by 00WReX | Rock Hopper.rar |
Rod-Land | 1991 | Storm Software | No | Converted by dragon | Rod-Land.rar |
Rodman | 2018 | The Future Was 8 Bit | No | Converted by iXien | Rodman.rar |
Roland Ahoy! | 1984 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Rewk, splashscreen by TITAN | Roland Ahoy.rar |
Roland In The Caves | 1984 | Indescomp | No | Converted by Phantomz | Roland In The Caves.rar |
Roland In Time | 1984 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Urusergi J1B2=Pause & Music On/Off, GX4000 Pause= Exit |
Roland In Time.rar |
Roland In Space | 1984 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Urusergi J1B2=Pause & Music On/Off, GX4000 Pause= Exit, J2 Pad=Scroll |
Roland In Space.rar |
Roland On The Ropes | 1984 | Zigurat | No | Converted by Phantomz | Roland On The Ropes.rar |
Roland Takes A Running Jump | 1986 | Peter Green | No | Converted by 00WReX | Roland Takes A Running Jump.rar |
Rolling Thunder | 1987 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz | Rolling Thunder.rar |
R-Type | 1988 | Activision | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer, Button 1 for Yes, Button 2 for No Select Level with JOY1 1=1 2=2 U=3 L=4 R=5 D=6 JOY2 1=7 2=8 Use Joypad 1 Button 2 for Release Pause with Console Pause Button |
R-Type.rar |
Run The Gauntlet | 1989 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by CraigsBar | Run the Gauntlet.rar |
Rygar - Let's Fight !!! | 1987 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz | Rygar.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
S.T.U.N. Runner | 1991 | Domark | No | Converted by dragon Use Button 2 on Joy 1 to select joystick before playing |
S.T.U.N. Runner.rar |
Sabre Wulf | 1985 | Ultimate Play the Game | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Pause/Unpause. |
Sabre Wulf.rar |
Salamander | 1988 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 2 to Pause the game, any button to Unpause, whilst Paused Press the Console Pause Button to Quit |
Salamander.rar |
Saracen | 1987 | U.S.Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz JB2 = Music on/off Pause button = Pause/unpause (J1B1=restart/J1B2=quit). Use joypad to change level on the menu CHEAT : Infinite lives: J2B1 and J2B2 at once during the game. |
Saracen.rar |
SAS Combat Simulator | 1988 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1=Grenades, J1B2=Pause/Unpause. |
SAS Combat Simulator.rar |
Satan | 1989 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Part 2 Access Code = 66666666 Enter it with UP on Joypad 2 Controls can be Redefine, but by defaut they are as follows; Part 1, Pause with Joypad 1 Button 2, Abort with Console Pause Button Part 2, UP-DOWN with Joypad 1 Button 2, Teleport with Joypad 2 Button 1, Access Item Menu / Pause with Joypad 2 Button 2 Abort with Console Pause Button |
Satan.rar |
Savage | 1988 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz and Urusergi Level Select = UP for 1, LEFT for 2, RIGHT for 3 and DOWN for the Intro In Part 2 and Part 3, you can press the console pause button to enter the code that allows the game to change from practice mode to normal mode, enter code by pressing the console pause button several times |
Savage.rar |
Sacred Armour Of Antiriad (The) | 1986 | Palace Software | No | Converted by Phantomz - Fixed by Johnny Olsen Nich version - (Joystick Fire 1 = yes) (Joystick Fire 2=no) For Trainer |
Sacred Armour Of Antiriad (The).rar |
Sai Combat | 1986 | Mirrorsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz J1UP/DN=1/2 Player, J1B1/B2= Start with 3/6 Lives GX4000 Pause=Quit. |
Sai Combat.rar |
Scooby Doo & Scrappy Doo | 1991 | Hi-Tec Software | No | Converted by Skunkfish J1B1=Start Game, J1B1/J1B2=Punch/Jump, GX4000 Pause/J1B1=Pause/Unpause |
Scooby Doo & Scrappy Doo.rar |
Scooby Doo In The Castle Mystery | 1986 | Elite Systems | No | Converted by Phantomz | Scooby Doo In The Castle Mystery.rar |
Scout Steps Out (The) | 1985 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz | Scout Steps Out (The).rar |
Scramble | 2019 | PuzCPC | No | Official release for GX4000 | Scramble.rar |
Scramble Spirits | 1990 | Grandslam | No | Converted by Phantomz Cheat option at start (Trainer) gives infinite lives to both players The game also has a inbuilt cheat option Press the Console Pause Button on the screen with " Press Fire To Start " in the middle to activate the inbuilt cheat The inbuilt cheat gives player one invulnerability |
Scramble Spirits.rar |
Secret Agent Sly Spy | 1990 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Use Joypad 2 for options on main screen UP for Option 1 = Define Keys, DOWN for Option 2 = Select Joystick Push DOWN for Joystick if you want to use Joypad 1, PAUSE WILL NOT WORK DEFINE KEYS TO JOYPAD 2 AND PAUSE BUTTON OR BUTTON 2 IF WANT PAUSE TO WORK The trainer level select buttons are as follows 1 = JOY1 FIRE1, 2 = JOY1 UP, 3 = JOY1 LEFT, 4 = JOY1 RIGHT, 5 = JOY1 DOWN 6 = JOY2 UP, 7 = JOY2 LEFT, 8 = JOY2 RIGHT, 9 - JOY2 DOWN |
Secret Agent Sly Spy.rar |
Sergeant Seymour Robotcop | 1992 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Urusergi Cheat menu : J1 UP=YES,DOWN=NO, GX4000 PAUSE=Pause, J2 B1=Reset |
Sergeant Seymour Robotcop.rar |
Seymour At The Movies | 1991 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Seymour At The Movies.rar |
Seymour Take One! | 1992 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Seymour Take One!.rar |
Shadow Dancer | 1991 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by dragon | Shadow Dancer.rar |
Shadow Of The Beast | 1990 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by dragon | Shadow Of The Beast.rar |
Shao Lin's Road | 1987 | The Edge | No | Converted by dragon | Shao Lin's Road.rar |
Shinobi | 1989 | Virgin Games | No | Converted by dragon 64k version hence no music (and also no SFX). |
Shinobi.rar |
Shockway Rider | 1986 | FTL | No | Converted by Phantomz GX4000 Pause=Practice Practice level select = J1B1/B2/UP/LT/RT/DN=1/2/3/4/5/6, J2B1/B2=7/8. Ingame : J1B2=Music/SFX. |
Shockway Rider.rar |
Short Circuit | 1987 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause=Pause (1x)/Reset (2x), move to unpause Part 1 : J1B1+dir = Activate Prog, J1B2 = Select Prog, J2B1 = Slow/Fast message, J2 UP/LT/RT = 1, 2, 3 (Items). Part 2 : J1B1 = Fire, J1B2/UP = Jump. |
Short Circuit.rar |
Shufflepuck Cafe | 1989 | Broderbund France | No | Converted by Phantomz | Shufflepuck Cafe.rar |
Side Arms | 1987 | Go! | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Change Weapon, GX4000 Pause=Quit. |
Side Arms.rar |
Siemb Chronicles - Arkos The Traitor | 2021 | ESP Soft | No | Converted by Ayor61 Choose a part : J1B1 = Part 1, J1B2 = Part 2 (press J1B1 6 times as password for part 2) On main screen of each part : J1B1 = Start game, J1B2 = select joystick, DOWN = Music on/off Dont' forget to select joystick before starting a game. |
Siemb Chronicles - Arkos the Traitor.rar |
Silent Shadow | 1988 | Topo Soft | No | Converted by dragon Up/Down on Joy1 to move up and down in the menu, Left on Joy 1 to toggle between P1 and P2 settings Right on Joy 1 to access "Redefine Keys". Redefine for every player you intend to play to have access to Bombs. 1/2 Players or 2 players controlled by P1 by redefining keys. Button 2 on Joy 1 to Start |
Silent Shadow.rar |
Silkworm | 1988 | Virgin Games | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Console Pause Button for Scanlines Keyboard O,P are changed to K,L for PLUS users |
Silkworm.rar |
Sir Ababol | 2010 | The Mojon Twins | No | Converted by McKlain | Sir Ababol.rar |
Sir Lancelot | 1985 | Melbourne House | No | Converted by Token | Sir Lancelot.rar |
Sirwood | 1989 | Opera Soft | No | Converted by dragon To choose level : J1LT/RT/DN/UP=1/2/3/4, you need to reset the console to switch level. |
Sirwood.rar |
Skate Ball | 1989 | Loriciels | No | Converted by Phantomz & Urusergi GX4000 Pause (x1)/(x2)=Pause/Quit. During Pause, J1B2=Change Colors. |
Skate Ball.rar |
Skweek | 1989 | Loriciels | No | Converted by Urusergi Pause=Pause, J2B1/B2=Suicide/Quit, J2UP/DN=Music/Sound Effect On/Off |
Skweek.rar |
Skywar | 1993 | CPC Infos | No | Converted by Phantomz | Skywar.rar |
Slap Fight | 1987c | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1/B2=1/2 Players, J1B2=Select Powerup GX4000 Pause/J1B1=Pause/Unpause |
Slap Fight.rar |
Slightly Magic | 1992 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Slightly Magic.rar |
Slither | 2018 | EgoTrip | No | Slither.rar | |
Small Games for Smart Minds | 2007 | ESP Soft | No | Converted by McKlain | Small Games for Smart Minds.rar |
Smash TV | 1991 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 1 and 2 for Menu Joypad 2 Button 1 for Pause, Button 2 for Quit To turn the Cheat Mode On or Off During Play, hold down Button 2 on Joypad 1, then press Button 1 on Joypad 2 |
Smash TV.rar |
Soccer 86 | 1985 | Loriciels | No | Converted by remax & Phantomz | Soccer 86.rar |
Solar Coaster | 1987 | Optyx Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2/GX4000 Pause=Pause/Quit. |
Solar Coaster.rar |
Solomon's Key | 1987 | U.S. Gold | Yes (Palette) | Converted by Phantomz Contains both standard CPC and patched CPC+ version GX4000 Pause=Pause/Unpause, J2B1=Quit |
Solomon's Key.rar |
Sonic Boom | 1990 | Activision | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Super Shot, J2B1=Quit On main menu, GX4000 Pause=Redefine. On redefine screen, GX4000 Pause/Any other button=Yes/No |
Sonic Boom.rar |
Sorcerers | 2020 | Salavador Cantero | Yes (Splashscreen + palette) | Converted and CPC+ colors by Cyrille Gouret (Ayor61) On main menu: J1B1 = 1 Player, J1B2 = 2 players, J1 Down = Turbo Mode While playing: Pause button = Pause, J1B2 = Quit, J2B2 = Music on/off |
Sorcerers.rar |
Sorcery | 1985 | Virgin Games | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause with Joypad 1 Button 2, Unpause with Button 1 |
Sorcery.rar |
Sorcery+ | 1985 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz, dragon, Urusergi Pause / Unpause with Console Pause Button |
Sorcery+.rar |
Space Crusade | 1992 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by dragon J1=Move Cursor, J1B1/B2=Click As Mouse/Select Cursor keys in the gamepad (to scroll in the map). GX4000 Pause =Abandon |
Space Crusade.rar |
Space Harrier | 1986 | Elite / Sega | No | Converted by CraigsBar and Phantomz | Space Harrier.rar |
Space Hawks | 1984 | Amsoft | No | Converted by token Trainer and tape cover as loading screen. |
Space Hawks.rar |
Space Invasion | 1985 | Elite Systems | No | Converted by Phantomz Game Defaults to Joystick so just press the Console Pause Button to Start Game If you select Joystick and use a joypad button 2 is used for grenades If you select Joystick and use a one button joystick, hold fire button down to use grenades |
Space Invasion.rar |
Space Mania | 1986 | Neil Kolban | No | Converted by 00WReX | Space Mania.rar |
Space Moves | 2020 | Retrobytes Productions | No | Version 2.2 | Space Moves (2020).rar |
Space Pest Control | 2015 | | No | Converted by 00WReX From CPCRetroDev 2015 |
Space Pest Control.rar |
Speed King | 1986 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz GX4000 Pause=Escape |
Speed King.rar |
Spellbound - A True Graphic Adventure | 1985 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz | Spellbound - A True Graphic Adventure.rar |
Spherical | 1989 | Rainbow Arts | No | Converted by Phantomz two different versions, one for one player and the other for one or two players. Look in txt for detailled instructions |
Spherical.rar |
Spindizzy | 1986 | Activision | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause Button on Title Screen for credits Joy1 Button 2 = STOP, Joy2 Button 1 = Map, Joy2 Button 2 = Score Joy2 Left = Rotate Left, Joy2 Right = Rotate Right Joy2 Up = Change Shape, Joy2 Down = Change Colour P (PAUSE) = Pause Button Joy2 1 + 2 On title screen to Play " STIX " PAUSE Button = Leave STIX, Joy2 Button 1 = Trail mode on/off Joy1 Button 2 = Halts STIX movement, Joy2 Button 2 = Clears the screen (stop the STIX first) |
Spindizzy.rar |
Split Personalities | 1986 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz | Split Personalities.rar |
Spots 94 | 1994 | Fraggle of MOPS | No | Converted by CraigsBar | Spots 94.rar |
Spy Hunter | 1986 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz Level Select : J1LT/RT=Novice/Expert J1B1=Select Weapon, GX4000 Pause/J1B1/J2B1Pause/Unpause/Quit |
Spy Hunter.rar |
Spy Vs Spy | 1985 | First Star Software | No | Converted by Phantomz & Urusergi Press any key to skip Info Screen J1B2 = Pause/Release, Pause Button = Abort |
Spy Vs Spy.rar |
Spy Vs Spy II - The Island Caper | 1987 | First Star Software | No | Converted by Phantomz & Urusergi Press any key to skip Info Screen J1B2 = Pause/Release, J12B2 = Turn Music On/Off, Pause Button = Abort |
Spy Vs Spy II - The Island Caper.rar |
Spy Vs Spy III - Arctic Antics | 1987 | First Star Software | No | Converted by Phantomz & Urusergi Press any key to skip Info Screen J1B2 = Pause/Release, Pause Button = Abort |
Spy Vs Spy III - Arctic Antics.rar |
Starquake | 1986 | Bubble Bus Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Pause, GX4000 Pause=Quit. Detailled instructions for teleportation in txt |
Starquake.rar |
Star Sabre | 2007 | Psytronik Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Star Sabre.rar |
Star Wars - A New Hope | 1987 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz Normal Control and Inverted Control Included |
Star Wars - A New Hope.rar |
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back | 1988 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz Normal Control and Inverted Control Included |
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back.rar |
Star Wars - Return Of The Jedi | 1989 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz | Star Wars - Return Of The Jedi.rar |
Steve Davis Pool | 1986 | CDS Software LTD | No | Converted by Phantomz Use Joypad 2 for onscreen Menu Joypad 1 Button 2 = Change original shot instruction before playing it Console Pause Button = Quit Game Red or Yellow ? = Joypad 1 Button 1 = Red, Joypad 1 Button 2 = Yellow Keyboard O,P are changed to U,I for PLUS users |
Steve Davis Pool.rar |
Steve Davis Snooker | 1985 | CDS Software LTD | No | Converted by Phantomz Use Joypad 2 for onscreen Menu, apart from the last option, use Joypad 1 button 2 for Green Screen Joypad 1 Button 2 = Change original shot instruction before playing it Console Pause Button = Retake your last shot Play again = Joypad 1 Button 1 = Yes, Joypad 1 Button 2 = No Press Joypad 1 Button 1 to pass " Enter Name " Use Joypad 2 for selecting colour after you pot a red Yellow = Up, Green = Left, Brown = Right, Blue = Down, Pink = Button 1, Black = Button 2 Keyboard O,P are changed to U,I for PLUS users, ESC to Quit |
Steve Davis Snooker.rar |
Stormbringer A True Graphic Adventure | 1987 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz | Stormbringer - A True Graphic Adventure.rar |
Stormlord | 1989 | Hewson | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Up to Redefine Controls if want to use button to jump. GX4000 Pause=Pause, any Button to Unpause. |
Stormlord.rar |
Stormlord II - Deliverance | 1990 | Hewson | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Console Pause Button four times to play without password, New title screen from the C64 version Press Up to Redefine Controls if want to use button to jump |
Stormlord II - Deliverance.rar |
Stranded | 2006 | Cronosoft | No | Converted by Phantomz Any button=Pass title screen, J1B1=Start (Menu or Code Screen) |
Stranded.rar |
Street Fighter | 1988 | Tiertex / Capcom | No | Converted by dragon | Street Fighter.rar |
Street Fighter II | 2008 | Hermol | No | Converted by dragon | Street Fighter II.rar |
Striker in the Crypts of Trogan | 1992 | Codemasters Software | Yes (Palette) | Converted by Phantomz & Urusergi GX4000 Pause=Pause/Unpause, J2B1=Quit. Pass Highscore table with J1B2. |
Striker In The Crypts Of Trogan.rar |
Strip Poker | 1988 | Anco Software | No | Converted by dragon | Strip Poker.rar |
Stryfe - The Everlasting Battle | 1986 | Ere Informatique | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 1 to pass title screen and scrolling text screen, Joypads Button 2 for Potions One Player version, press Joypad 1 Button 2 to Select " Sorceror " or " Fighter ", then Joypad 1 Button 1 to Begin a one player game Two Player version, press Joypad 1 Button 1 to begin a two player game Pause the game with the Console Pause Button, unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 Turn the Music on / off with the Console Pause Button ( you will need to pause / unpause the game until you have it off or on ) Press the Console Pause Button to pass the highscore table |
Stryfe - The Everlasting Battle.rar |
Stunt Car Racer | 1990 | Micro Style | No | Converted by Phantomz Select GX4000 Joystick, then J1B2=UP in the Menu's. Enter Name=GX4000 Pause/J1UP/J1DN/J1LT/J1RT=P/1/2/3/Delete, J1B1=Return GX4000 Pause/J1B1=Pause/Unpause |
Stunt Car Racer.rar |
Stunt Man Seymour | 1992 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Stunt Man Seymour.rar |
Sub Hunter | 2011 | Psytronik Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Sub Hunter.rar |
Subway Vigilante | 1989 | Players Premier | No | Converted by Urusergi Menu : J1B1 = play using joypad 1 / J2B1 = Play using joypad 2 Pause button = Pause (twice to return to menu) |
Subway Vigilante.rar |
Summer Games | 1988 | Epyx | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause Button to skip the opening ceremony. Enter names with J2 UP=1, LEFT=2, RIGHT=3, DOWN=4. J2B1=confirm, J2B2=delete. Direct press J2B1 when you have eNough players on name entry. Then UP and DOWN to change "Is this correct?", J2B1 to confirm. Pause Button to QUIT. |
Summer Games.rar |
Summer Games II | 1989 | Epyx | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause Button to quit. |
Summer Games II.rar |
Supersnake | 1992 | David Hall | No | Converted by 00WReX | Supersnake.rar |
Super Cycle | 1986 | Epyx | No | Converted by Johnny Olsen Based on the tape version. No music but No high-score table to skip. Level selection : Joypad 1 left/down/right J1B1 = Gear up, J1B2 = Gear Down, UP = Accelerate, DOWN = Brake |
Super Cycle.rar |
Super Gran | 1985 | Tynesoft | No | Converted by The Shameless Gamer | Super Gran.rar |
Super Hang-On | 1986 | Activision | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause with Console Pause Button, unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 Push UP on Joypad 1 to enter intial on score table |
Super Hang-On.rar |
Super Monaco GP | 1991 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Button 1 on Joypad 1 to Load the 64k version for the GX4000 Press Console Pause Button for Option 1 = Redefine Controls ( can redefine joypad 2 if want to use both buttons ) Push UP on Joypad 2 for Option 2 = Joystick 1 Push DOWN on Joypad 2 for Option 2 = Joystick 2 Happy with your controls Yes or No = Joypad 2 Button 1 for Yes, Button 2 for No |
Super Monaco GP.rar |
Super Off Road | 1990 | Virgin Games | No | Converted by Phantomz & dragon Joypad B1 for Accelerate, B2 for Brake, UP for Nitro Console Pause Button to Pause / Unpause Press NITRO to pass screens or select options in shop, this is UP on Joypads or SPACE if selected keyboard control on a PLUS |
Super Off Road.rar |
Super Pipeline II | 1985 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Left = 1 Player, Right = 2 Players, Button 2 to Change amount of Lives, Button 1 to Play. Pause the game with Joypad 1 Button 2, unpause with any key. Press Joypad 1 Button 1 to pass high score table. Cheat version = Console Pause Button to increase score, Joypad 2 Button 1 to Skip Level, Button 2 to lose a life. |
Super Pipeline II.rar |
Super Robin Hood | 1986 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Fire Button 2 for Options, Fire Button 1 For Y, Fire Button 2 For N Pause Button to Quit |
Super Robin Hood.rar |
Super Seymour Saves The Planet!! | 1992 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Super Seymour Saves The Planet!!.rar |
Super Ski | 1987 | Microids | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2/GX4000 Pause=Pause/Return to Main Menu. Numbers of players : J1UP/LT/RT/DN=1/2/3/4, J2UP/LT/RT/DN/B1=5/6/7/8/9 To enter skier's Names, press the Console pause button for P (it won't let you enter numbers) |
Super Ski.rar |
Super Skweek | 1990 | Loriciels | No | Converted by dragon Pause=Pause Suicide : Press J1B1 then Pause, maintain them pressed until you die, it can take several seconds. Suicide +98 Lives : Press J1B2 then Pause, maintain them pressed until you die, it can take several seconds. |
Super Skweek.rar |
Super Sprint | 1987 | Activision | No | Converted by yurif74 | Super Sprint.rar |
Super Tank Simulator | 1989 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2=Pause/Unpause. |
Super Tank Simulator.rar |
Super Tetris | 1997 | Frequency/Dooddler | No | Converted by Phantomz | Super Tetris.rar |
Superman - The Game | 1985 | First Star Software | No | Converted by dragon | Superman - The Game.rar |
Survive The Week | 2021 | Carlos Perezgrin | No | Converted by iXien | Survive The Week.rar |
Sweevo's World | 1986 | Sweevo's World | No | Converted by Phantomz Press button 2 to select Joystick before you start Then press, Up, Left, Right, or Down to start on your choice |
Sweevo's World.rar |
Switchblade | 1990 | Gremlin Graphics Software | Yes | Converted by Ayor61 (Color correction of the official GX4000 version, from cyan to white) & Phantomz (original CPC version patched) | Switchblade.rar |
Sword Of The Samurai | 1992 | Zeppelin Games | No | Converted by yurif74 | Sword Of The Samurai.rar |
Syntax | 1988 | CDS Software LTD | No | Converted by 00WReX | Syntax.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Tapper - Official Arcade Game | 1986 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Urusergi Pause button = Exit and reset default values. |
Tapper - Official Arcade Game.rar |
Target Renegade | 1988 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Use Joypad 2 for Ingame Menu Redefine controls first |
Target Renegade.rar |
Technician Ted | 1984 | Hewson | No | Converted by Urusergi J1B1=Start, J1B2=Instructions J1B2=Pause & Music On/Off, GX4000 Pause=Quit. |
Technician Ted.rar |
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles | 1990 | Image Works | No | Converted by dragon Pad1: 1=Fire 2=Select weapon. Pad2: 1=Change turtle 2=Quit game when in Pause. Right=In/Out vehicule. Up=Cheat mode on/off. GX4000 Button=Pause. |
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles.rar |
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 2 - Coin Op | 1991 | Image Works | No | Converted by dragon Pause with Console Pause Button, Unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 Whilst Paused, Press Joypad 1 Button 2 to Quit game, or Press any direction on Joypad 1 Dpad to Jump to next Level |
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 2.rar |
Teenage Queen | 1991 | Image Works | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 to confirm your choice when changing cards. To see your partner entirely press Console Pause Button. |
Teenage Queen.rar |
Tempest | 1986 | Activision | No | Converted by Urusergi Cheat Mode : J1 UP/DN = YES/NO J1 : B1=Fire plasma, B2 =Super Zapper, RT= Move Clockwise, LT = Move Anticlockwise GX 4000 PAUSE = Pause ; J2 B1 = Abort game |
Tempest.rar |
Tennis Cup II | 1990 | Loriciels | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad Fix (J1=Joypad 1, J2=Joypad 2) |
Tennis Cup II.rar |
Teodoro Can't Fly | 2012 | Dimension Z / Retroworks | No | Converted by CraigsBar & Phantomz J1B2=Pause/Unpause, GX4000 Pause = Quit. |
Teodoro Can't Fly.rar |
Terminator 2 Judgment Day | 1991 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Terminator 2 Judgment Day.rar |
Terminus | 1986 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz | Terminus.rar |
Terra Cognita | 1987 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer = J1B1/J1B2=Yes/No End of game : Press GX4000 Pause to continue. |
Terra Cognita.rar |
Tetrix | 1989 | Playfield | Yes (Palette) | Converted by McKlain | Tetrix.rar |
Thanatos | 1986 | Durell Software | No | Converted by Phantomz You need to go into alter playing keys and select joystick before you start To alter skill 1 to 8, use the following: Pad 1 = Up 1, Left 2, Right 3, Down 4, Pad 2 = Up 5, Left 6, Right 7, Down 8 Pause / Unpasue with Console Pause Button Highscore table is bypassed with Joypad 1 Button 1 |
Thanatos.rar |
Thing Bounces Back | 1987 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Pause/Unpause Pause Button = Quit Current Screen |
Thing Bounces Back.rar |
Thing On A Spring | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Pause (J1B1=Unpause/J2B1=Quit) Pause Button = Music On/Off J1B1 to Pass Highscore Table (but J1B2=Delete, so you can use Pause Button to enter P for Player 1, PP for Player 2 etc) CHEAT MODE (Infinite Oil): Press J1B2 on the main menu. The border will turn black. The "Oil" bar will drop once in the alert zone, it will rise as if by a miracle. |
Thing On A Spring.rar |
Thomas The Tank Engine | 1990 | Alternative Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2/B1=Pause/Unpause. Whilst Paused, GX4000 Pause Button to Quit game. |
Thomas The Tank Engine.rar |
Through The Trap Door | 1987 | Piranha | No | Converted by Phantomz You will need Joypad 2 for menu game options : Plug your Joypad into port 2 if you only have one Joypad. J2B1=Start, J2B1=Berk-Drut, J2B2=Pause, Any Button(x2) = Unpause, GX4000 Pause=Redefine/Restart |
Through The Trap Door.rar |
Thrust | 1986 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz | Thrust.rar |
Thrust II | 1986 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz Joy 1 Button 1 to Fire, Joy 1 Button 2 to Pickup Can Redefine Controls to Joypad 2 |
Thrust 2.rar |
Thundercats - The Lost Eye Of Thundera | 1987 | Elite Systems | No | Converted by Phantomz | Thundercats - The Lost Eye Of Thundera.rar |
Tiger Road | 1987 | Go! | No | Converted by dragon | Tiger Road.rar |
Titus The Fox - To Marrakesh And Back | 1992 | Titus | No | Converted by dragon J1B2=Music ON/OFF, J2B2=Abandon, Pause=Pauuse |
Titus The Fox - To Marrakesh And Back.rar |
Tombstowne | 1985 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz & iXien Phantomz : Joypad Button 2 to Pause / Unpause, Console Pause Button to Quit iXien : J1B1 = jump, UP = take/drop an object, Pause button to pause/unpause the game. |
Tombstowne.rar |
Tornado Low Level | 1985 | Vortex Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1=Start Game, J1B2=Mission Info Any button on J2/GX4000 Pause=Exit screen, J1B2=View/Exit Map screen ingame J2B1=Pause, Exit(x2), J2B2/DPad/GX4000 Pause=Unpause |
Tornado Low Level.rar |
Total Recall | 1990 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz & Urusergi J1B2/Any Button=Pause/Unpause, GX4000 Pause=Quit J1B1/J1B2=Pass Hiscore, J1B1+DN=Toggle armed/unarmed |
Total Recall.rar |
Totems | 2012 | ESP Soft | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1 = Rotate, J1DN=Drop, J1B2=Pause, Pause=Quit. You can redefine the controls if you want to change them. |
Totems.rar |
Tower of Rubble | 2017 | Morri | No | Converted by 00WReX | Tower of Rubble.rar |
Track And Field | 1988 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Track And Field.rar |
Traffic | 1985 | Amsoft | No | Converted by Phantomz | Traffic.rar |
Trailblazer | 1986 | Gremlin Graphics Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1=Pass Loading Screen/Start, J1B2=Music ON/OFF GX4000 Pause=Options (Menu)/Quit (Ingame) |
Trailblazer.rar |
Train (The) | 1988 | Accolade | No | Converted by dragon Spanish version.Pad 1: Button 2-Sound on/off Pad 2 : Cross/Button 1-Change view in train Button 2:Restart - GX4000 Button=Pause. |
Train (The).rar |
Trantor The Last Stormtrooper | 1987 | Go! | No | Converted by Phantomz and Urusergi You can input anything for a password so keep pressing the pause button TRANSPORTER ACTIVATION BEAMCODE is PPP, so press the console button 3 times Press the Console Pause Button or any button on Joypad 2 to skip intro and probe software screen If you can't move when you get " Stormtrooper you've looked here before " just press the console pause button or wait like 10 seconds Joypad 2 Button 1 to Pause and Joypad 2 Button 2 to Quit |
Trantor The Last Stormtrooper.rar |
Trap Door (The) | 1986 | Piranha | No | Converted by Phantomz You will need Joypad 2 for menu game options : Plug your Joypad into port 2 if you only have one Joypad. J2B1=Start/Drop, J2LT/B1=Learner/Super Berk, J2RT= Redefine, J2B2=Tilt, GX4000 Pause=Pause, Any Button = Unpause |
Trap Door (The).rar |
Trashman Goes Moonlighting | 1986 | Virgin Games | No | Converted by dragon | Trashman Goes Moonlighting.rar |
Trivial Pursuit - La Revolution Francaise | 1989 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Options. You can enter your name as 1 to 6 using the following : Joypad 1: 2 = Enter, Pause Button = Delete. Joypad 2: 1=1, 2=2, Up=3, Left=4, Right=5, Down=6. |
Trivial Pursuit - La Revolution Francaise |
Trivial Pursuit A New Beginning | 1988 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Options. You can enter your name as 1 to 6 using the following : Joypad 1: 2 = Enter, Pause Button = Delete. Joypad 2: 1=1, 2=2, Up=3, Left=4, Right=5, Down=6. |
Trivial Pursuit A New Beginning.rar |
Trivial Pursuit Baby Boomer Edition | 1986 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Options. You can enter your name as 1 to 6 using the following : Joypad 1: 2 = Enter, Pause Button = Delete. Joypad 2: 1=1, 2=2, Up=3, Left=4, Right=5, Down=6. |
Trivial Pursuit Baby Boomer Edition.rar |
Trivial Pursuit Genus Edition | 1986 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Options. You can enter your name as 1 to 6 using the following : Joypad 1: 2 = Enter, Pause Button = Delete. Joypad 2: 1=1, 2=2, Up=3, Left=4, Right=5, Down=6. |
Trivial Pursuit Genus Edition |
Trivial Pursuit Young Players Edition | 1988 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2 = Options. You can enter your name as 1 to 6 using the following : Joypad 1: 2 = Enter, Pause Button = Delete. Joypad 2: 1=1, 2=2, Up=3, Left=4, Right=5, Down=6. |
Trivial Pursuit Young Players Edition |
Turbo Chopper Simulator | 1989 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2/J1B1=Pause/Unpause. During Pause, GX4000 Pause/J1UP=Infinite Lives=Skip Level |
Turbo Chopper Simulator.rar |
Turbo Esprit | 1986 | Durell Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad Button 2 for Map On / Off, Move around map with the Dpad Console Pause Button to Terminate Game and Restart ( One life at a time ) Use Joypad Button 2 to Pass highscore table |
Turbo Esprit.rar |
Turbo Girl / Turbo Bike | 1988 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer options : J1B1=Yes, J1B2=No. Up=level1, Left=level2, Right=level3 J1B2=Jump, Pause button to pause, J1B1 to unpause. Pause button if wish to redefine controls. |
Turbo Girl - Turbo Bike.rar |
Turbo The Tortoise | 1992 | Hi-Tec Software | No | Converted by Ayor61 Joypad Button 2 for Joypad Select Joypad button 1 for Game Start |
Turbo The Tortoise.rar |
Turrican | 1990 | Rainbow Arts | No | Converted by dragon Joypad 1 Buttton 2 for Energy Lines, Joypad 1 + 2 (press at same time) for Grenades Press Console Pause Button then Joypad 1 Button 1 for CHEAT MODE (99 almost everywhere) Joypad 2 Button 2 to Skip Level, Don't skips pasted 5.2 ( Last Level ) or game will crash Joypad Button 1 + 2 to reset to level 1 |
Turrican.rar |
Turrican 2 | 1991 | Rainbow Arts | No | Converted by dragon intro->button2 Condole Button to Pause The high score only admit abcd+1 enter,2 delete, the poke in the high score=DDDDD To change the level with the poke button1 pad2 |
Turrican 2.rar |
Twinworld | 1990 | Ubi Soft | No | Converted by Phantomz On main menu using joypad 2 : UP = Keyboard, LEFT = Joystick, RIGHT = Start game While playing on joypad 2 : J2B1 = Select weapon, J2B2 = Shopkeeper, DOWN = Pause game |
Twinworld.rar |
Twin Turbo V8 | 1988 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1UP=Start Game J1B1/B2=Accelerate/Brake, J1UP/DN=Gears GX4000 Pause=Pause/Unpause, J2B1=Quit |
Twin Turbo V8.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
U.N. Squadron | 1990 | U.S.Gold | No | Converted by dragon | U.N. Squadron.rar |
Unpredictaball | 1992 | Video Images | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B2/J1B1=Pause/Unpause, GX4000 Pause=Quit. |
Unpredictaball.rar |
Untouchables (The) | 1989 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1=Start, GX4000 Pause=Pause, (X2) to quit, other key tu unpause. J2b1=Skip Level |
Untouchables (The).rar |
Uridium | 1986 | Hewson Consultants | No | Converted by CraigsBar | Uridium.rar |
Usagi Yojimbo | 1988 | Firebird | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer : J1B1/B2=Yes/No, Main Menu = Joy 2 + Pause (don't forget to change from Practice to Game) GX4000 Pause = Pause, any button to Unpause. Keep pressing the pause button (or any button on Joypad 2) to pass highscore table. |
Usagi Yojimbo.rar |
Uwol 2 Quest For Money | 2011 | The Mojon Twins | No | Converted by McKlain | Uwol 2 Quest For Money.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
V The Visitors | 1986 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | V The Visitors.rar |
Vampire - Phantomas 2 | 1986 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by dragon | Vampire - Phantomas 2.rar |
Victory Road - The Pathway To Fear | 1988 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by dragon On title screen, use Button 1, define Joy1, then Up, define Toggle for P2 Button 1 for 1 Player, Up for 2 players |
Victory Road - The Pathway To Fear.rar |
Vikings (The) | 1986 | Kele Line | No | Converted by Urusergi GX4000 Pause : Pause(x1)/Quit(x2). On Pause, J1B1/B2: Return (Normal/Silent Mode) Cheat Menu J1B1/B2: Yes/No |
Vikings (The).rar |
Vindicator (The) | 1988 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Part 1/2/3, J1B2=Toggle/Bombs/Toggle. GX4000 Pause=Pause (1X), Quit (2x). |
Vindicator (The).rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Warhawk | 1987 | Firebird | No | Converted by yurif74 | Warhawk.rar |
Warlock | 1987 | The Edge | No | Converted by Urusergi | Warlock.rar |
Wanderer 3D | 1988 | Elite Systems | No | Converted by Urusergi J2B1=3D/Mono, J2B2=Quit, J2UP/DN=Speed Up/Down,J1B2+Direction=Fast Turn |
Wanderer 3D.rar |
War Machine | 1989 | Players Premier | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer: J1B1 = Yes, J1B2 = No J1B2 = Grenades / Continue on " You are now dead! " screen |
War Machine.rar |
Way of the Exploding Fist (The) | 1985 | Melbourne House | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Joypad 2 Button 2 on Loading Screen to see different coloured version Press Joypad 1 Button 2 to Select 1 or 2 Player game - Both Joypads now supported Press Joypad 1 Button 1 to Start Game Quit game with Console Pause Button |
Way of the Exploding Fist (The).rar |
Way of the Exploding Fist+ (The) | 1985 | Melbourne House | No | Converted by Phantomz Press Joypad 2 Button 2 on Loading Screen to see different coloured version Press Joypad 1 Button 2 to Select 1 or 2 Player game - Both Joypads now supported Press Joypad 1 Button 1 to Start Game Quit game with Console Pause Button |
Way of the Exploding Fist+ (The).rar |
Wec Le Mans | 1988 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz 1 to use Joystick = Up and Down for Accelerate and Brake, Fire to change Gear 2 to use Defined Controls = after you have Redefined Controls Preset Defined Controls = Button 1 and 2 for Accelerate and Brake, Up to change Gear Console Button to Quit game |
WEC Le Mans.rar |
Werewolves of London | 1987 | Ariolasoft | No | Converted by Phantomz To highlight icon = Joy2 Dpad Left and Right, Pause = Joy2 Button 1 (Pause is deblocked with GX4000 pause key) Quit = Joy2 Button 2 ( Whilst Paused ), Increase or Decrease Music Volume = Joy2 Dpad Up and Down |
Werewolves of London.rar |
West Bank | 1986 | Dinamic Software | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1 = Start game, Use Joypad 2 d-pad for menu options, J2B1 = Pause, J2B2 = Music on/off |
West Bank.rar |
Who Dares Wins II | 1985 | Alligata Software | No | Converted by Phantomz | Who Dares Win 2.rar |
Whopper Chase | 1987 | Erbe Software | No | Converted by Urusergi | Whopper Chase.rar |
Wild West Seymour | 1992 | Codemasters Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Press the following Buttons multiple times to enter codes: Act2 - Enter Code with Pad2 Fire1 Act3 - Enter Code with Pad2 Fire2 Act4 - Enter Code with Pause Button |
Wild West Seymour.rar |
Wild Bunch (The) | 1985 | Firebird | No | Converted by dragon & Joseman | Wild Bunch (The).rar |
Winchester | 1988 | Chip | No | Converted by dragon | Winchester.rar |
Winter Games | 1986 | Epyx | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 2 Button 1 = Move through the options Joypad 2 Button 2 = Select option Joypad 2 Dpad select number of players 1 = Up, 2 = Left, 3 = Right, 4 = Down To enter your name/s, you can press the console pause button for p then the joypad 2 dpad for number, then Enter with joypad 2 Button 2, So you could enter names as p1, p2, p3, p4 etc if you wish. |
Winter Games.rar |
Wizball | 1987 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz New title screen, stack overflow fixed (prevents corruption at level 6), J1B2 = Select Bonus. |
Wizball.rar |
Wonder Boy | 1987 | Activision | No | Converted by pmeier (select number of buttons) / Phantomz and Urusergi (all other versions) Phantomz/Urusergi versions : J1B1/B2 = 1P/2P Game, Pause button = Pause/Unpause, J1B1 = Quit current game |
Wonder Boy.rar |
World Class Leaderboard | 1987 | US Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz Number Of Players : J1UP/LT/RT/DN=1/2/3/4. Player Level : GX4000 Pause/J2B1/J2B2 = Professional/Amateur/Kids J1B1=Enter |
World Class Leaderboard.rar |
World Games | 1987 | Epyx | No | Converted by Phantomz Enter names with J2 UP=1, LEFT=2, RIGHT=3, DOWN=4. J2B1=confirm, J2B2=delete. Direct press J2B1 when you have eNough players on name entry. Then UP and DOWN to change "Is this correct?", J2B1 to confirm. Pause Button to QUIT. |
World Games.rar |
World Series Baseball | 1985 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by dragon | World Series Baseball.rar |
World War Simulator Part 2 (The) | 2018 | Retrobytes Productions | No | Converted by iXien | World War Simulator Part 2 (The).rar |
Wriggler | 1985 | Blaby Computer Games | No | Converted by Phantomz Any Button=Pass Title Screen, J1B1/J1/B2/J2B1 = Start Game/Instructions/Redefine Controls J1B2/J1B1/GX4000 Pause = Pause/Unpause/Quit. GX4000 Pause=Enter for highscore. |
Wriggler.rar |
WWF Wrestlemania | 1991 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by dragon Return=1 Space=2 |
WWF Wrestlemania.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
X-Out | 1989 | Rainbow Arts | No | Converted by Phantomz Joypad 1 Button 2 = Trigger Secondary Weapon System Joypad 2 Button 1 = Bring In The Drones Joypad 2 Button 2 = Choose Secondary Weapon System Console Pause Button to Pause, Unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 CHEAT MODE To earn money very easily Just take a ship and throw in the trash directly (without buying) The trash is symbolized by the little alien in the bottom right |
X-Out.rar |
Xenon | 1988 | Melbourne House | No | Converted by Phantomz Trainer: Joypad 1 Button 1 for Yes, Button 2 for No Level Select is Joypad 1 Button 1 or UP = Level 1, LEFT = Level 2, RIGHT = Level 3, DOWN = Level 4. Press Button 1 on Joypad 1 to Start game, or use Joypad 2 Buttons 1 and 2 for Menu Options Joypad 1 Button 2 to Change Mode, Pause with Console Pause Button, Unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 |
Xenon.rar |
Xevious | 1986 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by Phantomz Joy2 Button 1 to start one player game, Joy2 Button 2 to start two player game |
Xevious.rar |
Xor | 1987 | Logotron | No | Converted by Urusergi | Xor.rar |
Xybots | 1989 | Domark | No | Converted by Phantomz Use Joypad 2 for Player 1, Player 2 Uses Joypad 1 by default |
Xybots.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Yie Ar Kung-Fu | 1985 | Ocean Software | No | Converted by Phantomz Menu = Joypad 1 UP for HighScores, Button 1 and 2 for 1 or 2 Player, DOWN to Redefine Keys Joystick by Default, Press 1 or 2 to start Pause with Console Pause Button, Unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1 Whilst Paused press Joypad 1 Button 2 to turn music on / off, this also unpauses the game Whilst Paused press Joypad 2 Button 1 to Quit game |
Yie Ar Kung-Fu.rar |
Yogi Bear | 1987 | Piranha | No | Converted by 00WReX Joystick / Gamepad control, Fire button to start. Console 'Pause' button to Pause, fire button to resume. |
Yogi Bear.rar |
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Z - Comme Zark Davor | 1985 | Rino Marketing | No | Converted by iXien English version (known as Z-Pilot) |
Z - Comme Zark Davor.rar |
Zaxx | 1986 | Chip | No | Converted by CraigsBar French Menus |
Zaxx.rar |
Zombi | 1986 | Ubi Soft | No | Converted by Phantomz J1B1 = Select actions / Cancel if tape options are selected by mistake / Fight Zombies (keep hitting it) J1B2 = cancel actions J1 left = Move selector / Really quit if the trash game option is selected J1 right = Move selector / Continue game if the trash game option is selected J2B2 = Invert the action If you don't want to have to keep hitting J1B1 to fight zombies, also included is a CPR with an exclusive auto attack feature ;) |
Zombi.rar |
Zona 0 | 1991 | Topo Soft | No | Converted by dragon | Zona 0.rar |
Zone Trooper | 1988 | Gamebusters | No | Converted by dragon | Zone Trooper.rar |
Zorro | 1985 | U.S. Gold | No | Converted by iXien Press J1B1 to use the sword, J1B2 to play/stop music, PAUSE to quit game. |
Zorro.rar |
Zox 2099 | 1987 | Loriciels | No | Converted by iXien | Zox 2099.rar |
Zub | 1987 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz Pause=Launch game/select level on menu screen, scanner during game. J1B2=Duck Poked version gives "No harm from droids" |
Zub.rar |
Zynaps | 1987 | Hewson | No | Converted by Phantomz This is the new CPCwiki version |
Zynaps.rar |
Need a fix
Games on this list miss the criteria to be fully playable on joystick. Sometimes, they are not playables, sometimes only a little part is unplayable. Hence it's up to you to decide if you want to try and play them on your GX4000 nevertheless.
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | Problem | File |
Killer Cobra | 1987 | Mastertronic | No | Converted by Phantomz | Need a fix - Graphic corruption | Killer Cobra.rar |
To look at :
Beyond The Ice Palace : Report
GX4000 Compatibles Demos
These demo files have been converted to .cpr and tested on a GX4000.
Name | Year | Author | Use Plus Features? | Description / Comment | File |
Amaury | 2019 | Roudoudou | Yes | Amaury.rar | |
Barbar | 2016 | Benediction | Yes | Converted by Devilmarkus | Barbar.rar |
Battro | 2015 | Batman Group | No | Converted by McKlain - size fix by gerald | Battro.rar |
Eerie Forest | 2017 | Logon System | Yes | Eerie Forest.rar | |
NQ! Music Disc | 2018 | TGS & skrju | Yes | NQ! Music Disc.rar | |
Schnapps | 2019 | TGS | Yes | Evoke 2019 | Schnapps.rar |
Wolf - RPG Preview 1 | 2016 | Dirty Minds | No | Wolf - RPG Preview 1.rar | |
X-Mas 17 | 2017 | AsT/iMPACT | Yes | X-Mas 17.rar | |
X-Mas 2008 (Special Edition) | 2015 | AsT/iMPACT | Yes | Converted by Ast | X-Mas 2008 (Special Edition).rar |