
464Plus Conversion

148 bytes added, 13:42, 12 July 2012
/* Preparing The PCB */
C21 and C23. These connects will still be required after the mod, so you will need to remove and later re-connect the bottom end of these wires to the legs of the capacitors. Take note of which wire goes to which capacitor!
Although most of the parts are concentrated around the bottom right area of the PCB, there are a few other parts hidden around the board that need to be added. R28 (Directly behind the analogue joystick port) tells the ASIC that the CPC has 128K instead of 64K. R55 (between the ASIC and first RAM IC) connects the NCAS1 signal to the new RAM. LR04 and C39 (above the 26way floppy header) are required to supply the floppy disk with power. C39 is the only passive component with poles. Make sure that it is soldered in the correct position, with the minus pole towards the rear of the CPC.
== Adding The New Parts ==