
Direct Disk to Cartridge Port

192 bytes added, 20:55, 14 May 2011
/* Price */
Yet people were not interested in buying an expensive cartridge with no or few advantages when the CPC version could be bought for cheaper and played on the Plus.
(Cartridge UK prices: cartridge games were sold at £39.99, while disc versions were normally £15.99 and tape version was £11.99. Blank discs were £3.99 each.French prices: 250Fr for cartridge, 150Fr for disc and 100Fr for tape.Blank discs were 20Fr each. (Fr = French Francs, pre-Euro currency in France).
Most games with CPC and PLUS versions are "Almost Direct Disk to Cartridge Port", a "Direct Disk to Cartridge Port" with small modifications. The use of the extra Plus features varied a lot. Some didn't use much, others used more.