

177 bytes added, 20 May
/* The MOUNT.COM utility */
You can get a list of the available CP/M disk images or partitions by running ''MOUNT -L''<br />
You can mount one of the available CP/M disk images or partitions by running ''MOUNT <mount point>,<hard disk>'' where <mount point> is a number from 1 to 4 indicating the HDCPM disk number and <hard disk> is a two digit number from 00 to 99 for CPMDSK00.IMG to CPMDSK99.IMG respectively, or P1 to P4 for partition 1 to partition 4 respectively.<br />
|[[File:Hdcpm-mount-1.png|thumb|MOUNT Help]]
|[[File:Hdcpm-mount-2.png|thumb|MOUNT Display mounted disks]]
|[[File:Hdcpm-mount-3.png|thumb|MOUNT List available disks]]
==Error messages==