

1,193 bytes added, 14:33, 1 August 2022
* One not partitioned FAT16 or FAT32 formatted hard disk. You can place one to four CP/M disk image files in the root directory. Every disk image file is accessed as a separate hard disk by CP/M.
* One FAT16 or FAT32 and one to three CP/M formatted partitions. You can place one to four CP/M disk image files in the root directory of the FAT file system. Every disk image file is accessed as a separate hard disk by CP/M. CP/M disk images have priority over CP/M partitions so if you have three CP/M image files and three CP/M partitions then HDCPM will mount the three CP/M images and only the first CP/M partition. If the first partition on your hard disk is formatted to FAT16 or FAT32 then HDCPM expects to find the file CPMDSK01.IMG in the root directory. Failed to do so the system won't boot.
* For interfaces that use SD card or USB flash drive as a mass storage device ([[M4 Board]], [!/ USIfAC II ] or Symbiface III) the only supported configuration is one to four CP/M disk image files in the root directory of the FAT file system.
Currently only the master IDE device can be accessed by HDCPM. The slave device is available to be used by your favourite DOS.<br />
** [[uIDE 16]]* (base address = &FEF0)
** [[M4 Board]]*
** [[!/ USIfAC II]]*
** [[Symbiface III]]*
* and a compatible storage device with enough free space to accommodate the desirable CP/M hard disk configuration.
Using the ROM:<br />
* Install the HDCPM ROM in a free ROM slot of your ROM box.
* Plug in your Symbiface II compatible IDE interface, [[uIDE 16]], [[M4 Board]] or [!/ USIfAC II ] and attach the proper mass storage device.
* Power on your Amstrad. You should see the ROM initialization message: 'CP/M+ Hard Disk boot loader v1.04 (S2)'. The type of interface found will be show inside the parentheses:<br />
** (S2): Symbiface II compatible interface
** (uI): [[uIDE 16]] interface
** (M4): [[M4 Board]]
** (US): [!/ USIfAC II]
** (S3): Symbiface III<br />
In case a RTC is detected you will also see the RTC initialization message and the current date and time: 'RTC found: 2021/01/01 12:01'
<br />
Using the binary:<br />
* Plug in your Symbiface II compatible IDE interface, [[uIDE 16]], [[M4 Board]] or [!/ USIfAC II ] and attach the proper mass storage device.
* Use your original CP/M Plus system disk set to Boot CP/M Plus.
* Use the provided HDMGR.COM utility in order to format the disk image or partition and transfer the .EMS file to the reserved track. Change the start-up drive letter to that of your first CP/M hard disk.
* You are ready to go.<br />
==ROM commands==
* |HDCPM mounts the hard disks and boots CP/M Plus. If [!/ USIfAC II ] is used enable the USB disk with the |USB command first.
* |HDCPMT works like |HDCPM but also utilizes the RTC.
* |HDDPB shows the Disk Parameter Block.
* |TIME displays the current time. If [[M4 Board]] is used |DATE and |TIME will be redirected to M4 |TIME.<br />
==The HDCPM binary file==
* If [!/ USIfAC II ] is used, use your PC to copy HDCPM.BIN to your USB flash disk. Then insert it to your [!/ USIfAC II ] power up your Amstrad and enable the USB disk with the |USB command.
* Execute the file from the floppy disk or from your mass storage device with RUN"HDCPM". HDCPM will detect your mass storage interface and you will see the initialization message: 'CP/M+ Hard Disk boot loader v1.04' Then it will mount any available hard disk images and boot CP/M Plus.
* [[M4 Board]] and [!/ USIfAC II ] use their own FAT aware DOS so you can run HDCPM.BIN directly from their mass storage device. For all the other interfaces you will need to have a FAT aware DOS, like CubeMDOS or UNIDOS, installed.<br />
==The MAKEIMG.BAS and MAKEIMG.EXE utilities==