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Talk:CPC Forever

1,574 bytes added, 12:03, 13 September 2006
::: I agree completely with Kangaroo.. This is the chance for creating a completly new "thing" for the CPC.. Much more coherent than anthing currently existing! --[[User:Ygdrazil|Ygdrazil]] 09:55, 13 September 2006 (CEST)
::::Same for me, too. I think it is a great idea (and I already talked with Kanga and Tolkin about that on the Xzentrix meeting). Only one thing gives me a headache: the backup. It should be possible to do a backup from the outside of the Wiki, because I never want to see something like or LIP6 again. People put so much work in this wiki and so we should think about something like on Wikipedia: [ Database Download] We talked about a simple script which creates a SQL dump and stores the uploaded data (maybe run weekly) --[[User:Octoate|Octoate]] 12:01, 13 September 2006 (CEST)
::::I both agree and disagreem so let's keep this discussion going :) It's one thing hosting some rare file, and another something of a wide circulation. Also, it's one thing hosting a more or less rare dsk (which cannot be found on the online archives), which is a few tens of kb big, and another thing hosting a PDF of several megabytes.. I was going to say that we could perhaps host interesting video files, but then again Google Video does that so much better...
:::: Then again it's the issue of archiving. Right now Kangaroo's interface allows me to back the whole thing up, package it and download it (I think). Which is ok for a few megabytes, but can you really handle it if it gets out of hand? Already it's getting pretty big with all the files that have been uploaded... So, although I think that indeed the chance of creating a completely new "thing", as Ygdrazil put it, is exciting, we _must_ use some common sense about the files we can use. Otherwise it may become a cancerous "thing", growing out of all proportion and becoming... what? The CPC ueber-archive? Shall we decide to mirror all the DSK archives out there?
:::: Ok, maybe that could be the case. But we need to agree on it first instead of it becoming a fact on its own. And then, where do we stop? Will we also become a new GameBase, duplicating the Zone's content?
::::Just give your thoughts... By the way, I'm agiant rying to fix the upload problems. But I CAN'T GET IT TO WORK, FOR THE LIFE OF IT!!! ARGHHHHHH!!! [[User:|]] 14:03, 13 September 2006 (CEST)
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