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Chip Tune

61 bytes removed, 07:17, 9 March 2011
General cleanup, typos
(From Wikipedia:) ''A '''chiptune'''This page is a stub, it may contain some inaccuraciesor chip music, is music written in sound formats where all the author apologies for this, yet you can contribute if you find such oddities or simply knows sounds are synthesized in real time by a lot on the or video game console sound chip, instead of using sample-based synthesis''  {{#ev:youtube|YSnb4beoSy4|300}} 
==Media impact and controversies==
The so-called world famous Timbaland (american suckesfoul American successful musical producer) was part of a controversy the day he was suited by a finnish Commodore-scener for having ripped entire parts of of one of his song into a Nelly furtado hit. I knew he was a talentless overrated robber.
In a way it is better the amstrad is not touched by such phenomenon...
'''Real Amstrad CPC chiptune scener'''
* [[Fela Borbone]] and his [[Mierdofón]]