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Laser Basic

141 bytes added, 20:26, 26 March 2009
The secret of advanced games programming from [[Ocean IQ|Ocean IQ]].
From the cover:<br> ''"Turn your computer into a professional games writing machine for fun and profit!  Laser Basic adds 200 new commands to Amstrad Basic and includes an extended interpreter, a sprite/graphic designer, 3 sets of pre-defined sprites, a sound generator and full demonstration program.  Easy to use, with a very comprehensive manual, packed with examples."''<br>
== Covers ==
Image:Laser Basic Tape 2 - side A.jpg|Tape 2 - side A
Image:Laser Basic Tape 2 - side B.jpg|Tape 2 - side B
== Disc ==
<gallery>caption="Laser Basic">
Image:Laser Basic Disc - side B.jpg|side B
Image:Laser Basic Disc - side A.jpg|side A