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Speccy Port

136 bytes added, 13:27, 19 January 2020
/* Screen dimensions */
* The gameplay is similar because the player sees the same amount of map and there are the same number of enemies and they move in the same way.
* Graphics/levels would not need to be designed for a wider screen (e.g. in mode 1, 320 compared to 256)
* For a smaller screen less memory is used for the screen (16KB vs 12K). Unused areas can be used to store graphics, code and music.For a CPC screen at &c000, the unused areas are: c600-c7ff, ce00-cfff, d600-d7ff, de00-dfff, e600-e7ff, ee00-efff, f600-f7ff, fe00-ffff
=====Random numbers=====