
Amstrad/Schneider Printer Control Codes

86 bytes added, 20:01, 9 September 2010
/* DMP2xxx/3xxx Printer Codes (sorted by number) */
|Perform One-shot n/216 inch line feed (n=0..255)
|1B 4B n1 n2 lo hi .. ||27 75 n1 n2 lo hi .. ||ESC "K" n1 n2 lo hi .. ||Graphics
|Print 8-pin 60-dpi graphics (same as ESC "*" 0, see there) (density of ESC "K" can be redefined via ESC "?")
|1B 4C n1 n2 lo hi .. ||27 76 n1 n2 lo hi .. ||ESC "L" n1 n2 lo hi .. ||Graphics
|Print 8-pin 120-dpi graphics (same as ESC "*" 1, see there) (density of ESC "L" can be redefined via ESC "?")
|Double width mode (continous) (00h=Off, 01h=On) (unlike DC4 and SO: one line)
|1B 59 n1 n2 lo hi .. ||27 89 n1 n2 lo hi .. ||ESC "Y" n1 n2 lo hi .. ||Graphics
|Print 8-pin 120/2-dpi graphics (same as ESC "*" 2, see there) (density of ESC "Y" can be redefined via ESC "?")
|1B 5A n1 n2 lo hi .. ||27 90 n1 n2 lo hi .. ||ESC "Z" n1 n2 lo hi .. ||Graphics
|Print 8-pin 240/2-dpi graphics (same as ESC "*" 3, see there) (density of ESC "Z" can be redefined via ESC "?")
|1B 5E d n1 n2lo hi .. ||27 94 d n1 n2 lo hi .. ||ESC "^" d n1 n2 lo hi ..||Graphics|Select Print 9 -pin graphics mode number of columns = n1 + at selected density (n2 similar to ESC "* 256) (" d=density, 0=single, 1=doublesee there for details) . Allowed density for ESC "^" is officially only d=00h..01h (specs don't say unknown if 202h..6 06h do work , too) . hi:lo specifies the number of dot columns (each column is a the number of 2-byte pair: pairs) (byte1.bit7..bit0=upper..lower, byte2.bit7=lowest, byte2.bit6..bit0=unused)
|1B 62 c .. 00 ||27 98 c .. 0 ||ESC "b" c .. NUL ||Tab