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UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

2 bytes added, 16:01, 13 March 2017
/* BOMs */
For self assemblers, I drew up a parts list broken down by board with Farnell order numbers. I recommend you shop round for these parts, after seeing what they look like on Farnell. Also, you have options where there are alternatives shown. In particular, with the edge and IDC connectors, consider how you wish to mount and connect the boards and select the connector appropriately. The exapansion interfaces are designed to have an edge connector soldered to the back of the board, so that it sits over the slot with the components facing away from you (if you are sitting in front of the computer), but if you choose to use a 50 way IDC connector (with cable to expansion port) then you can mount it on the component side of the board.
[[File:All board BOM2.csv|framed|All Board BOM]]
== Connectivity options ==