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84 bytes added, 11:54, 11 March 2015
/* Keyboard options */
You can use zipped disk images too. If there is more than one DSK image in the zip file, treat the zip file like a directory, e.g. "-flop1".
==Keyboard optionslayouts==
MESS generally supports two keyboard mode command line optionsmodes: * '''emulated''' (the default; keys are assigned based on key positionon the emulated hardware) and * '''natural''' (command line option "-natural"; based on the character generated by a key, e.g. pressing "z" will always generate a "z" on the emulated system, even if the keyboard positions are different).
In If you have e.g. a German keyboard and want to use emulated keyboard mode, keys can also be remapped from the emulator menu: first press ''Scroll Lock'' to enable the start MESS control keys, then press ''Tab'' to open the menu, and finally select ''Input e.g. with (this systempath on Linux)'': sdlmess cpc6128 -keymap -keymap_file /usr/share/sdlmess/keymaps/km-de.txt
If you have e.g. a German keyboard and want to use In emulated keyboard mode, start MESS with "-keymap -keymap_file /usr/share/sdlmess/keymaps/km-dekeys can also be remapped in the emulator menu.txt" First press ''Scroll Lock'' to enable the MESS control keys, then ''Tab'' to open the menu, and finally select ''Input (Linuxthis system) or something similar so ''. ''Return, Esc'' clears an assigned key. Note that MESS will know where the umlaut ''Delete'' and ''Backspace'' keys etc. are located swapped on the emulated keyboardbecause of the CPC keyboard layout. So you may want to reassign those.