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2 bytes added, 21:02, 27 June 2016
/* Solavox and CPC */
'''Solavox''' is also included in the CPCs alternative manufacturer names, which are predefined in the BIOS ROM, and are jumper-selectable via [[8255|PPI Port B]]. Amstrad was apparently planning to allow Solavox (and some other companies) to redistribute the CPC computers.
Of these pre-defined brand names, only [[Amstrad]], [[Schneider]] (german German distributor) and [[Awa]] (australian Australian distributor) were used. Another distributor was [[Indescomp]] (spainSpain), this company wasn't included in the BIOS ROM, and so, Indescomp CPCs usually displayed [[Amstrad]] in the boot message, for some reason (maybe accidentlyaccidentally) a few Indescomp CPCs displayed [[Solavox]]. For best confusion, this happened in '''Indescomp U.S.A.''' models, whilst Solavox / Comet Group are '''UK''' based companies.
== The "Solavox" CPC 6128 ==