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No change in size, 12:56, 5 February 2013
Also, sorry I can't find the 472's actual sale price, but I would expect it's slightly more than the 464 was. After all, if all your competitors are suddenly having to sell much more expensively or have been effectively priced out of the market altogether, whilst you've found a handy loophole, you can afford to raise the sale price a little. So long as it's still below whatever the home-grown Spanish competitor is.
* (* or at least, most of what they want, and the idea of the rest of it; after my Micro 1000 hi-fi stopped working after a bit too much physical abuse, I spent ages trying to find another system that did all the actually useful things it did with a similarly low price and a minimum of useless fussy extras. For at least a couple of years I instead struggled on using it with a bodged repair using a matchstick, a paperweight and some blu-tack before I found an outwardly dowdy but internally excellent Grundig that I could afford. Both of them still lurk at the back of the cupboard in my flat needing various minor repairs, not quite broken enough for my heart to stand throwing them out...)