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1,309 bytes added, 12:39, 29 August 2006
/* Protection? */
* ''The actual version (system .8) is 3 months old.''
: The OS is 16years old, not the actual still unfinshed version. In any case this ad-phrase doesn't belong into a Wiki article. Please see other articles.
Actual system .8 (exact that version you can download) is fully functional and working. The hald of it is new written. And ok, some just perfect routines are still 16 years old, because the run pretty well, so why they should be changed.
* ''the length of a file is only limited by the space on disc or harddisc (that means 5 MB for the Dobbertin HD20). Look at routines TEILA/TEILB and TEISI/TEISK. I told that before.''
: Bizarre routines. Do you really think, that someone will use it? And what can I do if I want to access the last part of a 4MB file? You even dont use it by yourself in this "filmaker" (or how it is called), as you split the file into 16k ones. Strange.
Please don't use polemics, when you're just wrong again. Filmemacher is NOT the OS.
* ''there is memory management (for example use EFER).''
: Not mentioned. Will you describe it in the "future", too? And please do some improvements on your label naming, believe me, it's very embarrassing.
As I told numerous times before, the documentation will be updated after 9.9.2006.
* ''may be that nearly all serious CPC software is written in Z80 assember, so where is the problem???''
: Advertisement.
That phrase is not from me. Originally there stod that the OS is written in Z80 assembler. So what's your problem? That is just an information, as like that other OSes are written in C for example.
* ''the OS needs only RAM from &A000 to &BFFF. That are 8 KB not 48 KB. Read again. More RAM is only used when DIRectorys have to be buffered. Normally maximal 16 KB more.''
: No comment. I read and experienced something completely different. Read your own manual or rewrite your OS.
Everybode read the same, expect you.
* ''There is support for 7 Bit and 8 Bit printer output (CPC old genereation or CPC-Plus, which use different ways to print 8 Bit characters).''
: Yes, and no printer support. Big difference.
Pfff, that's just your oppinion. Maybe you understand something differecnt as support than me. Maybe the CPC is no PC.
* ''Serial interfaces support will be documented after XzentriX 2006, as I wrote before.''
: Great.
''Your second mail was censored, because in the FutureOS-ML is no place for defamations. I explained you that in detail in the mail I sent you some days ago.''
: Didn't receive it. If you call questions and facts "defamations" it's not my problem. Unbelieveable behaviour. Good, that you can't censore something here.
Yes, right, your behaviour is really unbeliveable. If you don't like FutureOS, why don't you keep it for yourself. I don't see any help coming from you, just negative stuff.
''So I hope to clear some things here.''
: Not really
: Greets to all, who are able to create a CPCWiki account.
Greets to you, you have learnt to increase your kind of polemics. But you are still no help for cpc-wiki.
:: Please try to finish this discussion. I don't like to unprotect the article until this has been done. It seems, that Rode already tried to program with FutureOS and made some experiences. Did anyone else do it beside TFM and Rode and can participate here? -- [[User:Prodatron|Prodatron]] 13:53, 28 August 2006 (CEST)
It only seems that he tried to program, if he really would have tried it he wouldn't argue that way. He just don't like FutureOS, so he tries to trample on it.
::: As the past has shown the discussion will never be finished. I dont like the idea of unlocking the article because I know what will follow. There should be an objective article that is only changed by administrators if necessary. Sad but true. --[[User:Villain|Villain]] 17:05, 28 August 2006 (CEST)
Yes the article should be protected against users, that only want to discredite the project.
:::: The article will remain locked for the time being. It's really unfortunate that events are taking such a turn, at a time when the wiki is expanding at a good rate, which means that someone will have to keep an eye on all that is being written. Let's see if the discussion cools down a bit, then decide. [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 18:26, 28 August 2006 (CEST)
Anonymous user