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49 bytes added, 9 May
/* The 6845 Registers */
|7||Vertical Sync Position||x0000000||30||When to start the VSync signal, in characters.
|8||Interlace and Skew||xxxxxx00CCDDxxII||0||CC: Only in CRTC0. DD: Only in CRTCs 0, 3 and 4. 00: No interlace; 01: Interlace Sync Raster Scan Mode; 10: No Interlace; 11: Interlace Sync and Video Raster Scan Mode
|9||Maximum Raster Address (aka Number of Scan Lines) (-1)||xxx00000||7||Maximum scan line address on CPC can hold between 0 and 7, higher values' upper bits are ignored