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(uIDE 16 board specifications)
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Revision as of 12:43, 7 February 2017

uIDE 16 is a universal Z80 IDE card that can be configured for use on the CPC range of computers.

As of now (Feb 2017) it is in the design phase, but the board has been laid out:


More details will follow soon, but for now, here is a brief feature list:

  • Compact design, only 4 ICs and a smattering of discreet components. Board measures 78.99x59.59mm (will probabbly upsize it to 80x60)
  • Can be connected to the expansion port or internally via a Z80 shim card (note, this requires a socketed Z80).
  • Driver supports CP/M Plus only at this time.
  • CP/M driver runs the IDE device in LBA / 8 bit mode, so DOMs or CF cards are recommended (up to 128MB).
  • Fully programmable I/O address decoding (via on-board jumpers). Initial I/O range (for the CPC driver) is FEF0-FEF7.
  • Can be used on any Z80 computer with a socketed processor.