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214 bytes removed, 14:48, 29 August 2016
# 1. General
ASCII Tools was initially created in 1988, its by D. Karalis and developped until the end of 2004.Its virgin name was CPCWRITE. Themain idea was to create a set of Tools for the CPC range maschines machines similar tothose for the MS-DOS computers.
For many years, CPCWRITE was left unfinished. In 2004, the grow of interest for
the CPC maschines machines in the internet pushed the development of ASCII Tools. The
main task was to create a set of tools to deal with big source code files like
C, Fortran, Turbo Pascal, transfered transferred from Windows or MS-DOS Systems to Amstradmaschinesmachines. Code was developed on an upgraded Amstrad CPC6128 that is still
working properly after 17 years.
# 2. Requirements (CPC range)
 # ------------ 2.1 Minimum Configuration 
>CPC computer
> 57k TPA
 # ------------ 2.2 Installation
Tools can be directly executed by editing A>TOOLS under CP/M plus.
-load CP/M plus by typing |CPM.
-If a memory expansion is present this will be automatically verified. The The amount of free RAM will appear on screen assigned as drive C:
-type A>MODE 2 to shift to 640x200 (320x200,160x200 are also available)
-type A>FAST to activate fast CRT I/O
where xx:
80 DS for a 80 track double head drive (720k) 80 SS for a 80 track single head drive (360k) 40 DS for a 40 track double head drive (360k) 40 SS for a 40 track single head drive (default - 180k)
-type A>palette 0,23 or 0,63 to set colours in case of a color monitor
-type A>TOOLS
Any other drive B driver can also be installed prior ASCII TOOLS execution,instead of SETB, eg. RamDos (800k) or MS800 drivers (360k).
# ------------ 2.3 Expansions and peripherals
Tools support most of Amstrad peripherals such as:
# 3. Drive Definitions
Drives can be defined when entering filenames. The following can be used:
B: External FD
C: Memory Expansion
D: Dobbertin HD20 hard disc
# 4. Commands
 # ------------- 4.1 Getting Started 
- Verify.
Shows data stored in cache RAM.
 # ------------- 4.2 Large Text File Support (LTFS) 
All ASCII Tools commands Support Large Text files.
is normally used. That means that the user has to split the virgin file into
pieces of 178k (max) before transfer.
- Build.
40.BLK (100 lines of text, pargraph i)
User can post process each block separetely and build the initial source file when task has been finished. Blocks can be also appended in Cache Memory. Block routine is drive-demanding. Source file, Destination drive (C:, B: A:), temporary file (B:temp) and maximum directory entries (64/128/other) are required as an input. If during blocking directory becomes full, user will be asked to insert a new disk in Destination drive. If a memory expansion is present, job is less time consuming. CP/M TYPE command can also be used (A>Type C:*.BLK) to check all block files.
In case of source codes, block routine CP/M TYPE command can split procedures, functions, and main code modules into seperate blocksalso be used (A>Type C:*.BLK) to check all block files.
In case of source codes, block routine can split procedures, functions, and main code modules into seperate blocks.
# ------------- 4.3 Peripherals 
- Print.
Sends text file to the parallel Centronics printer port. No specific printer is assigned. Printers used for Windows Systems worked properly.
- Transfer
be created is 796k (RamDos drivers).
 # ------------- 4.4 Typing 
- Create
A very simple Editor just to be used as a simple Notepad. 80 charachters per
no size limit.
 # ------------- 4.5 Commands and Modifications 
- Crypt.
Converts a text file to a cryptogram. The file is then impossible to be read
 # ------------- 4.6 Other 
- Logbook
Quit to CP/M plus. This updates logbook and resets cache memory.
 # ------------- 4.7 Advanced 
- Out.
Translates the specified source ASCII code numbers file to the equivalent
text file. The source file must follow the form described previously.
- SuperPen
See Amstrad Manual, Chapter 7, page 8 & 54 for more details.
9 - MEMCHK.COM - TPA check in order to run ASCII Tools
10- SETB.COM - Drive B drivers
# 6. Software updates
- February 2004 -
ASCII Tools v.1 was presented at the [[COM II|CPC Meeting II ]] organized by [[TFM]]
Software Updates:
- April 2004
ASCII Tools v.2 published for free download at PCW king Internet site
- May 2004 - Developing v.3
1. Routine added to translate text files to equivalent ASCII code numbers
2. Routine added to translate ASCII code numbers to text file
3. SuperPen developed to create single text lines of any ASCII code supported by the system4. MEMCHK.COM, a TPA check routine included in disk taken from Janus/ADA installation disk.
5. SETB.COM included in the original disk taken from XEXOR disk
6. CP/M plus loader with RAM expansion recognition placed in original disk disc for fast boot.
7. Several CP/M plus commands included in the disk.
- August 2004
Project terminated and v.3 was published in PCW king Internet site
Best regards to all
CPC fans around the