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'''''CPCtelera''': Astonishing fast Amstrad CPC game engine''

[[File:cpctelera_logo.jpg|right|450px|CPCtelera Logo]]

'''[ CPCtelera]''' is a multiplatform framework for '''''developing games''''' and multimedia software for Amstrad CPC. '''[ CPCtelera]''' runs either on ''Linux, OSX and Windows (with cygwin)'' and makes it easier to start developing games in '''C''' or assembly languages for Amstrad CPC.

'''[ CPCtelera]''' is also thoroughly documented, has a complete reference manual and the code is comented in depth.

== Starting with CPCtelera ==

* Download latest release from '''[ CPCtelera main project page]'''.

* Follow '''[ install instructions]'''

* Start programming and consult the '''[ Reference Manual]''' for API details.

If you wanted, you can also get latest under-development versions from [ its Github].

== Features ==

=== Low-level programming API functionalities ===
* Draw normal and masked sprites
* Draw solid colour boxes and speed up sprite trail erasing!
* Reproduce audio and sound effects
* Create fade-in / fade-out effects with your sound FX and music!
* Mix-up sound effects with music, using the 3 audio channels for both at the same time!
* Draw strings and characters using ROM characters without using firmware.
* Change the complete hardware palette and individual palette colours
* Draw very fast tiles aligned with character lines in the screen.
* Change default screen video memory location (do hardware double buffering!)
* Synchronize with VSYNC
* Change Video Modes (0, 1, 2 and undocumented mode 3!)
* Measure performance of your game loop (and know how many free CPU cycles you still have for doing more things in your routines!)
* Scan the keyboard for pressed keys with the fastest keyboard scanning routine available!
* Disable and re-enable firmware operation at will
* Enable and disable lower and higher ROM access
* Optimize array storage using bitarrays (arrays of 1-bit, 2-bit and 4-bit elements available!)

=== Project creation, management and integrated build system ===

* Integrated set of compiling and generation tools (SDCC 3.4.3, iDSK 0.13, Hex2Bin 2.0, 2cdt)
* Easy and automated project creation and management
* Automatic generation of CDT and DSK files
* Program completely in C, completely in Assembler or mix both languages at will. You won’t even have to touch a line of the build system!
* Automatic generation of obj/ folder with all the intermediate object files (Never mess up your src/ directory!)
* Automatic generation of binaries, assembler output, symbol files and everything you need for debugging your program.
* Automatic identification of your project source files in C and ASM (.c and .s). Add new source files to your src/ directory and they will be automatically recognized an compiled!
* Automatic detection of src/ directory structure up to 1 level of subfolders without any modification!

=== Authoring tools and command line tools ===
* Create your musics with Arkos Tracker
* Create your sprites, tiles and maps with Retro Game Asset Studio 0.97! (And export them directly to CPCtelera C Array!)
* Convert any binary file to C Array and include it in your project with cpct_bin2c
* Convert a big sprite in a C Array into tiles of your desired size with cpct_sp2tiles!
* Convert old sprites in assembler CPCRSLib format into C Arrays with cpct_rgas2c!

== License ==

'''[ CPCtelera]''' is distributed under [ GPL v3 License]. If you wanted any other specific license to suit your needs, please contact us.

== Contact and support ==

If you wanted new features, found any bug or want to contribute to the development, look for [ CPCtelera's Github project].

If you wanted to contact us, send us an email to []