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114 bytes added, 14:56, 9 July 2014
'''Thank you very much for supporting our product!'''Write the introduction text...
By choosing the PlayCity board, you have acquired a high-quality product which will set new standard features for
Amstrad and Schneider CPC 464/664/6128 range of computers.
Its most important features are:
* 6 audio channels sound with programmable frequency (stereo line out and speaker mono mix in).
* 4 counter/timer channels for programmable interrupt (including NMI).
* IM2 vectorized interrupt support.
* Raster lines interrupt support.
* CRTC hardware CURSOR interrupt support.
* The LIGHTPEN pin is rooted to a 4 pins LIGHT PEN/GUN connector for plugging compatible hardware through an adapter.
==Hardware Installation==
The PlayCity board use this feature to be sure that the CTC and YMZs circuits are properly reseted before using them.
== Light Pen/Gun connector ==
For making easier to adapt Light Pens/Guns from other systems or new ones, we added a 4 pins connector to the board. The connections are labeled in the board as VCC (+5V), TR (Trigger or D7), LS (Light Sensor) and GND.
Making the system compatible with [[Amstrad_Magnum_Phaser|Amstrad Magnum Pasher]] games, the most accuracy light gun system for CPC.
==Counter/Timer Circuit==