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Advanced Z80 Machine Code Programming

854 bytes added, 03:03, 27 March 2014
Created page with "[[Image:Advanced Z80 Machine Code Programing (Interface).jpg|right|thumb|250px|Frontpage]] == Information == {|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}} |Title:|| '''A..."
[[Image:Advanced Z80 Machine Code Programing (Interface).jpg|right|thumb|250px|Frontpage]]

== Information ==

{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}

|Title:|| '''Advanced Z80 Machine Code Programing'''
|Authors:|| William Nitschke
|Publisher:|| [[Interface Publications]]
|Year:|| 1985
|Pages:|| 343
|ISBN:|| '''0-907563-90-2'''

== Contents ==



01. Design.
02. Structure.
03. Getting the Message Across.
04. Organising Information.
05. The Computer Game.
06. The Business Program.
07. The Vicious Circle.
08. Special Applications.

Appendices :

A - Glossary of Terms.
B - Program Conversion.
C - Hexadecimal Conversion.
D - ASCII Control Codes and Characters.
E - Summary of Z80 Instruction Funtions.
F - Alphabetical Listing of Z80 Instruction Set.


[[Category:Books]] [[Category:Book cover]]