Charley's Comms ROM was an unfinished communications package by [[ChaRleyTroniC]], intended to be installed on ROM.
Unusually for the time, it could communicate reliably at speeds of over 2400 baud, and supported file transfer protocols such as XModem-1k and YModem. Versions were developed for both the KDS and Amstrad/Pace serial interfaces. Like comparable programs such as Commstar, there was both a menu-driven terminal mode and a set of RSXs for the programmer to use.
The program was never completed, but the source code is available on the [[ChaRleyTroniC Source Code Collection]] disc.
Unusually for the time, it could communicate reliably at speeds of over 2400 baud, and supported file transfer protocols such as XModem-1k and YModem. Versions were developed for both the KDS and Amstrad/Pace serial interfaces. Like comparable programs such as Commstar, there was both a menu-driven terminal mode and a set of RSXs for the programmer to use.
The program was never completed, but the source code is available on the [[ChaRleyTroniC Source Code Collection]] disc.