
Technical information about Locomotive BASIC

128 bytes added, 12:27, 10 July 2013
/* BASIC Display of Floating point numbers */
=== BASIC Display of Floating point numbers ===
* Numbers are displayed to 8 9 decimal places.
* If the number doesn't have a fractional part (e.g. .0) then the fractional part is not displayed.
* Trailing zeros (zero digits after the last digit in the fraction) are not displayed
* The value is always rounded in the following way for display: If the 10th fractional digit is 5 or above, then the number is rounded up to 8 decimal places when displayed. If the 9th decimal place was 10th fractional digit is 4or below, it would still cause then the 8th digit to be number is rounded up when down.e.g. 0.1234567891 is displayed as 0.1234567890.1234567895 is displayedas 0.12345679
=== floating point example in RAM by MaV ===