
Connector:Expansion port

1 byte added, 19:09, 29 April 2013
/* Signal Descriptions */
* +5V (5V power) The CPC power output is not able to supply many peripherals. This power output should be used to power IC's and used as a signal reference only.
* φ 4Mhz 4MHz Clock* A15-A0 (Address bus; Output from CPU). A15-A0 form a 16-bit address. A15-A0 are used to specify a memory address or a an I/O address.
* /BUSAK (Bus Acknowledge; Output from CPU). When /BUSAK="0" the CPU is signalling that control of the address bus, data bus and output signals has been released, and the device can take control.
* /BUS RESET (Bus Reset; Input to ???)??