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MC-Paddy I

174 bytes added, 14:44, 27 October 2012
[[Image:UNiX1.JPG|right|thumb|300px|MC-Paddy I (1989)]]
'''MC-Paddy I (1989)''' was the first of three "only 72 hours"-Demos created by the swiss trio [[Asterix]], [[TMP]] and [[Warlock]].
The name MC-Paddy stands for MC (Machine Code) Paddy (Party) and was to be understood as a bit of a programming marathon.
Two other MC-Paddies followed this one: [[MC-Paddy II]] and [[MC-Paddy III]].
[ MC-Paddy I Demo (Download)]
{||-| [[httpImage://|none|thumb|300px|MC-Paddy I (1989)]]| [[ gif|none|thumb|300px|MC-Paddy I Demo (Download1989)]]|}
[[Category:Demos]][[Category:Demos 1989]]